Hello from Mandy

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Well-known member
Dec 28, 2022
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Hello,I am Mandy and in the progress of cleaning my life up.Got out of prison back last year,did a 25 year sentence for murder and regret it.Hung around the wrong people which I have a record since the age of 15.One night an ex BF wanted to rob a house and I went with him.Did and pressured me to shoot the owner.I was 17 at the time and took the plea deal charged as an adult.So far things are going well with my parents working things.Also have a second chance,got my GED last year and working at a transmission repair shop.So far the owner I am working for is impressed with me.I also have a son I gave birth to when I was 16,we are making up lost time whom is 28 now.
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Hi. I'm new here as well. Erica, 43. Alcoholic. Chronic self sabatouer. Mom died 1 year ago today. Fighting with my only son. Lonely right now and hating myself
Lucky you've got a second chance to live your life in the way you want to. It's just a shame the poor person whose home you invaded and shot dead can't say the same.
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Lucky you've got a second chance to live your life. It's just a shame the poor person whose home you invaded and shot dead can't say the same.
Prosecutor saw I was honest and got the plea deal testifying against my ex.Judge approved it.Ex is serving a life sentence without parole.The home owner was not armed.His family did forgive me,I shown remorse for what I did.Learned prison life was horrible.Back then,I did not care at all and also regret this too.
Prosecutor saw I was honest and got the plea deal testifying against my ex.Judge approved it.Ex is serving a life sentence without parole.The home owner was not armed.His family did forgive me,I shown remorse for what I did.Learned prison life was horrible.Back then,I did not care at all and also regret this too.

I never asked you to justify yourself to me. Maybe you'll find some connections on this forum.
I hope you did. What you did was wrong, but this shouldn't be a place for being hurtful like forgottenfandan was. Hope the best for you
He's using textbook manipulative language on you. Whoever is he probably gets off I'm reading about everybody's problems
I do have a boyfriend that has been keeping in the right direction as well.Met him back in January of 2022
I hope you did. What you did was wrong, but this shouldn't be a place for being hurtful like forgottenfandan was. Hope the best for you

Hurtful? I'd imagine the family members of the person who lost their life were pretty hurt, wouldn't you? I get that people can change and deserve a second chance etc. but I found the way Mandy just kind of casually brought up the fact she'd murdered someone here on her intro post to be a little distasteful to say the least.
Honestly think we could probably have like a serious conversation because you're probably very intelligent person I responded a little bit longer in a different whatever I don't know if I sent it to you about my feelings a little bit more. No I'm not f****** cool with anybody killing anybody, and there are many levels of intellect and emotional intelligence and maybe this person is lacking in both but I have someone comes into a place that literally is for people that are lonely then maybe we shouldn't just jump down their throat because being lonely sucks and tonight Suicidal Thoughts have been in my head so jumping down someone's throat that's lonely feels wrong and I'm not a whole you know death penalty like kill people for killing somebody kind of thing cuz that feels f****** stupidly redundant and I have mixed feelings about this whole thing who knows maybe it's just some stupid kid playing a joke
Hello,I am Mandy and in the progress of cleaning my life up.Got out of prison back last year,did a 25 year sentence for murder and regret it.Hung around the wrong people which I have a record since the age of 15.One night an ex BF wanted to rob a house and I went with him.Did and pressured me to shoot the owner.I was 17 at the time and took the plea deal charged as an adult.So far things are going well with my parents working things.Also have a second chance,got my GED last year and working at a transmission repair shop.So far the owner I am working for is impressed with me.I also have a son I gave birth to when I was 16,we are making up lost time whom is 28 now.
I mean since you brought it up...how does someone pressure you to kill someone? Was it you kill that man or I kill you? Did you both have guns? Did he have a gun on you? Where did you shoot the man? Was it one shot? I get that teenagers are impulsive and do stupid honeysuckle but it’s not as though you had good intentions when breaking in. Did the man wrong you in some way? When you say you’ve changed do you mean that you can’t be “pressured “ to kill again? I’m genuinely curious. I’m not being judgy about your experience. I may have been in a similar situation But have a different perspective. I believe we do things because we want to.
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I mean since you brought it up...how does someone pressure you to kill someone? Was it you kill that man or I kill you? Did you both have guns? Did he have a gun on you? Where did you shoot the man? Was it one shot? I get that teenagers are impulsive and do stupid honeysuckle but it’s not as though you had good intentions when breaking in. Did the man wrong you in some way? When you say you’ve changed do you mean that you can’t be “pressured “ to kill again? I’m genuinely curious. I’m not being judgy about your experience. I may have been in a similar situation But have a different perspective. I believe we do things because we want to.

I agree with your sentiment. It seems to me, that Mandy is passing the buck entirely onto her ex partner and not really taking sufficient responsibility for her own actions. It's the old "I was forced into it by my abusive partner" chestnut again. Sorry, but everyone has their own set of morals and their own mind. Everyone knows it's wrong to break into a house and even more wrong to kill someone. She made the choice.
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I agree with your sentiment. It seems to me, that Mandy is passing the buck entirely onto her ex partner and not really taking sufficient responsibility for her own actions. It's the old "I was forced into it by my abusive partner" chestnut again. Sorry, but everyone has their own set of morals and their own mind. Everyone knows it's wrong to break into a house and even more wrong to kill someone. She made the choice.
I didn't read anything that said she felt the act wasn't wrong. She stated the facts about her case. The law will often make deals when there is more than one person involved. Although, I can't say the law took much pity on her as she served a full sentence.
Hi. I'm new here as well. Erica, 43. Alcoholic. Chronic self sabatouer. Mom died 1 year ago today. Fighting with my only son. Lonely right now and hating myself

Welcome aboard, Erica. I'm sorry for the loss of your mother. I hope you and your son can make some peace. I'm hoping that you're quitting the active drinking part of alcoholism......I did that 21 years ago. Lonely and hating yourself eh? Been there done that too. Keep coming back here.......maybe we can all do better for ourselves, one step at a time.
Hello,I am Mandy and in the progress of cleaning my life up.Got out of prison back last year,did a 25 year sentence for murder and regret it.Hung around the wrong people which I have a record since the age of 15.One night an ex BF wanted to rob a house and I went with him.Did and pressured me to shoot the owner.I was 17 at the time and took the plea deal charged as an adult.So far things are going well with my parents working things.Also have a second chance,got my GED last year and working at a transmission repair shop.So far the owner I am working for is impressed with me.I also have a son I gave birth to when I was 16,we are making up lost time whom is 28 now.

Hello back to you Mandy. Your story is something that I for one am not really accustomed to hearing.....you've been through a whole world of experiences that are way, way outside my frame of reference. So I've got no place to stand in judgment.
Please stick around and be part of this forum. And congratulations on your GED, the job at the transmission repair shop and may you and your son have long and contented lives.

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