Just so weary

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Oct 9, 2010
Reaction score
Southern Indiana
Forums are a totally new thing for me and I'm not sure if I'm putting this in the right place but I just feel like i need to get something off my chest. It seems all I do is give and make concessions for those around me Ive been that way since i was a child. I give and give and give and what do I receive in return nothing I'm alone I have one person I would have to call a friend simply because he knows me more than anyone else and lives with me as well which is a recent development not that he is exactly a friend. What set this whole post off is because no stores live close enough to walk to as well as the temp being low my car is broken at the moment so I am stuck at home not that its a big change when I had a car I was always at home anyway I don't have anyone to go see or anything to do with others. So he went out to hang with people this afternoon which is his prerogative so I waited patiently for him to come back to the house so I could get a ride to the store to get something to eat as we have no food and I have not eaten anything today and he refused my request because he has some people coming by later and I understand that he has social obligations but about a year ago he called me on some random Tuesday night from Indianapolis wanting me to come pick him up and take him back to our hometown which is about 2 1/2 hours away one way and me not knowing how to say no agreed and went up there and got him and now that I am asking for half an hour round trip he refuses idk maybe I am just being selfish sorry this was so long it was my first serious post on a forum thx for reading
A lot of people have no empathy these days, Sivril. Some arent even capable of it. *shrugs* It sucks, but that's just the way it is. It still bothers me (I've been in your shoes) but nothing will change it, and there's no use in letting yourself lose your OWN empathy either. Count yourself lucky that you can still feel for others - some people can't.

Welcome to the forum by the way. :)
Are you askin us our opinion on if this guy is taking advantage of you? If he never does any favors for you, I would say yes. If he usually does favors for you and this is the exception, then I would say no. It seems you rely on this guy for transportation and honestly, it isn't his obligation. I used to drive a friend of my exboyfriend's to different places- I didn't mind at first but then it became apparent that this was turning into a very frequent occurrence and it became not okay. Perhaps he feels tied to an obligation he didn't mean to enter into. On the other hand, if he habitually refuses to help you out and you continue to go out of your way for him, then something might really be going on. Either way, the only thing that matters is that it is bothering you and you are feeling taken advantage of. Perhaps you should let him know it. You aren't being selfish, you feel wronged and if that is how you feel then that is okay, don't be ashamed.
btw, welcome, and feel free to PM me if you ever want someone to talk to
You dont like your flatmate - you're not exactly the only one in the world! ;)

If you want to meet new people then I suggest you enter some evening classes or something like that. You could always volunteer somewhere, maybe.

People are mostly selfish idiots. But there are people out there who are kind and caring like you; I promise!

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