I challenge you: 5 things you're grateful for

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Five things, hmm, let see...
1. My parents for bringing me this world and raising me up under harsh circumstances
2. My education without it there is very little chance of my survival
3. Internet, without it there isn't much to do
4. The level of trust people show in me :)
5. And my sis ;P

...and the list goes on but I have tried to summarise it as less as possible.
1. My mom
2. My ex
3. My job.
4. My health
5. That I am alive (this one I am not sure, but this morning I feel this way).
ThinkPositive said:
List 5 things you're grateful for.

-- Thank G-d and my parents I am not homeless.
-- Thank G-d I have good health.
-- Thank G-d and my parents I have spending money and material well -- being.
-- Thank G-d I have Internet.
1) ~ I'm comfortable with my appearance.
2) ~ I've always had good health...so far.
3) ~ Growing up in a UK colony overseas (abroad, to my Brit cousins) was a priceless gift.
4) ~ I don't have to worry about money....so far.
5) ~ I quit drinking 12 or so years ago and haven't started again....so far.
- meeting my dog who is the coolest, best 'person' ever.
- my amazing taste in music
- being Welsh
- being healthy (reasonably)
-my Dad
Being able to see
Being able to hear
Being able to walk
Having a roof over my head
Having food in my belly
God in my life
My Family and Friends
The Servicemen and Women that make the U.S. a free country
Food and Drinks
The things about me that are assets
1. My family
2. That I can keep smiling through almost anything
3. That I am not as messed up as a lot of people
4. The Princess of Power
5. That I live in a country where I am free to pursue my dreams
1. My family for loving me even when they dislike me
2. My dogs for loving me unconditionally and well, for being dogs :D
3. Yoga for keeping the negative thoughts at bay
4. Finally having a job that I like and which makes me feel useful
5. Online friends who take the time and effort to keep in touch when they've not even met me.

I love you guys! :D
1. My closest family being at good health.
2. Friends I have made here, which makes me feel at home whenever I get to talk to them
3. Old friends that I can catch up with whenever there's a good opportunity for that
4. That I got the most basic comforts down. Shelter and food.
5. That I have a few things up ahead to keep me occupied if I don't break down or something.
I'm grateful for:

1) having my own home
2) being grown up enough to handle everything like bills etc
3) having the internet (sounds sad but there are reasons why)
4) cups of tea
5) having one person I can spend time with socially
5 things im grateful for:
1. my beloved parents
2. my crybaby brothers*3 of em
3. Fanta(strawberry)* dang i just can't live without em.
4. able to play so many games(any *board/consoles/pc/etc)
5. being part of this forum's family :)
1. Living in a country with access to good, caring medical care.
2. My family.
3. My close friends
4. A Neanderthal.
5. My job.

- life
- the air I breathe
- sleep
- food, drinks and cooking
- the internet and books
that I have the opportunity to live in countries with free speech and not too much crime
that even if I always end up in a rut I try to get out of it
that sometimes I feel better
the Internet! good one Wayfarer
having had enough education so that I can (almost) pick my jobs at will (ok, maybe this is too much optimism)

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