Have you ever...

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No....way too many feet on the floor where I work, and who knows what else.

Have you ever been mistaken for someone else?
Pathfinder said:
No....way too many feet on the floor where I work, and who knows what else.

Have you ever been mistaken for someone else?
Yeah, people think I am american/Canadian due to his I look and sound.

Have you ever eaten a pizza backwards?
Yes, all the good stuff is in the midddle! 🍕

Have you ever heard a creepy sound that made you check for monsters under your bed?
Yes, one time I heard the sound of wood creaking and thought it was one of snow White's dwarves coming to get me.

Have you ever gotten so mad you punched a hole in the wall?
Yes, I ran a group home for developmentally disabled adults at one point...one lady used to come after me with scissors almost everyday.

Have you ever cried openly, in front of a lot of people?
Define 'a lot'.

Have you ever walked out of an event/concert/movie because you fundamentally disagreed with the content?
Nope, I enjoy watching those kinds of events. Lots to debate later.

Have you ever eaten way too much in one sitting?. If yes, please list the meal.
Yes, usually Christmas dinner.

Have you ever vommited after eating because you exercised.
Yes, I took a cardio kick boxing class... way beyond my fitness level. and threw up 2x during the class!

Have you ever not washed your hair in the shower?
I'm not entirely sure how that was intended to be taken. If you mean 'had a shower, but not washed my hair' then, yes, because I often have my hair shaved down to almost nothing. If you mean 'washed my hair in some place other than the shower' then, still yes.

Have you ever given a needlessly long answer to a question that you could've answered sufficiently with a single word? :D
Yes, all too often...at least that's what my boyfriends says! lol

Have you ever eaten an entire jar of peanut butter in one sitting?
No I haven't. I know you're seriously into peanut butter Danielle - have you? :)

Have you ever forgotten an important appointment?
No I have things written on paper to always remind me

Have you ever thought your in the wrong career?
Yep for too long but then I found the right one :)

Have you ever seen someone who's died? ( a corpse not a ghost)
I make it a point not to unless I have to. The thing I loved has gone... that's just the box that they came in. I'm thinking back and I still think it's no.

Have you ever ever eaten or drank so much of a single type of food/drink that your skin literally changed colour from it?
no lol.. However, Jently, I do love my peanut butter... and could quite possible change to peanut butter color!!

Have you ever stolen anything by accident?
Yup, quite a few times actually. I go into the store, buy a few items and just leave without paying.😅

I do, however, remember eventually and go back to the store to pay. 

Have you ever gotten so angry that the world fell silent and all you could feel is a quite rage?
Can't quite remember has been a long time.

Have you ever been trapped in by a security gate for an hour with no buttons to be seen only to be told to drive up to it .......... :club:
Joturbo 's brother wrote:
No I got the brains in the family.

Have you ever been on a protest March?

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