I wouldn't mind to date 5 men at once...as long as they pay me well.

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Dating for Love vs. Dating for Money

You treat your partner good, they'll still cheat on you and eat up every penny of yours.

You treat your money good, it'll stay with you.

Now, now, now...I know what you all are thinking.

I was once an innocent, bright-eyed and bushy-tailed young girl (or perhaps a squirrel in a previous life...) that believed in such a thing called "love".

This week will be the beginning of my "cleansing".

I am going to work hard to strip my mind of the ridiculous notion of love that I have thanks to my family's upbringing.
Life is nothing like what you see in the fairytale Disney bullshit or the Romance novels scattered about the bookstore.
(Can you believe they take up about 10+ small shelves at the Chapters near my place???)

My family has taught me that if I treat people well, they will treat me well in return.
Life has taught me that if I treat people well, they will take advantage.
There is none of this "You just haven't met the right people" for me.
I turn good boys bad.

Why not I take advantage?

It's easier said than done to suggest "Don't have expectations".
I work hard at my job - I expect to move up.
If I practice over and over with something - I expect to get better.
Why would I put forth effort and time if I knew for CERTAIN, that it would result in failure?

I never understood why people dated for money before.
I do now.
Why date for love when it'll leave you open for stress and heartbreak.
Suppose you are 1 of the few billion people out there to find true love...okay.
Good for you, but where does it leave everyone else?

Now some of you have responded to my earlier posts with comments such as:
"You're wanting to rush into a relationship too soon/ You need to find happiness within yourself etc." and so forth.
While I greatly appreciate your response...if I keep at the rate I'm going right now, I am going to die a virgin with OVER 9000!!! cats as companions.

If there's anything I could use right now, it's money.
I need money.
Yes, I know money can't buy happiness, but it can buy material happiness.
Better to be unhappy and rich, than to be unhappy and poor.
If I did not want money, I would sell everything that I have and live on the streets.
However, I like to live comfortably.

If I could have a nice home near the seaside and live in luxury, why not?
Might as well be wined and dined vs struggling together with a "partner" who will only take me for granted.

Dating is a business transaction.
No wonder none of the men I "dated" did not stay.
They paid, but I didn't put out.
I didn't put out, because my feelings interfered (Didn't feel that he cared for me/ hot and cold on me etc).

Many men I know among their buddies - they complain.
"Why doesn't she put out already?"
"I bought her A/ B/ C...etc."

Well what-the-fresia.
Why couldn't I have seen it?
He pays = I put out
That's all there is to it.
(Yes, yes...all you gentleman here...I know you're not like those guys...somehow, all the good ones are on the ALL boards.
I'm not being sarcastic - I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt for now...)

Of course, I need to kick up my appearance up several notches to land the rich men that would pay for me.



Why not?
I have placed too much value on sex for too long.
Combine it with sexual frustration and continuous dating failures, I'm crazy. :D

But I figure...might as well!
I'll have a higher chance on this paying me back than anything else.
I go where the opportunities are.
If there aren't any, then I create them.
@_@ Noooooooo

It starts with dates for money, it ends with blowjobs in a dirty car to a bald senator!

Dun do it, Luna, you're better than that.
I wouldn't sell myself in any way, body or soul. However, dating a that I love who has money = win.
Relationships are time and effort...wasted on my part.
Continuous FWB with lots of money?
I don't want to become emotionally invested at all.
hmm, the trouble with this line of thinking is that if you really expect to be payed well, you kinda have to act the part. you've seriously got to seem emotionally invested all the time he/she is around, while at the same time maintaining the private dissasociation; that's a fine line to walk. if you're talking about just moonlighting as opposed to "dating," few really make good money this way.
Badjedidude said:
@_@ Noooooooo

It starts with dates for money, it ends with blowjobs in a dirty car to a bald senator!

Dun do it, Luna, you're better than that.

Why would a senator have a dirty car? All those kick backs and lobbyist money should buy them a sweet ride.
^^^ lol I don't know. :p It just sounded right.

A nice bj in a shining Lexus with an influential policy-making Senator doesn't make selling your body sound bad, though. lol

So I'll stick with dirty car. XD
Luna said:
Relationships are time and effort...wasted on my part.
Continuous FWB with lots of money?
I don't want to become emotionally invested at all.

The big problem with this (well, out of the many) is that in these sorts of relationships, the payer comes to see you as something he OWNS.

Baby, do not EVER let anyone think that he owns you.

Badjedidude said:
A nice bj in a shining Lexus with an influential policy-making Senator doesn't make selling your body sound bad, though. lol

Oh no. It still sounds repulsive and demeaning.
cheaptrickfan said:
Badjedidude said:
A nice bj in a shining Lexus with an influential policy-making Senator doesn't make selling your body sound bad, though. lol

Oh no. It still sounds repulsive and demeaning.

How do you think riders get attached? :p
mintymint said:
cheaptrickfan said:
Badjedidude said:
A nice bj in a shining Lexus with an influential policy-making Senator doesn't make selling your body sound bad, though. lol

Oh no. It still sounds repulsive and demeaning.

How do you think riders get attached? :p

No one ever said that law-making & influence-peddling wasn't ugly.
Am I the only one that think this sounds like giving up? Luna, you talk about how men use you, and yet your solution is to let them use you more. Instead of a girl that can be pushed around/taken advantage of, you're talking about becoming an object, something to be bought, used, and discarded. Why would you constantly fantasize about doing that to yourself?
Although I get what you mean, there isn't any possible way this is something you'll feel good about long term. Sure it will be great the first few weeks/months, but your decision will follow you your entire life.

I've often thought that if I was hot and female I would take the route you are considering, but if you give it HEAVY consideration- you're just destructing yourself.

Are you seriously willing to trade your dignity/honesty/genuineness for a few dollars?

I'm not at all inferring you are considering or on the road to prostitution, but it sounds like you maybe (more or less) are flirting with the idea, possibly to a much lesser extent.

Although you might start off with the best intentions of beings honest with people, it's very easy to mislead people when money is involved.

Playing with peoples emotions in trade for cash is the epitome of the word cruel.

I don't know you but you don't seem to be that person, so I would not recommend giving it a try.

But what do I know, I don't even talk to people- if I knew what I was talking about I wouldn't be a total recluse.
Excuse me for being blunt.
It sounds like you don't even want love. Even with a possibility presenting itself you'd turn it down. All you care about is having loads of shitty material stuff, loads of money, more money, and then some. Money, money, money... Like there's nothing else in the world but money? Yes, let's grab it all we can, rest can just die, I don't care, I just must have at least 100 times as much as I actually need. To hell with rest. Ah, apparently you want sex, too. OK, fine.

Sure you've had awful experience. But it doesn't mean life is over already. Seriously, it seems like you do believe in love. Really, personally, not just being brought up that way. But because life hasn't been the way you imagined it to be so far (I'm having the same problem, btw) you decide to kill every dream you've had? And still have. It's not that easy. You'll still secretly long for it - can't live in denial all your life - and end up unhappy, unsatisfied, unloved, lonely, etc., etc. Any better than now? Doesn't seem so to me. Might get even worse. Unless all you really care about is money. I hope not.

Well, it's your life. You do what you want. Just don't make any quick decisions. Take your time to seriously consider what you want. Even if you haven't get it so far, it doesn't mean it's impossible. After all, out of 3+ milliard males out there, sure there must be at least 1 fine, right?
:D Luna your threads are funny and depressing.

You do not want to hear you just need to meet the right guy that is bullshit. So I will tell you my extreme opinion. If I were to date a girl shower her with affection and gifts. And all she did was smile and say thank you. All that is showing is that she is using me. Men want a woman for sex first, love comes second. Men pretend to want to get to know you to make you feel safe.

You do not have to put out for whoever pays for you. What you need to do is accept that dating is a way for a man to show he wants to fresia you. Maybe he wants to love you maybe you are another's trophy. You know what that is a risk you take. Instead of wondering if he wants you for love or for sex assume he wants both. Be optimistic about dating.

Me I am a very loving guy. I want a companion who I can love and be loves by. Let me say if I do not get enough sex, I promise you I will lose interest. No man will love you for your personality alone.

Hun you obviously have your pick of men. You obviously have plenty potential suitors. I wish I was in your position. So just have fun with it.
I've dated 5 women at the sametime before.
I mean how in the hell are you going find someone that you like if you don't try them out.
It's not any different than shoping for clothe. I try out different clothe to see if it fits right,
feels good. Dating is not any different.

I know you want to be love by a specail someone, Luna.
Screw all the guilt and shame and double standard crap.
Why would it be any different if I was to suggest that I guy keep putting himself out there
to ask women out until he finds that right person for him. This process is call "DATING".

I also know what it's like to be good, love people, treat your partner good and they still treat you like honeysuckle.
So a person starts questioning about all of this love bullshit....
Well pretty much all of my Ex's recently told me they want to get back with me...that i was a nice guy or the
nicest man they know....Errr wtf then??? Not just by one person told me this...all of them.
So why did they cheated on me, left me and did other stupid honeysuckle...
Will fresia me with a screw driver, it would have been cheaper and less painful for me to just get whores or pay for sex.
If I was a chick I would hang out at the bars in Hollywood just waiting for the old rich dudes to hook up with...............................girls are so lucky that they can marry into money...but why not? Life is short why not enjoy it with money.
To bad I am an ugly dude who will never be rich and will alway have to wakeup next to nobody...........................
Well Luna :p

Since you've given up on love, go find you a little rich "nerd". I've heard these type of men will shower a woman with whatever their heart desires because they've never had one. But, I don't know if that is true o.o :/.
Sterling said:
Well Luna :p

Since you've given up on love, go find you a little rich "nerd". I've heard these type of men will shower a woman with whatever their heart desires because they've never had one. But, I don't know if that is true o.o :/.

That's a pretty obnoxious sweeping generalization.

Sure, there may be some men out there whose self-esteem is so blasted that they would think that is the only way for them, but how could it possibly be satisfying to take advantage of someone like that? Just because you might think that the men would be grateful to have a woman - any woman at all - it's not necessarily so. It is just using the men for monetary gain with complete disregard for their feelings. Eventually, an affectionless relationship exacts a toll on both parties.

Everyone wants someone who loves him, yes, even the rich nerds. What's more, I think that everyone deserves to be loved for his or her own sake, rather than the size of his or her bank account. What of the poor nerds who aren't Bill Gates or Steve Jobs? I guess they're SOL. Sucks for them, huh.

There is really no need to take advantage of someone like that. It lowers the woman to the level of a whore, IMO and few things piss me off more than one woman telling another woman to go find herself a rich man to glom onto. There are enough gold-diggers out there already - why try to create them?
cheaptrickfan said:
Sterling said:
Well Luna :p

Since you've given up on love, go find you a little rich "nerd". I've heard these type of men will shower a woman with whatever their heart desires because they've never had one. But, I don't know if that is true o.o :/.

That's a pretty obnoxious sweeping generalization.

Sure, there may be some men out there whose self-esteem is so blasted that they would think that is the only way for them, but how could it possibly be satisfying to take advantage of someone like that? Just because you might think that the men would be grateful to have a woman - any woman at all - it's not necessarily so. It is just using the men for monetary gain with complete disregard for their feelings. Eventually, an affectionless relationship exacts a toll on both parties.

Everyone wants someone who loves him, yes, even the rich nerds. What's more, I think that everyone deserves to be loved for his or her own sake, rather than the size of his or her bank account. What of the poor nerds who aren't Bill Gates or Steve Jobs? I guess they're SOL. Sucks for them, huh.

There is really no need to take advantage of someone like that. It lowers the woman to the level of a whore, IMO and few things piss me off more than one woman telling another woman to go find herself a rich man to glom onto. There are enough gold-diggers out there already - why try to create them?

* the clouds just parted, a bright light shone down, and a chorus of angels (or cloud people) sang "haaaa-leeee-luuuu-jahhh" :D

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