Funny Relationship Stories

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Dec 2, 2010
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Ontario, Canada
Thought this might be fun and good for a few laughs and a detour from the normal relationship threads. Ever have a moment in a relationship past or present, that has always stuck in your mind that was pretty funny? Maybe your S/O accidentally said something that they shouldn't have that turned out to be funny. Like for example, my cousin once blurted out in front of her current boyfriend that she tried giving oral to a past boyfriend and she didn't like it, and wouldn't do it again. (the expression on his face was priceless, he looked so disappointed). Now maybe you story isn't quite that TMI (I really didn't need to know that about my cousin and she said this at a bar) it could be something as cute and innocent as mine.

This was when I was like 10, hey it was the eighties, and I had this girlfriend who insisted I take her cabbage patch doll to class with me. Now, I did not want to do that, but I did it anyway (she was kind of bossy). If I didn't do it then it meant I didn't love her. Now during lunch I accidentally spilled my orange juice, with nothing to wipe it up with...except...oh yeah you know where this is going. The cabbage patch doll was wearing a cotton jumper and a diaper so, I soaked up the spilled orange juice with it's butt. To say the least this did not go over very well with my girlfriend and she broke up with me. But man did I ever get a laugh out of the class for doing it. My girlfriend felt if that was the way I was going to treat our child :rolleyes: then I wasn't good boyfriend material. :D It was okay though because I wanted to kind of break up with her anyway and it was probably the funniest breakup I've ever had.
Yes that was really and a quirky way to break up your significant other. I bet she's still mad at your for doing that in her cabbage doll. :D
haha thats funny :D i have load of stories but the one bursting out of my mind right now goes back to when i was at high school, i used to be bad at math so i went to this private teacher who gives me lessons for money, i wasnt alone their was lots of other student from other schools , we were about 15 kids suck at math, in this lesson i met this boy who was very sweet and have this beautiful shy smile, his face goes red when girls look at him or talk to him, after a while we dated then once we went to the movies and he was so different , he wasnt shy, he was a real bad boy... after a while i noticed he was a complete head fresia cause one day he have this sharming character and one day he was an *******.....end of story, i was dating 2 guys not one, really i was... they were twin !!!!!!!! identical twin
Only thing I can think of is this one kid in a high school Astronomy class. The teacher really liked to break us up into pairs to work, and so when this happened the first day, two people were left without: Me, and him. We started working together, and we realized we were both really smart, we worked together every day. This was all good fun, but then he would pick on me. Fortunately, I was used to this by now, so I always stabbed back; Sometimes, twice as hard. This went on for some time, until something dawned on me. My parents always tried to tell me that the boys that picked on me had crushes on me. I always thought that was bullshit, but maybe not in this case. So I threw it at him, "You only pick on me because you like me." and it hit him like a brick. He had no come back that time, and I liked that I finally won. He liked how I was quick and witty. We started dating shortly after that.

Buuuut, we're not together anymore. :p Whatever.
I remember the first time Lori and I swap vechicals. One of those couples bonding thing.. I had a sports car and she had a 4(4 Jeep.
Being a woman as she is...she wrap a **** pink bandana around the sideview mirrior to give a womans touch...a bad ass jeep.hahahahaa

So...I got pulled by an SP..I guess he had been chasing her. All he said was ..Where is Lori and Why are you driving her? That was his reason for stopping me.hahahahaaaaha
I just gave him a look and a smirk...
as if to said..."Lori is home in bed resting from having sex all night,
Im drivinger her truck cuiz Im fuckng her....ya fucken dork " :p
cuz thats what she N I had been doing all night...I wasnt lying...Mr fucken peace keeper.hahahaha
LOL Crow that must have left him speechless.

@Emma, maybe you were dating twins, they could have been swapping out. ;) I never did that, but I've hear about other twins doing it, there were these two twin girls I knew that I was told did that with a guy one was dating. They both liked him so they shared him.
Well,this isn't a relationship story,but I feel it can fit in.

April 2010. A friend (girl) of mine asks me and her group of friends (guys and girls) to spend the night at her place in a kind of "slumber party" as her birthday party.

So,we go to the place,she has an awesome basement with tons of stuff and just below the stairs to the basement there's a small "hallroom" where me and my best friend/bro decided to sleep there with her sister and her friends
Side Note: Her sister decided to bring some (girls) friends in aswell since they were throwing a party anyway
Her sister and her friends were all 14/15 at the time and most of them from out of town

So,anyway,all of us messed around until about midnight. At that time,me and my friend decide to go in the improvised room were our friend's sister and her friends were (side note: even though we were/are three years older,we were still the same size/bigger than them). We *made a move* till... I don't know,3AM? We hung around the other group aswel every now and then,but we were mostly in a small place behind the stairs so we didn't knew what time it was.
The mother came downstairs and told us to sleep or else she would throw all of us out so we "faked sleeping" and basicly got all pretty close to each other.

Fast forward two hours and we all are dizzy as hell,most of the other group (in the actual basement) is asleep ,me and one of the girls in our group were left alone in said space and she says to me:
"With all that happened to me today... my heart is racing"
I,with a confident smile,me says:
"Really...? Let me check your pulse..."
Stupidest line ever (mini-PUA ftw)
So there I go,I hold her hand and after some other small advances... we "cuddle" (I don't know if I'm using the right word) in one corner of the room,if I remind correctly,until the sun rose (7/8 AM)

The problem is... the rest of our friends were hearing from the other side of the door so that line was used and still is to "joke around" whenever I'm talking to a girl or even the dating subject comes up. Awesome.

There is also other line that they use to do that,but I prefer not to mention it cause:
-It has nothing to do with relationships
-It's one of the most embarassing thins that already happened to me.

:p This thread wins
LOL Poueff that's such a cute story. Typical of guys your age to tease you, and hey if it works then it wasn't that bad of a line. They are all just jealous. :D

There is an embarrassing story thread around here I think.
I don't mean just guys,actually my friend who was with me doesn't even rememeber it (he was doing *eh ehm* more important things that night) but it's mainly by two of the girls of the other group (who are also one of the closest to me)

So it's all fun. Cheesy,but still.
SkuzzieMuff said:
Only thing I can think of is this one kid in a high school Astronomy class. The teacher really liked to break us up into pairs to work, and so when this happened the first day, two people were left without: Me, and him. We started working together, and we realized we were both really smart, we worked together every day. This was all good fun, but then he would pick on me. Fortunately, I was used to this by now, so I always stabbed back; Sometimes, twice as hard. This went on for some time, until something dawned on me. My parents always tried to tell me that the boys that picked on me had crushes on me. I always thought that was bullshit, but maybe not in this case. So I threw it at him, "You only pick on me because you like me." and it hit him like a brick. He had no come back that time, and I liked that I finally won. He liked how I was quick and witty. We started dating shortly after that.

Buuuut, we're not together anymore. :p Whatever.

I think this is adorable! :)

Onetime...someone was kncoking on my door really hard. So I rushed out of the bath tub , grab a towl to through on me...I thought it was an emergency. Si when I open the door there was this little old lady in her 70s or somin...She asked me if I could please get my dog or puppy to be quite...I was like "OK"
I went back to take a bath.
My GF was in the bathtub..
She asked me what was that all about...I said...Oh just some old lady looking for a lost dog...
My gf was like..ok, now finiish what you started.. Shes a screamer :p
I got married in London and my now ex-husband was from an Arab country. He wasn't Arab but had a lot of the customs and norms. One day a close friend of his that he hadn't seen in awhile came over to visit. I watched from the living room as he gave his friend a full-on body hug and they very loudly kissed each other on the face. And they lingered for a minute, like really close. I swore they kissed on the lips but was never really sure because I wasn't standing close enough to see. My first thought was "oh my god, I married a gay man".
Oh, it was a huge learning curve for me that first year or so we were married - lol

Onetime my GF n I were visiting her duagther in SD...So she N I decided to go out for a romatic evening on the town..Told her kids we would be back..
It was sweet..her daughters was in her 20s...she help to dress her mom all smexy...
anyway after dinner my GF N I decided to go parking @ a secluded beach area
We didnt get home until 2 PM...
Her duaghter N her BF..started ingerigating if they were parents..asking us were we been..that they stay up all night waitng N worring about us..lmao

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