Guilty or not guilty game

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I don't do driving, so not guilty.

Have you ever drank so many energy drinks that you can't stop shaking?
Guilty, I would not be a reality now...and might be hard in the future. But then sometimes it is better the devil you know, I would be happy with finding a quite corner of this one on or maybe Scotland.

Ever thrown something into a neighbours garden (for the record I have not).
Yes. In the middle of a gymnasium assembly during a moment of silence for a formal somber front of my boss, and bosses boss, and my bosses bosses boss. UGH. makes me blush thinking about it. lol

Have you ever spoken to someone...thinking that they were speaking to you, only to find that they were addressing another person?
Frequently, there's another person at the office that shares the same name as me

Do you keep a secret stash of something that you don't want anyone else to find? Nothing illegal something like IDK, Godiva chocolate perhaps?
Yes. Thank goodness for a tall 4x4 truck and a horn beeper.

Have you ever fed a worm to a baby bird - like a robin in the nest?
Not guilty but sounds great.

Have you ever chased any livestock that got out of their pen?
OMG guilty .... Cows, sheep, horses and pigs. - all at different times for different reasons. LOTSA fun...not. ;-/

Has your cat ever had baby kittens ?
Not guilty. Just lucky. Many " did I break something ??" moments

have you ever eaten raw asparagus ?
Not guilty. Is it nice?

Have you mailed ripped up junk mail back to the sender in their pre paid envelope?
No but like how you think LOL

have you ever drove a vehicle with live stock in it ?
Guilty -ish. Not a Large truck - but my pick up with a few piglets in the back.

Have you ever drank from the garden hose ?
Serenia said:
Not guilty. Is it nice?

Have you mailed ripped up junk mail back to the sender in their pre paid envelope?

I've never tried asparagus from the store - but fresh raw asparagus tastes like raw peas! and sweet :)

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