me 2

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I am 15 years old........ life is dark for me....... i am shy and hence im always lonely.. i only have 2-5 friends apart from my classmates.... i just cant start living.. i cant start getting aroind withh friends.... i rarely go out and having good time is once in a lifretime.... its because of all this that sometime i think about commiting a suicide........ who can help me? NO ONE
I'm also 15, and I feel like that all the time... I know how it feels, except that I barely have family, and I moved into a new school, where I don't know a soul. But please, keep a positive attitude, it's never too bad to be recovered, never too late or too bad. Trust me.

You can speak to me in msn messenger, if you want, I would really be glad to listen and help in what I can...
Hi Me2

I think that if your having suicidal thoughts, you really should go and get some professional help. Maybe go and see your doctor or a counselor and tell them exactly how you feel about your life. They are there to help you and to give you advise.
you guys are the bomb. take this advice. practice an artform (music, photo, whatever) and become good at it. start yoga (at home, if you're too shy); you'll grow taller and have a nice posture. take dancing lessons; you never know when your gramma wants to dance with you. old ladies love dancing with young men... they have daughters too you know. don't mind the bullies and other guys; don't get pulled into their games. you live your own life. gosh, i wish some dude told me all this 10 years ago. good luck buddy!
Guest said:
I am 15 years old........ life is dark for me....... i am shy and hence im always lonely.. i only have 2-5 friends apart from my classmates.... i just cant start living.. i cant start getting aroind withh friends.... i rarely go out and having good time is once in a lifretime.... its because of all this that sometime i think about commiting a suicide........ who can help me? NO ONE

To start, you can't feel that you can't do anything. There are helplines, counseling, family, plenty more people who can help you than you think. 2-5 friends is pretty good, especially if they are QUALITY friends. It's natural to be shy and being shy doesn't have to doom you. Your friends can help break you out of your shell and build your self esteem. Being active and being open to trying new things can also help as well. 15 is such a young age, so don't rush into wanting suicide because your life is just beginning.
Some one will help you. I'm someone.

Gives you a hug.

Please don't hurt yourself--just keep trying!
i feel the same way. and for going to shrinks or any people like that...they haven't helped me. and i hate them. They think that by going to hour long sessions with them that you'll become better...bull, they don't know me, so forget them. I don't want their help, i want help dying.
I used to dislike my therapists, but that's because I was going to shitty therapists! The free ones in my town for people without health insurance were crummy. Now, I found two GOOD therapists in my town and see them both. They do help. They listen.

I don't assume that they know me or think they know me--they just listen, and sometimes try to provide insights and feedback.

You don't really want help dying. You want help not being in pain. I wish you the best, and hope you will keep forging ahead in life, even though it's hard.
no no, i want to die. i don't want help not being in pain. i'd rather have a gun.
If you really feel this way, I hope you'll call a national suicide hotline at:

National Suicide Hotlines USA
United States of America

Toll-Free / 24 hours a day / 7 days a week

1-800-SUICIDE 1-800-273-TALK
1-800-784-2433 1-800-273-8255

Please don't. Your family, neighbors, friends, coworkers, etc. will miss you. You are an original person and no one can replace you.

Be patient. You've barely had time to see what the world really has to offer. You've not even gotten through two presidents! :) Fifteen is a rough age, I'll grant you that. I wouldn't go back to it, but I don't have to, neither do you. Sixteen becomes a fun age, high school junior year, maybe not as fun, but then your senior year.....again, may not always be great, I remember rough moments, but then there's college! I wouldn't cheat myself out of those experiences, if I were you. Hard (impossible) to change your mind after you go through with it.

What you have here, are people who will talk with you, about anything that's on your mind. Not to try and change you, not to "better" you, but to chat. There's a nice thread for sharing thoughts, feelings, poetry, etc. I have no talent for poetry, but you may. I like reading it.

I'm happy to see you here.
Oh, thank you for letting me know. It's often hard to know if the id name stays at Guest. Will you be entering your Senior year next month (or September for those Northern states)? What subjects are you in to? I'm a math teacher, teach algebra I and II. Are you male or female?
Hi Guest,

Hey...those hotlines have helped many people. I know that you may be too smart for them, but if you are feeling VERY low someday and really considering suicide, please say that you'll at least consider calling one of those hotlines.

If you are suffering from serious depression, can you tell yourself the truth--that your brain is MAKING you feel bad? And that it may distort your life and make it appear so much worse than it is in reality?

Suicide is not a solution. As for no one caring, at 17, I can assure you that MANY people will miss you terribly. Also, what if your suicide caused some other kid at your school to go over the edge?

Please also remember, you seem intelligent, that hormones are raging during this period in your life. Being moody or depressed is somewhat normal, and not an indication that your life sucks.

im going to do it a few days before my school begins again. at least during the summer i don't have to do much or go anywhere really.

Please don't say that. When you say 'do it' do you mean calling the hotline?

Please say how you feel or WHY you are feeling this way.
i can't say why i feel this way(and i don't mean like its top secret), i just don't know how to say it...and no, i don't mean call the hot line. thank you for trying to help me but please do not keep on doing so. i will not be coming back, but thank you. i do not want you to think feel like you tried and i just spat in your face.

Good bye,


Please come back. What harm can talking do? And not being able to put your feelings into words....that is very normal.

I really really really want to help you. I know I'm just a person you've never met, but I have felt laid so low as you are now.

I seriously considered suicide at age 12, NJ. And, now at age 31, I'm SOOOOOO glad that I didn't do it! NJ, life has so much in store for you!

Please, I want you to know what magic and beauty there is in this life. I want you to know what it feels like to fall in make love to someone while looking deep into their laugh with travel the world. There are some wonderful things out there! How would you like to ride a camel in the Sahara desert and watch a million glittering white stars? Or snorkeling among the bright corals and fish in the Virgin Islands? How would you like to climb to the top of a Thai temple and watch the sun set on the golden top of the wat, with monkeys and birds in the trees around you? I've done these things and so much more.
If I had checked out of this life early, I never would have had any of the great adventures of my life, and never have fallen in love, never enjoyed such pleasures and luxuries this world has to offer you on a golden platter...

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