I have become isolated and lonely

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Mar 27, 2013
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Hey all,

Thought I would join you all as we have the same thing in commom and obviously it's loneliness.

I had an active social life awhile back but a few thing have happened. One of the biggest was when I was getting married a few yrs back and one of my bridesmaids and she planned to ruin my wedding...It was found out and ofcourse I gropped her from my wedding. Since then I began to isolate as I lost trust in people, it was such a shock to me that someone I was nothing but kind to would do something like that. I got anxiety issues and then some health issues which didn't help either.

So accept for speaking with someone thousands of miles away, and my husband I have now no friends left. I am female and we need usully other females to share our hearts with. My husband is great but still need friends

I live in Toronto and in my fourties. And lonliness hurts. Wishing to change this and would like to learn to be my own best friend too

Looking to getting to know ppl here of all ages, cultures and everything else to cultivate some on-line friends. I am married so I am not looKing for anything more. BTW I am writing this on my phone so excuse pls any mistakes :)
hi and welcome
i feel for u with what happened and we do tend to isolate ourselves after events like that i too am no stranger to feeling betrayed and chose to isolate myself after a very public traumatic relationship. i now try to see the good in people but find trust to be a big issue for me also.
im happy to chat anytime feel free to message me anytime x
Hi there. I am also married, physically if not mentally of similar age (shhh) and reaching out for more friends.

Welcome to the site!

I'm sure you'll find some nice people here, I have.

Wow - thats a really bad story to hear about your wedding!

Feel free to PM me if you like.
Reality sucks. Loneliness amongst other things can be very hard to deal with. I've been on the lonely road for some years now,and it's only getting darker. I used to think it would get better, but I find it only getting worse and worse. It's like the more I experience, the worse everything gets. At least we have this website where we can have genuine discussion reducing our pain to some degree...
That's indeed a horrible thing for someone to do, i'm very sorry to hear that. Not all people are like that, but i of course understand the way you feel about people as a result of that. I'd probably feel the same.

A warm welcome to the site. I hope you fiend the like minded people who you're looking for on here.
Hello Moonstone and welcome to ALL.. pretty username by the way.

Eek about the bridesmaid tried to ruin your wedding, that kind of thing i assumed only to happen in movies and such :( It is understandable it affected your trust, but just as troublesome to become too untrusting of every one as result of it. So I wish you well to overcome issues of anxiety and trust. But it is hard I know..

Maybe you could try the chat room here for abating loneliness
Hi Moonstone :) I completely agree with you about female friends. I have a wonderful fiance and two wonderful little girls, but I still feel the absence of female friends.

I'm sorry to hear about what happened. It is horrible when someone hurts you and very difficult to learn to trust again. I hope this site can help you to feel less isolated.
Thabk you, thank you, THANK YOU to everyone who responded to my post!! I seriously had tears in my eyes read all what you wonderful ppl said to me!

Tears of joy that made me feel not so alone in this world. A big hug to you all!

With the wedding, luckily I found out about it from my maid of honor what she was planning and of course I got someone else. Let's call that braidsmaid Anna, I got her a place to stay at my maid of honours place and even after I found out she still let Anna stay with her....another knife in the back. She eventually kicked out Anna for stealing, but like duh!!! The whole fiasco made me feel worthless and have really barely have gone out, cause I think there is something wrong with me. I met this Anna at a shelter that I had Volunteered at. I thought she was sweet and wanted to help her out.

I still believe in people, in helping out those who could use it, but I need to be more causious in the future though. And the wedding its self was just beautiful. I had pictures of her that I gave to security guards, so they'd know to keep her And her Boyfriend out due to further threats. Just wanted to complete a bit more of the events, which shows why the wat I am a bit.

So where in this forum to I go next?
If anyone wants to chat about:
* The Vampire Diaries
*The Real Housewives of ________
*Vitamins, supplements and Herbs
*Historical based Novels
* even the Bible, in a FRIENDLY way. LOL :)
*Building self-esteem and self improvement

I am sure there are way more things I am interested in but here are a few thing to start that I thought to put it out there :)

Happy Easter too :)
Hi Moonstone,
I've just joined this site and completely identify with what you wrote this time last year. I, too, have become quite isolated and fearful of interacting with people. I'm starting to understand how various events over the last 25 to 50 years (really) have brought me here - which is good.

I'm hoping I'll be able to talk about things to others on here in a mutually respectful way. Things like current affairs, coping with being the filling in the sandwich generation, things that make me laugh, big things and little things.

Are you still using the site? Perhaps we could explore on-line friendship, like pen pals used to be in the old days :)

I'm female, married, mother, daughter, middle-aged, Scottish, a bit left of centre, usually kind & considerate, believe in the rule of law but will defy if I am sure. I get frustrated when people want to talk in absolutes and sound bites, when in fact most issues are nuanced and full of grey areas.
Hi all, I am back :)

And thanks Sandwich for your reply! And yes - would love to discuss and chat with you. I am in a sandwhich position as well and....well for another time :)

Sorry this is such a rushed message but wanted to let you know that I am here now love :)
Hi there Moonstone - Sounds like you have had a bad time with someone you thought of as a friend. Welcome here and I am sure that you will find some! Looks like you are already on your way in fact!:)
Great you are back. I looked at your list of suggested topics. Have you read the Hilary Mantell books about Thomas Cromwell? If so, there are a few aspects of them I'd be interested in discussing. Do you know how to start a thread about that? Or would it be better just to do it by PM between our two selves?

Moonstone said:
Hi all, I am back :)

And thanks Sandwich for your reply! And yes - would love to discuss and chat with you. I am in a sandwhich position as well and....well for another time :)

Sorry this is such a rushed message but wanted to let you know that I am here now love :)

I hope you enjoy your time here.
Hi Sandwich :),
No haven't read that book. Usually when I read Historical fiction, it takes place in Egypt. There are some really brilliant ones out there. My favorite author is Pauline Gedge. She makes her books come so alive. I love watching documentaries on England's kings and Queens, in times of old. Cromwell is from the King Henry the 8th I believe, or is it Elizabeth the 1st? I think it's Elizabeth. The book you speak of is it fiction or non fiction? Oh and like watching movies on Elizabeth the 1st too.
Have you ever read any ancient Egypt novels per chance?

It is unusually cold here in Canada for this time of year and there Was some kind of water pipe breakage, wwhich has left us without any heat! Dang it's cold!

Anyway that's about it for now love. Talk to you soon :)
Moonstone said:
Usually when I read Historical fiction, it takes place in Egypt. There are some really brilliant ones out there. My favorite author is Pauline Gedge. She makes her books come so alive.

Ooh, that's bad news that the heating is off. I hope things improve soon.

I like getting recommendations for reading, so when I'm at the library tomorrow I'll see what I can find of Pauline Gedge.

The Hilary Mantell books I mentioned are a fictionalised trilogy based on the life of Thomas Cromwell who rose from humble beginnings to be Henry VIII's Secretary. I have read two of the three - they are huge volumes, so you kind of have to be brave and determined even to start them. I know from history that Cromwell was executed during the reign of 'Bloody' Mary, and when I've read the third volume I'll know more about the causes of his fall from grace, although I suspect it was because he favoured Luther and the 'new religion', whereas Mary (daughter of Katherine of Aragon) was staunchly RC.

Another historical novel I've enjoyed is The Lacuna by Barbara Kingsolver. The early chapters seemed a bit weird, but I am so glad I persevered. Her research is fantastic and in that particular novel I learned about Diego Rivera and Frida Kahlo.

All the best!

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