Guilty or not guilty game

Loneliness, Depression & Relationship Forum

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not guilty

have you ever picked up more things to buy than you had money so you had to leave some behind at the counter?
not guilty
have you used sickness as an excuse to refuse a meet-up but the truth was you were just too lazy to go out?
If I have something to say, I'm probably going to say it regardless of who it offends. It's not intentional, but I'm not avoiding it either.

Have you ever averted WWIII by playing Tic Tac Toe?
guilty. not the kind of abusive hit though

have you recycled your clothes for another day of use?
Guilty (only my jeans though)

Did you ever take the last one or last piece of something delicious (like a homemade dessert), knowing that someone else wanted it?
guilty! why would I let them take that? :D

have you ever daydreamt or fantasized that your Hollywood crush likes you very much too?
Not guilty. I'm much more interested in what's inside a person rather than the outer package and since I don't know any Hollywood stars, their appearance is all I have to go on.

Have you ever cheated in order to beat a child at a board game?
guilty? :D

have you ever bribed someone to shut them from telling your partner/wife/husband that you were seen flirting with someone else?
Nah, not guilty. When I have a partner/wife then they're the only person I am interested in romantically. I would not disrespect them by flirting with someone else.

Have you ever intentionally created drama just because you're bored?
not guilty. that is more boring than just being bored.

Have you hidden something (an object) from your partner only to see them look for it and have fun?
not guilty.

have you ever borrowed someone's pen and forgot about returning it to that person?

Have you ever used reverse psychology with someone?

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