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lol im not THAT stupid. if i wrote a paper on 2girls1cup, i would get an A+. my papers are golden. ******* GOLDEN!
you go/went to bmcc? i don't know anything about bmcc except a little about their emt/paramedic dept. i go to laguardia
yea..I remeber sitting in some classroom looking at the river and daydreaming .....right before I got dismissed

why laguardia? u like it there?
that's cool. you probably make a lot more than i could ever hope for in ems. sometimes i think maybe i should have picked a different field. whatever. it's cool. you like business admin?
yea. its not about what I make though...If u dont like urs, I forgot ur in or somth?. change it.
nah, im in paramedicine. it's not that i don't like it, it's that the pay is really shitty. right now im making 10 an hour which isn't bad i guess considering i just got into the field but as an emt, im not gonna go much higher than that. maybe like low 20s with experience and luck. as a paramedic, im not gonna see more than around 55k a year, and thats after a couple years experience. it's not about what i make either. i didn't get into this field for the money. i just think it's messed up that i have all this expertise, im out there putting my life on the line every day, it's a high stress job, i'm opening myself up to law suits on every call i go to just for helping people and i make less than a freight elevator operator. but like i said, i didn't get into this field for the money. so ill do this for a couple years and go into something else. i just gotta decide what. right now im considering either med school or be a firefighter but i wanna stay in ems for at least 5 or 6 years. im probably gonna get licensed as a cpr instructor in a few months and after i get my 2 years experience, ill probably try to be an emt instructor so that will bring some more money in my pocket but i just think we deserve more credit than we get.
gosh...neither one is good. firefighters...everycall ur not opening urself to a lawsuit..but ,i dont know, death. Hopefully, u find ur passion...
yeah i mean firefighting is a dangerous occupation but they give you the necessary training to watch your back to a certain extent. it's an exciting job. you're providing the community with a service and that's something feel good about and i don't know, it's worth the risk in my mind. especially with the pay. 8 days a month, close to 100k a year. right now, it's just a thought. as i get further into the field i'm in now, ill see it firsthand and gain more knowledge as to what the job entails, especially after i get into fdny, which im planning on applying for soon after getting my license, and ill make my decision based on that. right now though, im not thinking "i wanna do this" but just "i wanna do something." i've got time before i finish up this current degree and ill be thinking about what i really want to do in the meantime and hopefully ill come to a good conclusion.
Occipudding said:
lol im not THAT stupid. if i wrote a paper on 2girls1cup, i would get an A+. my papers are golden. ******* GOLDEN!


I think probably you would get expelled are at the very least suspended if you had handed a paper in like that.
I have seen a little of that yes, LMAO they are very funny. Didn't know they was a hole lot of vids of that tho

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