help me in my research please

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hey, i'm doing a little research about loneliness and i need your help; it's not that i want to make it public, i want to do this for myself, anyway if anybody will read it you will all remain unknow; if you agree fallow the instructions...
1. i will need your age and your country writen at the beggining of your post;
2. please tell your story as you want it, if possible with your thoughts included;
3. it is possible that i will send you some general questions after this;
4. if you have any questions send me a private message;
5. write your story in this thread, or if you want it to be unknown by the rest of our members, send your story to me as a private message;

angeLLblueshadow said:
hey, i'm doing a little research about loneliness and i need your help; it's not that i want to make it public, i want to do this for myself, anyway if anybody will read it you will all remain unknow; if you agree fallow the instructions...
1. i will need your age and your country writen at the beggining of your post;
2. please tell your story as you want it, if possible with your thoughts included;
3. it is possible that i will send you some general questions after this;
4. if you have any questions send me a private message;
5. write your story in this thread, or if you want it to be unknown by the rest of our members, send your story to me as a private message;


Interesting idea; why research for personal gain? Is it somwthing intended to be just gain of knowledge, sort of thing?
I'm 22, and I am from the USA, born in the east and now living in California. I'm diabetic, and have been for as long as I can remember, since I was about two years old.
I was a relatively smart kid, one of those kids everyone says, "That's a bright kid," sort of thing, not anyone special, just a little hyper, but I listened. I took the SATs when I was twelve, and did well, and I was in all the gifted classes, and was told that I should have been, though, probably, I shouldn't have been.
My brother got into gothic-style music when he was in his teens, and I thought that was a cool image; an interesting one, and an artistic visual, sort of thing, and I had just read Jurassic Park, for some reason thinking it was great literature. Crichton went on a long diatribe about the evils of dependence on technology, and being a stupid kid, I thought he was right.
So I wore black a lot as a kid, and I had some friends, but for some reason, which I really don't know, they all disappeared. It may have been that I didn't participate in any after-school activities, or anything like that, and when kids are on their own in grade school, there's opportunities for bullying, stuff like that.
I was really unhappy.
My dad signed me up for football, and while the team didn't really seem to like me, they didn't actively attack me, so while I didn't make any friends, I wasn't the focus of the team's attacks.
Over the summer I went to China, because my dad had been dropping me off for hours every weekend at a Chinese restaurant, in the hopes I'd learn some Chinese, and I REALLY hated that.
Now, I see that I learned something about different cultures during the trip, but I still think the time in the restaurants was wasted.
High school I left, went to a Catholic school, though I'm lacking belief in a god, or deity, or creator, whatever, because I thought the problem was the kids around me.
The kids at the school were nice, but I was committed to being a moody, angsty, Trent Reznor wannabe by that time (Not in the sense of being aware who Reznor was; just wearing a lot of black and thinking about all the problems in society at large I don't have power of dealing with), and by this time I hated football.
Oh, at one point I played hockey, which I DID enjoy, though I didn't make any friends.
So back to high school.
There was a really attractive girl in most of my classes, the gifted ones I shouldn't have been in, and I wanted really desperately to have sex, to touch skin, that sort of stuff.
So I wrote some of those emo notes lonely guys write, saying, well, think that movie, "Can't Hardly Wait," and never gave 'em to her, and really annoyed the people I would hang out with talking about the crush I had on the girl.
I spent time in theater, which I also enjoyed, and played violin for the musicals the school did, and made some people I'm still acquainted with, but they're not people that would ever call me if they wanted to talk.
I also learned French.
I got through three years of school, and in the last year, finally told the girl I had a crush on about the stupid, empty sexual feelings that really had little to do with her (though I didn't think so at the time), and she was nice about it, though dismissive, which is reasonable, I think, because I was the creepy guy in the coat who sat in the corner.
Then I spent a year as an exchange student in Central Europe, and really met a lot of people, and saw a lot of beautiful, moving, interesting sights, and looked at a world that'd been built through centuries of hard work, management, conflict, desire and death, and when I look at the cars in the US and how nobody walks anywhere because it takes too long, I want to retch.
But the beer was great, too, and I really enjoyed myself.
Came back and went to the first college that would have me, one not too far from my house and lived at home during school. I spent three years getting a degree in political science, I took summer classes, and got a mediocre GPA. I wanted to be a psychologist at first, but I don't have a scientific capacity, or interest, really, so med school didn't interest me, and I liked political science. I think I just heard "Sixty Minutes" and got a general idea of certain issues, so I could use that in class to fill in some gaps.
On the other hand, I know a LOT about corn, and its overuse, now.
First two years went fine, though I got frustrated living at home, and then the third year came, the year I turned twenty-one and graduated.
There was, again, a girl in one of the classes I liked who was kind of cute, and outspoken, and bright, and so I stopped and said Hi to her, she was a freshman, I sat with her at lunch and talked for a while, and she was really bright. People liked her, too, and, for some reason, she seemed to like me. I introduced her to some acquaintances of mine, all that, and got attached to the idea that someone I found interesting and pretty and likeable seemed to like spending time with me. When I say that, I mean she was huggy, and she said, "I love you," when she left, like sometimes people do (though rarely).
So I invited her to my twenty-first birthday party, along with some other people I knew, and didn't get stinking drunk; just had some wine (though I DID get stinking drunk at another party). Later, I saw her hanging out with, all over, a guy I knew, and I had mentioned to I was interested in that girl.
I again wrote a stupid letter, and she was really nice about it, actually; she still talks to me, even though she has an idea that I find this guy, who she's been dating now for about two years, to be an individual I would not mourn, shall I say.
But that really hurt.
That, and my lackluster GPA, which made making life decisions difficult, made my senior year a living hell; I felt (and still do, though I feel more, relatively, resigned to the idea) that making romantic connections is not actually part of my life in any way, and also, was afraid of what I was going to do for a job or anything, to pay for my expensive, necessary, diabetes drugs.
I got into one law school in California, which is where I'm at now, and I'm doing poorly in class (I should be studying right now, and I will be in a minute, but I just spent all spring break working on outlines). Not having a car makes things very difficult. I'm dependent on my parents putting money on my credit card, and for my tuition, because my dad (who buys my medicine, and who pays for my food) doesn't want me in debt when I graduate.
Rent's a problem, and so's the fact that I have nothing to do witn my own finances.
My parents care about me, and they want me to be happy. They got me involved in things.
I'm just not a very interesting person, my conversation is lacking, and also I'm about sixty to fifty-five pounds overweight. Also, I'm 22 and I'm bald.
The path of my life has been interesting, and not uncomfortable, and I don't like it. I don't like being alone all the time, and... It is no great tragedy. It's just life.
In another section, I asked, "What if this is as good as it gets?" By that, I mean I've actually done lots of things, and I do have people that care about me, my parents and my brother. But I'm still lonely, in that I don't have people I can call, and nobody ever calls me. I spend weekends alone out here, and nights, and I don't know if this is the typical lifestyle that people live. Is it just that I don't enjoy what other people do enjoy?
Anyway, that be my story, so if it's useful, good. If not, I got to rant for a while, which is always fun.
Same person here; I should note the school I went to wasn't a bad school, or a community college; it was actually a well-respected, well-connected school.
well Gambino (Joke) or guest, THANK YOU very muchfor helping me... as for why i'm doing this research is kind of difficult to explain...i feel better when i read other peoples stories that had the same problems and i really feel i could help myself in this way...and there are other personal reasons simillar to this one, but if you don't mind i'd like then to remain unkonw, once again thank you very much for sharing your story; Have a good day!
i've read your story, and as i can see it's not the usual problems...well at least from what i've read, actually it's pretty interesting...maybe we could talk some more, it would be great; thank you for your post and it is a useful story for me!
angeLLblueshadow said:
hey, i'm doing a little research about loneliness and i need your help; it's not that i want to make it public, i want to do this for myself, anyway if anybody will read it you will all remain unknow; if you agree fallow the instructions...
1. i will need your age and your country writen at the beggining of your post;
2. please tell your story as you want it, if possible with your thoughts included;
3. it is possible that i will send you some general questions after this;
4. if you have any questions send me a private message;
5. write your story in this thread, or if you want it to be unknown by the rest of our members, send your story to me as a private message;


i'm 16 and in australia.
all my life from a young age i have belived that everybody has a soul mate..
i had good primary school years and it was the same for high school..i did and do my schoolwork, i follow my morals and all thats sort of stuff..
i never hate against anybody until i met a this guy who claimed he loved me and wooed me into his trap of using me and taking the most sacred thing a girl can keep to herself..
i was torn.. and after he said " i never loved you and i only used you for a fresia" i never really trusted many people. after i got my heart broken multiple times i never attended class, i didn't do my schoolwork,i wore black,i wrote poems on how i felt, i refused to eat(to the extent where i passed out and i had to take iron tablets and nearly ended up in hospital for anorexia), i went out on weekends and started trouble with the cops and if i got sorrow,pain and hurt too much i'd take it out on myself by cutting..i still have the scars to prove it too..
my friends saw me doing this and they tried to help me through it all but i still felt alone
my mum knew that i was upset and hurt and she tried to get through to me..i wont listen to her.
eventually i get over the guy and realise that no guy is worth crying over..
to this day i still go through that cycle and i still play the chliche' of happy throughout the day until at night when i cry my sorrows of loneliness, sadness and for all the chaos i have experienced for all the people i care about..
i now i have to go see a councellor each week and update my diary.. my idary doesn't always help so that's why i have poems that seem to relate and help others through situations or know how to relate to me..
but still this lonliness is killing me inside and it's gradually eating away at my conshense..
LOL hope my story helps somehow and i'll be putting in some more poems too..!
thank you very much tashar_boo, any story is helpful, can't wait to read your poems!
what happened? nobody else wants to share his stories and help me in my research? :( PLEEEEEEEEEEEASE!
angeLLblueshadow said:
what happened? nobody else wants to share his stories and help me in my research? :( PLEEEEEEEEEEEASE!

:D well angeLLblueshadow, i will pass that for now, but maybe do in future.
1. i will need your age and your country writen at the beggining of your post;
2. please tell your story as you want it, if possible with your thoughts included;
3. it is possible that i will send you some general questions after this;
4. if you have any questions send me a private message;
5. write your story in this thread, or if you want it to be unknown by the rest of our members, send your story to me as a private message;

1. 23, USA
2. I am better at short stories, I hope you don't mind.

As I remember, in school (early on, like 1st grade) I was pretty solitary and tended to do things on my own rather than with other people. I was also a little different; when we did things in classes, I always seemed to be either ahead of everyone, or behind everyone, depending on what it was. For example, good at addition but bad at multiplication, etc.

As I became a teenager, my family life got rough, and I retreated into books. I read a LOT of books, and from there, I developed what I wanted to be like. So I tended to want things that you find in fantasy books; to save the world, find the perfect soulmate, etc.

Then I finished high school and got into college at around 18-19, and I started to learn about "the real world". I modified my religion until it wasn't even the same thing anymore. Made my own life and got my own ideas about thing.

Have been lonely on and off pretty much since I hit puberty...~13?
thank you very much empathy for your story!
and Vector, i'll be waiting for your story!
Empathy said:
1. i will need your age and your country writen at the beggining of your post;
2. please tell your story as you want it, if possible with your thoughts included;
3. it is possible that i will send you some general questions after this;
4. if you have any questions send me a private message;
5. write your story in this thread, or if you want it to be unknown by the rest of our members, send your story to me as a private message;

1. 23, USA
2. I am better at short stories, I hope you don't mind.  

As I remember, in school (early on, like 1st grade) I was pretty solitary and tended to do things on my own rather than with other people.  I was also a little different; when we did things in classes, I always seemed to be either ahead of everyone, or behind everyone, depending on what it was.  For example, good at addition but bad at multiplication, etc.  

As I became a teenager, my family life got rough, and I retreated into books.  I read a LOT of books, and from there, I developed what I wanted to be like.  So I tended to want things that you find in fantasy books; to save the world, find the perfect soulmate, etc.  

Then I finished high school and got into college at around 18-19, and I started to learn about "the real world".  I modified my religion until it wasn't even the same thing anymore.  Made my own life and got my own ideas about thing.  

Have been lonely on and off pretty much since I hit puberty...~13?
awww Empathy!
angeLLblueshadow, u were asking about my story!? i would never ever summeries my story better than Empathy!! i modified my religion untill it looked really different of what it's nowadays,I read a LOT of books, and from there, I developed what I wanted to be like. So I tended to want things that you find in fantasy books; to save the world, find the perfect soulmate, etc.
exactly the same story!! nearly a %99 of what you said Empathy!
and now, i'm payin for it! i must to get to know you all guys!!!! :D
ok, why not, me to.
am 32 and from the uk.

my story is at the age of 11 i lost use of my legs. eventually i got the use back but it left me with one leg shorter then the other. because i werkt funny "with a limp" it burt my spin over and know i have problems with my back.
any way to make a long story short as a result i dont work.
at school i wos never the brightest kid even be for i had lots of time off for going into hospital for one thing er a nuver.

i did always have one er two friend tho.
but know i dont really have any one that i see on a regular bases. apart from my mum.
as much as i love my mum i do feel tho that at 32 i need moor then this.
i have a friend that i could go out with every friday night if i wonted but he just gets very drunk and ends up being no fun at all.
so most of the time i just stay in.
my life is very boring and i see very little of any one.
in the last 14 years i,v had nearly zero look with girls. my last relationship ended when i had to go in hospital for op,s when i wos 18.
i have know lost all hope that i well ever meet any one.
i dont know why but something inside me just tells me that am destine to live my live alone.

well the hear and know.
i live on my own. i get very little money to live on but i never seem to struggle for any thing. not difficult to be good with cash when you haven't got a life.
i have my own car but never seem to go any where apart from the supermarket one's a week.
am not totally disabled but not totally fit ether.
i would like to go on holiday with someone that wants to go at the same speed as me. i like a drink but not every day.

am not sure wot to but actually know am not that of an interesting guy.
if any one would like to know any thing about me i would be happy to answer.:)
liked your variant Vector...nice, but i think we have a lot in common!

bluey! thank you very much for you r story i started thinking nobody else will post thank you VERY MUCH
hey, why don't you tell us Your story... I'm rather interested.... would you be so kind? ;)

P.S. please

P.P.S. Please!!! :)
Here we go.
I'm 29. My story isn't so interesting, I guess.
I've always been solitary. I've never had a friend until I was 11-12. At primary school I used to see sometimes my schoolmates but after it ended I've lost every contact with them - I barely remember some of them and now sometimes I see only one of them. At school teachers said I was kinda smart boy but I had no will to study. I preferred learning things I liked, instead of reading textbooks. I've always been depressed, since I was a kid but only now I recognize it. Because of depression I got bad marks very often.
My parents have always been concerned with 3 things: good marks, food, decent appearance. They never gave a **** about my lonelyness. They only complained about bad marks, inappetence (till I was 8-9), and shabbiness. What the hell...!! I think they didn't know how to cope with my problems, and they were too conformist to accept to see a psychologist.
High school period was the worst ever in my life. Girls didn't give a look to me and I was too ugly and shy to get a girl. My "friends" weren't so many. Maybe just one. Nothing interesting happened to me. It was a dull routine... and I didn't want to study.
1996: the beginning of the black hole. I call the years 1996-2000 the black hole because in 1996 I started to suffer from a psychosomatic symptom which led me to lock myself up in a room for several years. I was studying anyway, got even a degree but I had a few friends and I was unable to do the most simple things, like walking alone by the road. Things got better around 2000, when I felt a little better. I also met a girl from the internet but things didn't work - there was no attraction, so the thing faded out.
2006: finally I thought finally I had got the real happiness. Some months before I had met a woman. I thought we could be happy together but I was wrong. After about 3 months we split. She is so beautiful that she thought I wasn't enough for her. I curse the day I've met her, but after all now I see it was impossible to keep up this relation.
2007. I am here, doing my job. I like it but on the other hand it makes me feel blue: too few money, much stress, loneliness most of the time. What can I do? Sometimes I would leave everything behind me but I don't see anything else ahead. So things remain the same. And I'm lonely and depressed as always.
Hi keeper, I hope you find what you need and want soon... Never lose hope.

I'm 14. During my short existance in this planet, I've allways been... not alone, but cut off, ''hanging by a wire''. Anyways, when I was little, I was always the kid the others threw lego blocks at, or made fun of for reading instead of playing with them. I also was one year younger than the other kids. This is where I can apply the word bullying. For years, people picked on me and put me aside. This is where I decided to cut off the little part of me that was still connecting me to ''their'' world. I transformed myself in a ''rock'', no feelings to be seen at others sight. But I was still bullied, no matter what I did.

The only real thing I did of relevant so far was to get my school rid of bullies: after a lifetime of harassment, rugby paid off...
Hey Blue,

I'm 32, female, USA.

I grew up in a very unhealthy family life--6 kids in my family--we put the 'FUN' in dysfunctional.

My father was bitter, angry, a dry drunk who went into frequent violent rages. He beat my mother and also myself and my siblings.

My mother was molested severely as a child, and also abused by her cold and neurotic parents, so she was pretty much unavailable emotionally.

I was a very thin child up until the beginning of puberty (I was molested around that time) so I began packing on the pounds. I went to school and was harassed and in fact physically attacked and bullied.

I am not sure why; perhaps like sharks the bullies could smell the blood in the water. I supposed they knew that I had very low self-esteem (result of my father rejecting me, beating me, and generally not giving affection or approval) and that I would not defend myself.

So pretty much for about 8 years of my life I was in school and incredibly miserable. I was very bright and intelligent, but did poorly. I missed a great deal of school; I'm surprised I was allowed to graduate. I passed all of my classes and got a mix of grades from A's to B's to the Occasional C, D, or even F. (Failure mark). I think that was because I missed so much school feigning illness to avoid being bullied and harassed that I fell behind in all my classes. However I did manage to do well in some classes. I earned a score of '5' on my Advanced Placement English exam (the only AP exam I took).

In any case, I was a wreck throughout the school years, and even in college was depressed and lonely. I got involved with an abusive Arab guy who was very cold and rejecting (like my father) and that was also a big setback in my life, about 6 years of my life in emotional turmoil.

I've since graduated from college and graduate school and met a nice man, whom I married and we have a son.

I find motherhood isolating, lonely, boring, and tedious, hard work. I have few female friends and I just do the best I can to be a good mother and wife despite the depression and loneliness. That is all.
Male, 24, finland

My life story:
I haven't been lonely all my life. I used to have friends that I'd saw daily, but guess the downhill started from 14 when I started junior high. I've always been more mature than friends my age, I never understood getting drunk every friday, smoking or just having sex alot. I preferred to stay home and see my friends in the day time. High school took me 5 years to finnish instead of the 3 that most people finnish it in. I had a hard time passing one of the final exams, and they can only be taken every spring and fall, so that slowed me down.

I lost all my friends after high school. Most of them went to the army or moved some where else and continued their studies. I moved to a smaller town with my parents and little brother and later on I managed to get to a college just 10km from here. I also got my current job through my college. I should have gone to the army when I was 18, like most ppl do here, but I got in the college so I was able to postpone it. And if I had gone to the army before my college, I'd never would have got this job.

I'm a christian and I was born and raised that way, but unfortunately I don't have any religious friends that I could hang out with and maybe meet women that I like.

I currently have two friends, other I've know since elementary school and the other one for a few years, but neither one of them are close to me. We talk about school etc., but we don't talk about the deeper, more meaningfull stuff in life. I see them maybe once a month. I don't make friends easily, after high school I've made one..
I've always liked computers and since I don't drink and goto bars, it's quite hard to meet girls. But I wouldn't want a girl that I meet in a bar anyways, but I also don't go to places where the kind of girls are that I like and I don't like going anywhere alone. All of that equals no GF for me in the past, been on one date though :)
I still live at home, but been planning on moving out lately. Moving to my own appartment alone scares me a bit, I'd be alone every evening and night and i fear that it will get lonely with no people around me.
Having a excellent job that pays extremely well and living with my parents has given a change to save LOT of money, so moneywise I'd be okay when I move.

Don't really know about the future much. I still have few cources in college to take before it's done, haven't attended a single class in 1.5 years. After college I have to go to army (6months) or civil service (13months), it's mandatory here in finland. That sucks because I'd have to leave my current job for a year. I'm probalby going to civil service, because I'm accustomed to luxury things like shower and a bed, also my camping quota is full for this lifetime :) Civil service is just a 13 month job with (virtually) no salary in a goverment/non-profitable facility such as a hospital or library.

Overall I'm happy with my life. I have a loving family, money and I'm healty. All I miss are the friends and a partner to get through this life. Being alone sucks, big time. I envy people with a lot of friends and every time a relative/friend/or just someone I know, gets a girl/boy friend or gets married, I die a little bit inside :/

If you read this far, you know more about me than my friends :) and angeLLblueshadow, if you need to, you can ask me questions.
Hi Justme,

You sound like such a terrific guy! Like you, in high school I was a virgin and did not drink much or smoke at all, so I wasn't really part of the popular crowd. Well, that's what much of the popular and attractive people did--but I was also a nerd, too!

You sound like such a fine young man. I hope that you make some friends in the civil service and meet a nice girl there, too!

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