Loneliness just loves to tag along.

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Active member
Jul 5, 2012
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I've been the target of loneliness for quite a while now. I don't think that I've had a stable friendship since elementary school.
I guess I'm just too quirky to be approachable.
Does having white hair, tattoos on my neck, being sickly thin along with frequent dark rings under my eyes sound weird to you? Not over the internet perhaps, but if you were to see me around no doubt you'd think I'm a druggie. I barely even talk nowadays. The most I ever do now is answering "No," to the cashier's "Would you like a drink with that?" Seriously. I'm a social outcast and instead of trying to find IRL friends, all I've been doing is wandering the streets. I don't even know why I do it. It's just addicting. I'm paying 3.50$ for every bus ride and I don't even have a set destination. I like riding buses. It's nice to have a look at everyone around and see what normal is. Closing my eyes, it's as if they're talking to me sometimes.
You may have dropped to one word replies, but right here, right now, you said a lot. And I envy that, because in all honesty, I probably couldn't. Say how I feel, and say what I'm going through. Building up the courage to tell someone something, anything, to just let what I'm feeling out. But I don't build up courage, I hide away the pain. And it doesn't go away, people just don't see it. My silent longing to fit in. Me, fit in, and not the fake me I let everyone else see. And what you said today, is... I don't even know what to say. But I can tell you one thing. I'm listened now and I will keep listening. Whether it's about a bus ride, or just a walk. I'll listen.
You should get creative with the bus thing. Make up t-shirts that say things like, "I am not a drug addict" or "Hey freak staring at me. I am not a drug addict".
I know exactly what you mean about wandering the streets, and going on buses. It is quite addicting. It's strangely theraputic, I don't know how though.
I think it's just the need to be around people, it's almost magnetic. It draws you out, it's like a very powerful magnet. I enjoy observing people, it's a strange habit of mine. It's easy too, because they're so caught up in whatever they're doing, chatting, texting, whatever the hell they're doing, and they don't even notice that you're staring at them. I like to imagine what their lives are like. Construct their backstory on the small details.
But I can't interact with them, it's like a pane of glass is permanently there, just stopping me from reaching out. Reaching out to touch, just to make sure they're really there.
Oh no D: The potential to make friends is there! You just need to utilize what is available to you! The best place to do this is by looking online. Look for Volunteering opportunities. If you find some, go to them and do NOT be shy. Start networking and you can start something amazing.

The first day I Volunteered I met a nice Girl. That was 3 years ago and to this day we still get on.