I've Lost My Sense of Humor

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It’s futile
Supporting Member
Feb 5, 2023
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Not totally. I mean, I still have a good laugh with tears and belly aches sometimes when I get together with my one friend that sometimes comes camping with me, but I very rarely even chuckle when I watch comedy TV shows or movies or even comedy performances. I just don't find what is said and done in such shows humorous at all. I find it stupid, inane, low brow, simple, annoying or pathetic. On the rare occasion I actually LOL when I read a book, because of a situational scene, and I love that. I enjoyed the comedy of Seinfeld , The IT Crowd and British comedy shows of the 70's and 80's, and several movies of that era ( Fletch comes to mind) but today's TV shows, well, I might watch them sometimes, but I'm not laughing at all. I've been in social circles where people have been laughing their heads off at some "joke" and I'm looking around like "What the heck was so funny?" Is it just me getting older or has the quality of comedy declined? I guess I'm asking people of my vintage (I'm a Gen Xer) because I'm supposing most younger people really like TBBT and whatever else is playing these days.
I would say humor and comedy is very personal. I would also say the more you surround yourself with someone the funnier they become.

So no, it isn't so weird you don't laugh at some jokes. I'm often polite and want to be likeable, so I usually laugh a lot in groups, even when I personally find it as boring as drying paint. Its all relative.

Btw i'm not very hard to please but I find a lot of comedy shows not funny. Except if its really silly. I love silly humour, but thats different for everyone. Im rambling hahaha it doesnt matter.
I really love dark humour to be honest, but even silly things give me a chuckle sometimes and i've always found that quite odd. But if someone says something that's really unfunny i'll still give them a free laugh, as i don't want them to feel bad about themselves confidence wise. As Murakami said it's a personal thing with comedy as some people love the silly things, the dark things and the outrageous. The weird thing is people say i should do stand up comedy and they forget about my anxiety for some reason which would cripple me :)
Not totally. I mean, I still have a good laugh with tears and belly aches sometimes when I get together with my one friend that sometimes comes camping with me, but I very rarely even chuckle when I watch comedy TV shows or movies or even comedy performances. I just don't find what is said and done in such shows humorous at all. I find it stupid, inane, low brow, simple, annoying or pathetic. On the rare occasion I actually LOL when I read a book, because of a situational scene, and I love that. I enjoyed the comedy of Seinfeld , The IT Crowd and British comedy shows of the 70's and 80's, and several movies of that era ( Fletch comes to mind) but today's TV shows, well, I might watch them sometimes, but I'm not laughing at all. I've been in social circles where people have been laughing their heads off at some "joke" and I'm looking around like "What the heck was so funny?" Is it just me getting older or has the quality of comedy declined? I guess I'm asking people of my vintage (I'm a Gen Xer) because I'm supposing most younger people really like TBBT and whatever else is playing these days.
Fellow Generation X'er here, and yes, I'd like to say the quality of comedy has declined. But maybe that's not the truth - maybe it's just the kind of comedy we seemed to enjoy as a generational thing has changed. I don't know. But I'm totally with you - I don't 'get' the sense of what's funny these days.

Case in point: I collect Lego and I have a friend who also does - two different generations here, he's a Millennial. He was super excited about a new set coming out based on the show, "The Office" - the one with Steve Carell, while I was pumped for a new Seinfeld Lego set. Naturally we got into a conversation about the merits of both shows. I admitted I'd never actually seen The Office and he couldn't believe it, referring to the show as the 'single-most important comedy of the 20th century' and that I'm crazy to not watch it. So that evening, I decided to sit and watch a few episodes - I searched out what fans considered the funniest episodes. My evening: not one laugh. . . not even a giggle. Lots of eye-rolls, lots of stifled yawns, lots of sitting there wondering what the hell is so funny. I told my friend the next day what I thought of the show and he just shrugged and said, "Yeah, different sense of humour I guess. . . " Apparently! I can sit and watch episodes of Seinfeld and laugh my ass off - but yeah, today's comedy I just don't understand it.

I think our generation was a bit spoiled for comedy. We grew up with some of the real greats - John Candy (so missed. . . ), Bill Murray, Steve Martin, Robin Williams, Chevy Chase, Dan Aykroyd, Eddie Murphy and so many others. There's a few notable exceptions these days - Ricky Gervais definitely comes to mind. He's funny because he doesn't give a **** about offending people and I think that's part of what's missing in much of today's humour - the fear of offending someone. Back in the day, we were able to laugh at ourselves, laugh at our society - people didn't take themselves so seriously like they seem to today. I don't know - that's just my take on it. Maybe I'm just getting old. . . :unsure: :ROFLMAO:
Interesting I feel like i’m always laughing 24/7 like its easy to make me laugh I have been in stitches lately over simple things but I cant help it… I never really smile but I laugh a lot 😇✨
Fellow Generation X'er here, and yes, I'd like to say the quality of comedy has declined. But maybe that's not the truth - maybe it's just the kind of comedy we seemed to enjoy as a generational thing has changed. I don't know. But I'm totally with you - I don't 'get' the sense of what's funny these days.

Case in point: I collect Lego and I have a friend who also does - two different generations here, he's a Millennial. He was super excited about a new set coming out based on the show, "The Office" - the one with Steve Carell, while I was pumped for a new Seinfeld Lego set. Naturally we got into a conversation about the merits of both shows. I admitted I'd never actually seen The Office and he couldn't believe it, referring to the show as the 'single-most important comedy of the 20th century' and that I'm crazy to not watch it. So that evening, I decided to sit and watch a few episodes - I searched out what fans considered the funniest episodes. My evening: not one laugh. . . not even a giggle. Lots of eye-rolls, lots of stifled yawns, lots of sitting there wondering what the hell is so funny. I told my friend the next day what I thought of the show and he just shrugged and said, "Yeah, different sense of humour I guess. . . " Apparently! I can sit and watch episodes of Seinfeld and laugh my ass off - but yeah, today's comedy I just don't understand it.

I think our generation was a bit spoiled for comedy. We grew up with some of the real greats - John Candy (so missed. . . ), Bill Murray, Steve Martin, Robin Williams, Chevy Chase, Dan Aykroyd, Eddie Murphy and so many others. There's a few notable exceptions these days - Ricky Gervais definitely comes to mind. He's funny because he doesn't give a **** about offending people and I think that's part of what's missing in much of today's humour - the fear of offending someone. Back in the day, we were able to laugh at ourselves, laugh at our society - people didn't take themselves so seriously like they seem to today. I don't know - that's just my take on it. Maybe I'm just getting old. . . :unsure: :ROFLMAO:
I love 'The Office', well the original UK version, I watched one episode of the US version it was awful. I still watch old Seinfeld's and they still make me laugh.

'Curb your Enthusiasm' is bloody genius but I can't think of another modern day show that is laugh out loud funny. Bring back Benny Hill I say.

If you think Rick Gervais is offensive have a wee look at Frankie Boyle.

I love 'The Office', well the original UK version, I watched one episode of the US version it was awful. I still watch old Seinfeld's and they still make me laugh.

'Curb your Enthusiasm' is bloody genius but I can't think of another modern day show that is laugh out loud funny. Bring back Benny Hill I say.

If you think Rick Gervais is offensive have a wee look at Frankie Boyle.

He's my favourite comedian along with Jimmy Carr. I'll be seeing Mr Boyle live in June and it shall be a savage night i'll imagine.
He's my favourite comedian along with Jimmy Carr. I'll be seeing Mr Boyle live in June and it shall be a savage night i'll imagine.
Awh mate, so jealous ... my bloody missus got us tickets for Peter flippin' Kaye at the O2! what a waste of money, he hasn't been funny in at least 10 years. Regurgitating the same old jokes and saying things in a silly voice, and then repeating them getting slightly louder, does not equal comedy.
Awh mate, so jealous ... my bloody missus got us tickets for Peter flippin' Kaye at the O2! what a waste of money, he hasn't been funny in at least 10 years. Regurgitating the same old jokes and saying things in a silly voice, and then repeating them getting slightly louder, does not equal comedy.
Shame to hear that. Loved phoenix nights though, it was one of my favourite's growing up. I'll be going with my brother and his girlfriend as she got us the tickets, but when they went last time to see him live people walked out due to his Maddie McCann jokes. Don't know what they expect from him, he's clucking savage.
I agree and I think many new comedy shows aren't that funny, cause they feel scripted and forced i guessed.
Millennial here by the way, (I can hear the ughs and the groans lol) but I am one of them older ones, like old enough to say "Kids these days..."
I grew up with mostly British comedies like Mr. Bean, Monty Python and Mind Your Language.
The IT Crowd
Love this show! "Have you tried turning it off and on again" actually works to solve most computer problems.

I'm supposing most younger people really like TBBT
is that The Big Bang Theory? If that is so, I personally find that one cringey, don't like that one.

There's a few notable exceptions these days - Ricky Gervais definitely comes to mind. He's funny because he doesn't give a **** about offending people and I think that's part of what's missing in much of today's humour - the fear of offending someone.
haha, I love Ricky Gervais too!
@ringwood and @randomguy totally agree with you. When I saw the US version of The Office after the UK one, I was like “WTH is this?” I like comedy shows where people seem to be behaving as their normal selves, but they’re so funny, (so many British shows come to mind, but Seinfeld also) whereas the US shows seem to be so “put on” and forcibly scripted. I’m an Aussie and am so disappointed in the attempts of humour here in shows but there are some great comedians.
I think all the stupid sitcoms have ruin me as far as simple humor goes. I can see the stuff coming a mile away with their non-clever setups and stupid laugh tracks. I just shake my head at them and turn the channel.

I like clever humor. I want to be surprised and/or shocked. I want humor that takes thinking and memories in order to understand why it's funny. I like dark humor because most are afraid to go there. I liked the movie, The Office. But, I hate the TV show. Is extremely simple.
I think all the stupid sitcoms have ruin me as far as simple humor goes. I can see the stuff coming a mile away with their non-clever setups and stupid laugh tracks. I just shake my head at them and turn the channel.

I like clever humor. I want to be surprised and/or shocked. I want humor that takes thinking and memories in order to understand why it's funny. I like dark humor because most are afraid to go there. I liked the movie, The Office. But, I hate the TV show. Is extremely simple.
I've always loved dark humour and that will probably never change. It just makes me laugh so much and i never get offended by anything, but that's probably due to being ducked up in the head :ROFLMAO:

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