How would you respond if I.....

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I would think that maybe I didn't think this prank through.

How would you respond if your new neighbours were circus clowns?
Move. As interested in serial killers as I am, I wouldn't want to live next to one.

How would you respond if you found out your significant other was a serial killer?
Disappear and ring the police, after I had gone.

How would you respond if your other half or parent's changed your locks without an explanation.
Look for an open window.

How would you respond if your long-term partner suddenly "came out" and left you for another man/woman?
I would be upset of course, but want them to be happy in the end, and try and get on with my life.

How would you respond if you caught your other half trying on your underwear :D.
Ha, already happened. I was like "whatever." Maybe it was a sign. Lol

How would you respond if you found out your whole life was a tv show ( like The Truman Show)?
Think ok where's my wages, and then make a break for it.

How would you respond if a stranger came up to you an sniffed your hair and told you you smell nice.
Say to you, "Hey I am pretty hungry, how about you buy me dinner." :) (this is the how would you respond if I thread)

What would you do if you came home and found that I had re[laced all your furniture with new stuff?
Say hey how did you know where to find me? And by the way thanks for all the new furniture :p I was going to respond with the usual... thinking I was hallucinating !

How would you respond if I made thread in honor of you so we ALL can give you praise
Protest, and try to recommend someone who is more deserving and would really appreciate it. ;)

How would you respond if I hid treasures around your home town, and gave you a clue to find the first one?
I'd be tickled (though I'd wonder how you found out my whereabouts) and would totally go hunting for the treasure

How would you respond if I asked you to help me arrange meet ups for ALL members?
Well first I would need to know your whereabouts, ;) , then I would tell you I am not good at that sort of thing, but I would consider giving it a try.

How would you respond if I lost $100,000 dollars and you found it?
Return it. Even the slightest trace of guilt ruins me.

So, how would you respond if I returned your lost $100,000?
Give you as much of it as I could possibly afford. If I thought I could make it without it I would give you $99,000. Gotta keep at least a dollar.

How would you respond if I wanted to trade jackets with you in passing on the street?
Depends on the Jacket :). I have traded t-shirts in my wilder days lol!

How would you respond if you found out your other half had been a stripper.
Pretend that I don't know what a stripper is and ask her to show me.

How would you respond if you were invited to a party only to find out you were called because the host thought you were a stripper?
Well... After they stopped laughing hysterically when I showed up .... I would say that I came because I was expecting to get allot of lap dances by drunk horny women, because they must really be hard up to invite me.

How would you respond if average looking person of the opposite sex, asked you to marry them so they could get citizenship.... would you do it, to keep from being lonely anymore ? Or stay the way you are ?
Well thats a serious question and predicament, would have to say no though because maybe I'd want to be a citizen of their country instead or maybe I dont want to ever get married again or maybe I would think I was hallucinating :p

How would you respond if I .... pm'd you a Dating Questionnaire for Heterosexuals?

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