I am new..and I am so in need of friendship

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New member
Sep 12, 2009
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6 months ago my world completely fell apart..my partner and i had been together for four years..she left me for one of our friends..there were four of us(2 couples)myself and my ex, and her new partner and girlfriend..we all used to go places together and have days out and meals round eachothers houses..it was safe,it was my social circle,they were all the closest people in my life..and now it is all gone..
my ex is with my ex friend..my ex friends ex partner is with someone else..i am on my own wondering WHY?i am the only one in any of this who has been left out in the cold with no-one.
my ex won't even talk to me anymore,doesn't even answer my texts,i text and ask her to meet me for a coffee and all she does is ignore them!

it's like the last 4 years meant nothing to her..yet to me she was my world..i have been so betrayed by everyone..

i have no family for support..

i have very few friends..but i have found out during this time that they are only 'fair weather' friends..and now that i need their support..it isn't there..

i am so needy..not an attractive quality!

i realised yesterday that no-one has hugged me in six months..

and i feel unable to ask anyone..there is no-one..and if they did hug me i would probably burst into tears..i am always on the verge of crying..

everywhere i go..i see people holding hands,hugging,laughing together..

i have none of that..

i am so desperately unhappy
Welcome to the forum. I am sorry that you are going through such a difficult time. Hopefully you can find some direction and a degree of comfort here.
Hey, and welcome.

Ok, currently you are still grieving for the relationship that ended, and for the loss of your friends at the same time. It's only natural that something like this is going to take some time to get over. Try not to torture yourself with trying to figure out why things happened the way they did; even knowing the reason would be unlikely to bring you any comfort.

Currently, I would say you are not ready for a new relationship. Although many people do flit from one to the next, it's rarely something which will work out in the long run. It's the difference between wanting to be with someone, and wanting to be with anyone.

I also think you would be best off not texting your ex with invites for coffee. You still have feelings for her, and thus you would be meeting for ulterior motives if she agreed to it. Sometimes a clean break can be for the best.

You have been treated very poorly, and feeling hurt and upset is only natural. But you need to focus on yourself now, and moving on with the rest of your life.

All the best, and take care.
healmysoul said:
i have no family for support..

i have very few friends..but i have found out during this time that they are only 'fair weather' friends..and now that i need their support..it isn't there..

Hi, and welcome to the forum.

I'm so sorry that you feel so isolated now. It's so sad that friends can reveal their true colors just when we need them the most. :/
Hey there. :)
I'm sorry to hear that things have gone so horribly wrong for you. I hope that you can find a measure of support here.

Welcome to the forum! :)
Well, it`s awful indeed, and believe me, I can understand how you feel. :(
Let go, remember the good things, look forward to what there is yet to come.... the world means more than 4 people...and for that you need to gain your selfconfidence again by trying to enjoy simple things...the big ones and love will follow.
Love&Peace! :)

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