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Well-known member
Dec 29, 2014
Reaction score
East Hemisphere
Well, This has come to my attention that something has been misunderstood here. There is few doubts among people about this. So I have to speak this loud and clear for everyone sake and specially for Rose.

There is this thread about crush in General Chat section, and I posted My comment and some of few of us has paid too much attention to it. It was on fun level. About me having crush on sanguineRose. That was supposed to be fun but I have been notified that this is creating a little bit of problem in form of misunderstanding. There is nothing wrong in having some fun, right? What I meant to say was she is very good friend of mine. and I joked it little too much to cheer her up. She is too polite to tell me anything about it but I have got few messages that are hinting at misunderstanding.

If it has created some problem for my dear Rose, I am asking you to forgive me for my stupidity and I'm sure she will forgive me. Please help me out on this one, Rose.
Thank you for clearing it out PD. It was getting little dense here and yeah you're forgiven. :) *Hugs*
Misunderstanding are going to happen, it's just a fact of life. The best thing you can do is go directly to the person you feel you wronged, hurt, or made uneasy and just talk to them about it. The other people saying things don't matter, those people might not have it right or just be spiteful or read more into it than the person you are talking about will.
It's always best to go directly to the person, skip the middle man and talk to them, get to the truth before it become a problem.
Well, it was becoming a problem for her and for me too so I use this way to clear out everything for once and all, may be it was bad move, I don't know. I felt this is the right way to undo my mistake.
and little bitta misunderstanding here too.. i was just wondering before i actually got to know u.. misunderstanding tend to happen.. and the best way to clear that up is voice it out and wishing they would understand.. good job there for speaking out..

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