Have you ever...

Loneliness, Depression & Relationship Forum

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No ....but I was due to go to Kent when I was 15 but didn't and a car piled into my parents car caving in the back where I would have been sitting.

Have you ever worked in Harrods?
Nope, haven't even visited, although my Mum did some of their window displays

Have you ever given a talk to a large group of people?
Yes, a special friend who's the best friend you could ever have and has a wonderful lifestyle

Have you ever wished you hadn't met someone?
No i am happy with what i have

Have you ever wished to be wealthy ?
No, but I slapped myself once :D

Have you ever been scolded in front of a crowd for double parking?
Yes, up until the double parking, then no.

Have you ever sat here for 5 minutes wondering what to ask here?
Haha, yep

Have you ever wanted to say something supportive to someone on here but were just too scared you would put your foot in it and make things worse for them?
Well I don't understand the question so everyone don't come down on me. But I suppose I will say yes. When I go out to dinner I buy my meal because I don't want the people at the next table to do it.

Have you ever seen examples from others that confirm that money is not the answer to everything?
Yes. I certainly believe in the statement itself.

Have you ever talked to yourself out loud about an embarrassing subject and then realized that someone heard what you said?

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