I'm about to give up on people.

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Well-known member
Oct 4, 2010
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Middle of Nowhere, NY
I don't think I can take the disappointment anymore. I only have one real friend who I barely see anymore, and it seems like my online friends have been turning their backs on me for no reason. I know I'm not the most pleasant person and that it's probably really hard to be my friend, but I can't take this crap anymore. I'm tired of running on nothing but hope and blind optimism. Everyone has a breaking point. I just don't want to play this game anymore. I'm not gonna be mean to everyone I see; I'm still going to attempt to be as polite and cordial as possible. I'm just giving up on any and all relationships. I know better than to expect the universe to hand me friends and people to care about me but I just need one thing to go in my favor. All I want is for one thing to go right for me.
I understand where you're coming from been there myself. Just hang in there, and hopefully something very soon will go your way. In the mean time try to take pleasure in the little things, like a really good sandwich.
Sci-Fi said:
.....In the mean time try to take pleasure in the little things, like a really good sandwich.

Sci-Fi..... Best advice ever! Seriously.

To OneDude.....keep your chin up. "hope and blind optimism" is good. Got me through some really crappy times. And Naleena's suggestion about the chat room is a great idea. Hope to see you there.
I've felt this way recently. The only person I've really talked to and known longest (who I only talk to through occasional e-mails or letters) has moved on with life. Sometimes.. it's always good to just stop and sleep on it. It could be just a day bad, maybe even a bad week. Something can happen to turn it all around. Just make sure that you never close yourself off (I've done it many times), try and protect yourself from doing this. You risk stalling or completely derailing a chance encounter that might be good for you. I don't have much to say in the end, I just understand that it is very painful.
IDunKnow said:
Something can happen to turn it all around. You risk stalling or completely derailing a chance encounter that might be good for you.

Yes, that's called HOPE. It can be a wonderous thing. :)
EveWasFramed said:
IDunKnow said:
Something can happen to turn it all around. You risk stalling or completely derailing a chance encounter that might be good for you.

Yes, that's called HOPE. It can be a wonderous thing. :)

Hope is not based on anything solid, but on the POSSIBILITY that something that happened

One needs more than hope and blind optimism. Was this society built on hope and blind optimism? NO!!! If this society were built on that, it would have fallen AGES ago!
I don't think anyone was talking about building your society or any society.

As far as i can tell it is much more health to go on with hope, "the feeling that what is wanted can be had" than it is go on believing that no matter what, everything will fail. Many confuse hope with wishful thinking. They aren't the same thing.
Minus said:
I don't think anyone was talking about building your society or any society.

As far as i can tell it is much more health to go on with hope, "the feeling that what is wanted can be had" than it is go on believing that no matter what, everything will fail. Many confuse hope with wishful thinking. They aren't the same thing.

If "it" doesn't happen, then what? Some more "hope" that's been crushed...

Honestly, my experiences have taught me that sometime, optimism is for people that are either too weak or too afraid to see the truth for what it really is. It also has nothing to do with (the lack of) intelligence, because as Dr. Phil once said, "There are people out there with fancy Ph.Ds that do not have the sense to come in out of the rain".

I am seriously not trying to attack anyone, just trying to put out there what experience has taught me.

And if I am wrong, then prove it-- base your claim on something that can be (scientifically) proven, instead of just hope and optimism.

It's just like the Biblical parable of the 2 men who built their houses on sand and rock. I know a lot of you may not read the Bible or believe in it, but I will tell you that story:

There were two men. One of the men was foolish and was going to build his house on sand. He built his house on sand. It did alright for awhile, but then the storm came. Waves crashed and the wind blew hard against the foundation. The man's house fell.

Then the wise man built his house on rock. The storm then came. Waves and wind crashed against his house, but when the storm was over, the man's house was still standing.

The moral of this little story? No matter how strong something is, if it's not built on a solid foundation, it's eventually going to fall.
Houses on sand may be a nice story but it is totally irrelevant. Hope as "the feeling that what is wanted can be had" is the source of motivation. If you accept that there is no hope from the beginning then there is no use even trying. Of course people fail at times. That is to be expected. It sure beats accepting failure from the beginning and not even trying.
ThatOneDude said:
I don't think I can take the disappointment anymore.

Welcome to the club! We only accept dejected souls who have given up. Would you like to apply for a lifetime membership? It's very expensive.

I only have one real friend who I barely see anymore, and it seems like my online friends have been turning their backs on me for no reason. I know I'm not the most pleasant person and that it's probably really hard to be my friend, but I can't take this crap anymore.

Why do you describe yourself as an "unpleasant" person? Have people accused you of this trait or is this your own personal assessment?

I'm tired of running on nothing but hope and blind optimism. Everyone has a breaking point. I just don't want to play this game anymore.

"Life" is a board game by the Milton Bradley company. "Living" is what we decide to participate in or not. Will you continue to sit on the sidelines or can you play tough on the field?

I'm not gonna be mean to everyone I see; I'm still going to attempt to be as polite and cordial as possible. I'm just giving up on any and all relationships.

Good idea! It's generally not wise to cut off your nose to spite your face.

I know better than to expect the universe to hand me friends and people to care about me but I just need one thing to go in my favor. All I want is for one thing to go right for me.

I know how you feel. Some days are harder than others. I don't feel people like me but deep down I know I'm a good person and maybe one day I'll get lucky and make a friend. Please forgive me for being hard on you. As someone once told me: "SNAP OUT OF IT!" Self-pity is wasteful living. LG:)
EveWasFramed said:
IDunKnow said:
Something can happen to turn it all around. You risk stalling or completely derailing a chance encounter that might be good for you.

Yes, that's called HOPE. It can be a wonderous thing. :)

Not hope, more like keeping an open channel there at all times. You just never want to be that person who says they're lonely, then shuts down people before they can engage you. You deny yourself what you want, you become your own worst enemy when for all you know, they're in the same position as you are and you miss the chance to truly identify with someone. Anyway, don't "give up", it would annoying if the right person came along when you decided too..
Good going man. I, too, gave up on people. I view people in a similar way that I'd view pieces on a chessboard or a deck of cards.

Just be tough, don't let people bully you, be polite, look your fellow man in the eye, give a firm handshake, hold the door for young ladies, don't use foul language around women and children, help old people across the street, say "sir" and "ma'am", help a scared lost child, defend the weak, and every once in awhile spend some time doing ministry for poor people, and that's all you owe society.

Other than that, be a self-interested, selfish oppurtunist who is interested in building social capital. Help people get things they want IF they get you things that you want.
SocratesX said:
Good going man. I, too, gave up on people. I view people in a similar way that I'd view pieces on a chessboard or a deck of cards.

Just be tough, don't let people bully you, be polite, look your fellow man in the eye, give a firm handshake, hold the door for young ladies, don't use foul language around women and children, help old people across the street, say "sir" and "ma'am", help a scared lost child, defend the weak, and every once in awhile spend some time doing ministry for poor people, and that's all you owe society.

Other than that, be a self-interested, selfish oppurtunist who is interested in building social capital. Help people get things they want IF they get you things that you want.

I don't want to be like that, I just don't want to get hurt anymore.
ThatOneDude said:
SocratesX said:
Good going man. I, too, gave up on people. I view people in a similar way that I'd view pieces on a chessboard or a deck of cards.

Just be tough, don't let people bully you, be polite, look your fellow man in the eye, give a firm handshake, hold the door for young ladies, don't use foul language around women and children, help old people across the street, say "sir" and "ma'am", help a scared lost child, defend the weak, and every once in awhile spend some time doing ministry for poor people, and that's all you owe society.

Other than that, be a self-interested, selfish oppurtunist who is interested in building social capital. Help people get things they want IF they get you things that you want.

I don't want to be like that, I just don't want to get hurt anymore.

Nobody wants to get hurt, but sometimes it happens. It's just life and believe it or not - it sucks for the most people. You give your best and hope that the right person might show up in your life or maybe he won't.

Here's a thought from Shakespeare:

"Being born is like being kidnapped. And then sold into slavery."

We are slaves to our thoughts, emotions, desires. We should keep fighting, and try to achieve what we want. Also I think everyone should be prepared for the sad truth that life sucks and that the ultimate happiness is unreachable in this life. People often try to explain things with the meaning of God, karma or whatever, the truth is that things happen for a reason or not. You should just live thru them, and you need a whole lot of luck to be happy. Just be glad that you're still breathing and exist... in the end of the day this is always something to be really grateful for.

hey, thatonedude. what's the problem? there must be something going on in your personal life that hurt you that is bothering you.

you can talk about here.

there's no way you're not going to get hurt anymore. life sucks over and over again. you are only 19 i think you said. you seem to be depressed and even though you have some confidence there must be some problems.

most people really suck. i could tell you so many horror stories but i dont want to scare you. life is sort of weird dude.

i suggest that you just accept that you will get hurt but try to develop an attitude where you know that you will overcome things and heal.

when you meet someone hateful or cruel, you have to understand that is their issue and not your fault.

you seem to know you're not perfect but i sense you might be taking the blame for things that aren't your fault and feeling like you're a worse guy than you are.

what do you envision in your future? what's your life like?

good for you!

i gave up on people a long time ago. i'm still a nice and respectful guy, but i'm done with having and making friends, with trying to connect with people. it's just not worth it. you give so much and get nothing in return. you get used, abused, cut off. nobody gives a fresia about anything but themselves, including me.

i grew up in a christian household. i learned all the stories in the bible as a kid. some of them really got to me, like the destruction of soddom and gomorrah, the great flood, the story of samson. i would ask myself, "why would a God of infinite patience cause so much destruction?". now i understand why. it's because people SUCK! if i were in charge, i would have pressed the big red button a long time ago.

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