Manifesto, TAKE TWO

Loneliness, Depression & Relationship Forum

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BARF, BARF, BARF!!!!! And bitter tears, too...

I do not seek consensual or other validation, encounter group SHARING, a support group, small talk, inspirational/motivational pep rallies, so on and so forth, ad nausea.

Because all such superficial conformist interactions of co-validation do not assuage my loneliness, but actually frustrate and aggravate the condition! -As indeed is often observed when an individual caries any real burden upon their chest, let alone any real purpose, that remains palpable distress unresolved by petty distraction and small talk. To wit:

All too many people are far too wound up in what relationships are supposed to be like, even simply to observe for themselves and ever appreciate, the real world dynamics of actual ongoing relationships. And I believe that exactly such social myths and normative distortions greatly obscure the struggle to overcome widespread loneliness.

So to Hell with the jobs we hate for the money we need, the boring classes to get ahead, the depressing courtship ordeals endured in hopes ever of getting laid, and the frantic insecure contract negotiations, struggle and strife, of long term codependency. Down with Moloch! Let us strive, instead of pointless sacrifice, towards interaction, even in every context, intrinsically for whatever it's own joy!


Hence, let us imagine better alternatives to all the blithe clichéd advice detailing somewhat robotic procedures how to meet new people, because, one way or another, clearly the aforesaid approach simply doesn't work for everyone.

Indeed, such nominal advice may not actually be intended as substantive advice at all, but merely as exhortation and encouragement. Hence, exactly such may be vastly discouraging coming as it does, distinctly at cross purposes for anyone already frustrated with exactly any such common sense application, actually and sincerely seeking new perspective, fresh ideas and new knowledge to put to use instead.


And exactly here, good intentions, let alone mere trite sentimentality, are simply not enough without genuine interest and attentive discussion in detail, all honestly taken in the spirit as intended. But because disagreement, incomprehension and misunderstanding are the normal human condition, conversational adequacy of public discourse requires meticulous detail in detecting and repairing miscommunication together, no less than vigorous open controversy. So, speak up to disagree, and if you don't understand, ask. And again, provide detail and reasons to help in communication repair, no less than in support or refutation of an argument or assertion. And keep at it! Stay interested.


Indeed, this is crucial. For surely just such apathy and ennui as ever to reject substantive conversational engagement as defined directly above, renders all else pointless, futile and crushingly lonely!


Because true compassion requires genuine interest beginning with the sheer attention span required to sustain ordinary curiosity! By contrast, soothing strokes are easier and far less demanding, perhaps even more explicit, but that hardly renders all that schmaltz actually superior or more advantageous. But by all means, welcome to it...


All thus, yet do l hope that it can be worth while first to understand and identify our various stimulus and interaction needs, then to imagine the kind of circumstance under which we might lead a happier lives in fulfillment all thereof, before only then working to strategize success on our own terms, before making preparation and taking action.


Please do not ask me for my examples. There are plenty at wherein my own rhetorical point of departure is the desire for shared creativity as better motive for social interaction. But if you just can't relate, then never mind...

Rather, give YOUR OWN example of whatever YOU are missing. If that still won't make sense, then nothing ever will, EVER!

Then let us strive to imagine YOUR OWN example or examples of any more specific category of suitable interactivity that ever fulfils such whatever unfulfilled needs.

Then let us strive to reason out any plausible hypothetical ongoing situation of such interactivity.

Then, and only then, will we be ready so strategize, in order ever to actually realize what we have dreamed up. -To discover whatever necessary course of action.


From the general through to the specific. Neither ivory tower passivity on the one hand, nor the flurry of senseless activity on the other, but sound concepts intentionally cultivated and ever carried through to successful execution.

Again, rather than words of encouragement and blithe motivational exhortation to pragmatic common sense, instead, more imaginative understanding of interaction for whatever it’s own joy, intrinsically, may be the true key to real optimal practical progress, to new premise for different results.

And all of the above is precisely the kind of discussion that I seek in the quest to resolve loneliness.


Instead of means to some hoped for gratifying end, I propose that gratifying interaction is what can be most productive and wholesome. And I propose that imagination is the first step: Hypothesis then narrowed by criticism, and progressively rendered practical and practicable.

Could you please check your hyperlink at every posting I have attempted to connect I get a page not found error?

Have you ever looked into the monkey isolation experiments? Do you think that any insight was gained by this cruel act?

They lost the ability to socially interact and several starved themselves. None ever chose to procreate and the ones who where forced killed their offspring. Was this an act of mercy or did they simply not know what to do?

I am open for a complete and frank discussion of any topic. If you do not think this will be a productive one please answer the question I am truely interested in any thoughts on the matter and suggest another one. As I previously stated I have not been able to reach your site.

Apologies! has gone down temporally. I have already contacted my webhost. Hopefully, my website will be back up again, presently.

Surely the pitiably adverse effects of isolation upon the experimental monkeys seems clear enough! Not that I myself have actually studied the results, let alone endeavored to compare them to whatever the prior state of knowledge. But how does any of that arise in this topic? And what is your own compelling interest?

Complete physical isolation deprives the subject of all benefit from interaction. But what is more common, are different circumstances of more selective deprivation, ambiguous or detrimental stimuli, or conditionality of whatever kind. And on this topic, I am asking others first of all, to attempt to specify the interaction stimuli whereof they feel so badly deprived.

And thus far, it’s been like pulling teeth! What about you? Will you take me up on this?
I liked the movie twelve monkeys. Crazy man-made viruses killing people.

As far as isolation. I look at my antisocial habits as greatly beneficial in my line of work. I was able to remain working for a total of 94 days straight without a day off in the frozen oilfield. No it was not complete isolation, there's a crew of two other people at all times, though they switched out for replacements or had time off while I was doing my self-imposed stretch, and sometimes an extra five workers were on lease. By the end of it I was not quite in my right mind anymore, we call it being "bushed" and some people have been known to suffer overexhaustion, violent outbursts, even homicidal or suicidal thoughts.
I was a jester. I became more and more comical and everything seemed funnier. It was almost like being drunk every day for the final two weeks. My best moment was hysterical laughter. I started laughing at nothing while on a coffee break, and couldn't stop. The first laugh I blew coffee out my nose and I had tears streaming down my face before I could finally compose myself again.
Getting back to "civilization" was difficult at first. So much noise and movement. So many people. It all seemed so alien till I settled back in. It took nearly a month before I felt comfortable leaving the house. Psychologically I could certainly handle it again, it was the physical demands that eventually wore me down. I was getting less sleep each passing week beyond the one month mark, and my appetite began to subside gradually by the final month. In the end I was down to about 5 hours of sleep and two meals a day while pulling 14 hour shifts. Not healthy and I wouldn't recommend it to anyone.
So, Lost in the Oilfield, shall I take it that you second Blue Sky's motion?
I was tired and bored at the time of this post. I misinterpreted your manifesto and in return had my emotional/social issue that was posted here misinterpreted so I'll just pull the post. I don't have time, or the desire, to explain to you and your friend the details, so I'll just leave it at that.
But the way you put it here, the obstacle seems completely internal conflict or ambivalence. Whereas, here I have sought, explicitly and specifically, to enquire into frustrated needs deprived or obstructed from the social environment.

Inevitably, I neglected to add to my manifesto:
Obviously, inner conflict and ambivalence can only be confronted by each individual within inner life. Nevertheless, I do not here inquire into emotional or psychological issues alone as such and in and of themselves. Rather, the challenge I hope to raise is explicitly and particularly as to individual conflict with the environment, and real progress MEANING: ongoing improvement of the inevitably imperfect social environment in order to lessen as much as possible and practical, often however repressive and oppressive adaptive compromise on the part of the individual. -To further liberate and to better serve...

(Read the above as inserted between the "VALUE PREPOSITION:" and "MY PROPOSAL:" paragraphs.)

And much as I know that I will heartily regret being drawn even further into digression, nevertheless if you do seek advice, in that case: rather than to eliminate or overcome anxiety, then, all things being equal (but they seldom are!), another approach is to strive towards visceral recognition of eustress instead of only experiencing needless distress.

Apprehension, shyness, the metaphorical butterflies in the stomach, are all vital physiological preparation not merely for the sexual act, but for any hopeful prospect of true vulnerability requisite to genuine intimacy. Indeed, the absence or ever quelling all thereof would only come as a sign of even more profound and debilitating alienation.

But of course, there are likely also far deeper issues and complications.

Or is there a pertinent identifiable stimulus interaction need from the environment, deprivation or obstruction of which in the environment, in any way contributes to or exacerbates your problem?
The experiment expresses an extreme version of a physical phenomena. The absense of communication and social interactions is a very real external problem whether percieved as an asset or not. Regardless of how you may feel you should strive to interact with others around you. I have been deprived of many friends I once had. I wonder am I damaged by the isolation and thus unable to form new lasting relationships. I know we have the ability to adapt and grow however I am unsure how to proceed. I no longer wish to surround myself with ignorance and drama and at my age that makes establishing new friends very difficult. I for some unkown reason will not establish a friendship with those older than me despite the obvious benefits. So I pose the question, is isolation more destructive than just the temporary state it is percieved as? Is being more successful in the work place in general an isolating factor for younger people? I believe so if I had less aptitude I may still be working as a waiter or some other inane job where I would be surrounded by people my age, currently I daily interact only with people over 35.

Lost in the Oilfield, you can overcome your shyness with women in general. You should not expect or hope for a sexual response from all the women that you come in contact with. I successfuly interacted with women and have for most of my life. If you set yourself up for sexual interaction than you set yourself up for defeat. Treat a women like a person first and a lover once you have reached that point with her. I have had many women friends in the past and some of them developed into relationships while others did not either way I had possitive social interactions.

Aaron, your site is back up and I am eager to explore it.
As far as individual tactics and even intentional social environments in the avoidance of all manner of destructive melodrama, Transactional Analysis has much to offer. But to get back on topic, want2bhapy, what specific desirable interaction stimuli might you be missing?

And, speaking of which, no, being a sex object is a good thing!
A dialog on based on intelect whether it be about time, politics, evolution, or some other broad topic that requires real thought.

I also miss having fun a particular interaction that would satisfy this requirement does not come to mind.

To the other issue I have no advice beyond which I have already shared that has been successful for me.
So the question becomes, how to foster and as needs be, protect from repression, substantive and stimulating discourse. And that question is hardly new.

Indeed, there are many excellent forums online merely for abstract discourse in any range of topics. But I yearn to advance towards application and the logistics of implementation of fine ideas.

I would, however, introduce two categories of solutions to the frustrated need of substantive and stimulating discourse:
The first is any direct approach, to straightforwardly pursue these values of substantive and stimulating discourse intrinsically, by whatever means, and the second, more indirect, is to cultivate substantive and stimulating discourse as side benefit in context to any other suitable challenge.

On (Down yet again! But hopefully up again by the time this is read...) I pursue both approaches: Directly and intrinsically, by a code of conduct and moderation for forums, specific and exactly to such purposes of freedom of expression, substantive and stimulating discourse, and also substantive and stimulating discourse as a hoped for indirect side benefit essential to the pursuit of creativity and problem solving indeed as also specified on

I have also hoped desperately that precisely such might ever become anyone else's idea of fun except for me! But what's yours? Anyone?
On the hot topic of sex:

The goal of strategy is the maximization of gain together with the minimization of loss. To such end, then, a Dialectic analysis:

The topic of sex is never rally so simple and straightforward as the plumbing. Sex is a powerful interaction stimulus and motive invested with every range of meaning and expectation in individual experience, and vastly confused by social mythology.

Yet dare I pose a two part question:

First: Under what conditions are strangers more or less likely to have sex? -And without chemical assistance...

A reoccurring complaint, however, is of ambivalence, of antithapy between Eros and Agape, that sexual license results in emotional distance known as: compartmentalization. But there are also counter examples, quite to the contrary, of all manner of emotion and even deep attachment, quite spontaneously engendered by sexuality and sexual activity, rather than either one by any constraint, restraint or sacrifice whatsoever, of the other.

Hence, secondly: Under what conditions is Eros indeed more antithetical to Agape, and under what conditions is Agape actually more readily engendered by Eros quite whole heartedly and with no trace of any such ambivalence?
teach, you are certainly one to deny, trivialize or mock complecations in matters of the heart! And Blue Sky, do tell: How's that workin' for ya?
No, I don't trivialize or mock others if they feel their personal matters are complicated. I let them keep their privacy by not speaking of it, unless they want to. Now for me, yes, I do deny there's anything complicated in my own matter's of my heart. I think I've simplified it quite well. I still think Blue's comment was funny. Made me laugh. :)
teach, that rather does seem somewhat convoluted and evasive. Now, if what you mean is that instead, you strive to keep any sense of humor regarding how you complicate your own love life, then that is commendable, of course. But to broadly dismiss the complexity of human sexuality still seems arrogant, willfully ignorant prudery and folly. And if you are not comfortable with that discussion, then why but in? Certainly, I have intruded into no one's personal affairs, here. Indeed, I notice, again, that you let everything else that has come up fall by the wayside. You sure do seem mesmerized by the topic of sex! Enjoy, then.

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