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Staff member
Dec 2, 2010
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Ontario, Canada
I'm not a nerd, to me nerds are super smart people so I'm a geek. I'm into comic books, video games, collecting, drawing and writing. I don't get out much at all, I'm what you call an introvert, maybe a hermit (not a hobbit though I am shorter than the average bear).

So glad I found this forum, over the past five years I've had to deal with loneliness and these past few years it has really gotten me down at time. With the holidays coming and winter setting in I'm dreading the next few months. I work as a Store Manager in a small rental company, and with the economy the way it is the owner started laying off my part time help as of last year. It was not easy being at work all day long with very few customers then going home to my small one bedroom apartment. All of my friends are either (or have been) married and all have kids. I'm 35 so that really gets me down.

In my spare time I like to draw (super heroes) and write (fanfiction) and make customized action figures, like I said I'm a geek. Lately when I've been feeling down I will go to the local malls and wander around for awhile browsing (sometimes buying but I need to cut that out) just to be around people. I'm extremely shy so I try not to make eye contact, especially if I see a customer. That way I don't have to stop and make idle chit chat (too personal), it is easier to do at work since I'm talking to people about their projects.

After my last job, which was emotionally draining, I've had a hard time controlling my emotions when I get worked up. Sometimes I get angry but most of the time I get depressed to the point where I just want to sit down and cry (yeah kind of girly for a guy to do :) ). I have no one to really talk to around me. My only employee right now is a 15 year old student who is a really fun guy to have around. He's always happy, funny and has a lot of energy which for me is comforting to have around. Just to be around someone who is always smiling and doesn't really let life get to him or get him down, which is weird for a teenager (lol).

Okay, I think I've blabbered on long enough, I tend to do that sometimes. I like to talk, my poor customers when they get me on a topic sometimes I just don't want to let them leave. :D Which is funny since I try to avoid people in a public place.
hey, drawing, and writing - that sounds ubercool!
do you have your works online?
hey and welcome. your story sounds very familiar to my own. im 28 and a shift manager in a large well known rental place. im pretty introverted and shy myself. i guess i am also a geek according to your definition. i love sci-fi movies and tv shows and i play video games all the time. thats pretty much all i do. i know what you mean about getting down to the point of you feel ike you want to cry, i have been there a few times myself. i rarely go out, not much of a party person and i rarely drink. the 2 people i work with the most are significantly younger than me so they always seem happy too. i am supposed to be very customer friendly and talk to people but i dont really like to for the most part. however if someone comes in and we start to talk about some video game or sci-fi movies we could end up talking a while about it. again, welcome to the forum and if you ever feel like it check out the chat room. there are quite a few regulars in there and we pretty much just shoot the honeysuckle. they all seem to be good people.
Welcome. :)
You sound delightfully creative to me! :) Crying is a great way to vent and let the bad stuff out, for men or women. You have a great "writer's voice" and I look forward to hearing what else you have to say. I am glad your not a "Hobbit" though.....It's the hair on their toes that makes me nervous...:p

At least you have hobbies to occupy you. I think that's a good thing. :)

I hope you find what you are looking for here. Welcome!
Thanks everyone, it's nice to have found a place I can come and talk about this kind of stuff.

@dead - I do, I may share when I'm more settled.

@edgecrusher - Good to hear I'm not the only one. When I first started in customer service I was scared to have to talk to people especially since I was new to my field, but it was the customers that really helped me grow. Now I'm much more comfortable talking to people, as long as I'm at work on my turf.

@Nina - Thanks, I really like to tell stories, true or fiction, and interject a little humour when I can, its good to laugh.


I am Canadian as well, nice to meet you. Hope you are enjoying the forums so far, I am new here myself :)
Welcome Sci-Fi... I also like to wander around malls, particularly ghost malls. Hope you can find what you're looking for here.
Seraphina said:

I am Canadian as well, nice to meet you. Hope you are enjoying the forums so far, I am new here myself :)

LOL Cool. Canucks Rule! :D

Black Dragon, I like your username.
I think that teaching a man his not allowed to cry is an evil, they are capable of crying for a reason. I had to teach hubby it's ok to cry cause his mom taught him crying is for queers. She told my son that once when he cried cause he got hurt I came down on her like a rain of fire for doing that.

I think that you have super cool hobbies, would love to see some of your work, maybe your geeky but geeky is the new cool these days. Don't let a certain passion mean less then others if your good with something than it's special. Some ppl think I'm weird because of some of my passions. By the way welcome to the forum
Thanks Ladysphinx (lol I have a comic book character I created years ago with the same name) when I was growing up my hobbies were not considered cool. Once you turned 13 you had to give all that up. If you didn't play sports you were a loser or an outcast. Things are so different now, being a video game geek, or a comic book fan is much more acceptable then it was when I was in high school. It's cool now.

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