My Horrendous Secret Of 27 Years

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iris said:
However, I don't see what would have been so traumatizing about your experience, LoneKiller, especially that you made the decision to stop because you weren't feeling comfortable.

Children cannot give consent. The end of all discussion on this vein of thought. :)
I feel really bad that this happened to you, and i think your brave for keeping it to yourself for all that time and that you could tell someone. I'm glad you feel better for telling people :)

However, I don't see what would have been so traumatizing about your experience, LoneKiller, especially that you made the decision to stop because you weren't feeling comfortable. If he would have anally, or, at least, orally raped/abused you, then yes, that would have indeed been a terrifying, traumatizing experience.

Because I'm an adult now and know much more about life. I look back at a 10yo boy who's sexual desires weren't discovered yet. By his actions, he robbed that innocence from me. After that my whole outlook on girls and boys changed.

Instead of looking at Linda down the street as my tomboy friend with red hair. I was looking at her breasts and stuff. To me, I believe that can be considered traumatic can't it?

LoneKiller said:
Because I'm an adult now and know much more about life. I look back at a 10yo boy who's sexual desires weren't discovered yet. By his actions, he robbed that innocence from me. After that my whole outlook on girls and boys changed.

Instead of looking at Linda down the street as my tomboy friend with red hair. I was looking at her breasts and stuff. To me, I believe that can be considered traumatic can't it?

DEFINITELY. Don't pay attention to anyone trying to lessen your trauma/experience Jason. They didn't go through it you did.
LoneKiller said:
Instead of looking at Linda down the street as my tomboy friend with red hair. I was looking at her breasts and stuff. To me, I believe that can be considered traumatic can't it?[/color]
That's called puberty.

It's not that I want to be cruel or anything towards you, but to be honest nothing traumatic happened to you that day (night, whatever). So stop playing the victim that you haven't been.
iris said:
LoneKiller said:
Instead of looking at Linda down the street as my tomboy friend with red hair. I was looking at her breasts and stuff. To me, I believe that can be considered traumatic can't it?[/color]
That's called puberty.

It's not that I want to be cruel or anything towards you, but to be honest nothing traumatic happened to you that day (night, whatever). So stop playing the victim that you haven't been.
Are you ******* kidding me!?
If you had a 10yo child and a grow man touched his penis, and made your child touch his, you would tell the molester not to worry about it. There's no victim here? Are you out of your Goddamn mind!?
Well I don’t know what to say exactly since I tend to avoid subjects like this out of fear of doing more harm than good but I remember we had a poster confessing their interest in paedophilia some months ago (not sure of the name) and how you were very understanding of his condition and supportive of his recovery.

Knowing now what you’ve been through yet still offered support to someone of their nature is very brave of you, it must be hard having to switch your past off like that but you did it man.
Lost Drifter said:
Well I don’t know what to say exactly since I tend to avoid subjects like this out of fear of doing more harm than good but I remember we had a poster confessing their interest in paedophilia some months ago (not sure of the name) and how you were very understanding of his condition and supportive of his recovery.

Knowing now what you’ve been through yet still offered support to someone of their nature is very brave of you, it must be hard having to switch your past off like that but you did it man.
Drifter. Are you complimenting me or insulting me? I can't tell for sure.
Lost Drifter said:
Checks schedule...nope not this time! :rolleyes:
Sorry Drifter. I misunderstood. I'm a little emotional right now. My father's friend of 40 years just lost his son in a motorcycle accident today. Dad's pretty broken up about it. It makes me sad to see him in pain. I hope you understand.
My mom was abused by someone at her church when she was little. She didn't tell anyone until she was 40, but it had a huge impact on her life. To this day she doesn't like to go in churches. She said the group therapy she did helped a lot.
LoneKiller said:
SophiaGrace said:
Iris is a troll.
Just what a sensitive forum like this needs. We're so blessed.

They're everywhere and can be subtle enough to fly under the face of moderation at times because they aren't overtly doing anything wrong.

=_= @ Iris.
Please refrain from such name calling. It is fine to disagree but name calling is not helpful.
Minus said:
name calling is not helpful.

Nor is what she said, and might even be harmful. Actually, it is harmful because it promotes a dangerous mindset.

but, go ahead, call me out for name-calling.
Oh, it is ineffective to disagree with someone without name calling?

If you want to argue then bring it to PM and knock off the name calling.
iris said:
It's not that I want to be cruel or anything towards you, but to be honest nothing traumatic happened to you that day (night, whatever). So stop playing the victim that you haven't been.

Your input was unnecessary.
Someone shared an event that was tragic to them, not you.
It is not your place nor right to judge an individual's pain.

To add: C'mon guys... Let's approach this fragile subject matter with a little bit more couth.

If you have nothing constructive or supportive to add, then keep this in mind: The kindest word in all the world is the unkind word, unsaid.
Oh man.

Just for the record, I'm not trying to challenge the rules that are in place. And I'm certainly not disagreeing that name calling is hurtful and wrong. But if it's true, it's different isn't it?

This forum like any other has "Trolls". But that fact shouldn't make "Trolling" be considered less of an offense and more tolerable. The rules on name calling seem to be enforced much more than trolling itself is. Perhaps if the penalties for Trolling were stiffer, less members would troll, meaning less members would call them trolls.

If someone is acting like an ******* and it obvious to everyone that they are. Then calling them an ******* is just saying what everyone else is thinking. For example. If someone were to create a thread entitled: "What's Your Favorite Animal?", and someone replied saying a lion for example. That's a perfectly acceptable answer.

If some other member saw the reply and said: ",..What are you? A ******* moron!? Lions are stupid.." That is most certainly name calling. When members join this forum in search of solace and are so **** lonely that they need friends and people to communicate with
to keep from going absolutely insane from a life without anyone are trolled, it's absolutely devastating to them.

How the Hell is that helping anyone. If this forum was a "Gaming" forum where trolling is frequent and the norm, people who are new members are usually aware of this when they join. Gaming forums are notorious for trolling and most of the members are aware of it. In a forum like this, which is devoted to healing and comfort. It attracts many new members in search of just that. A lot of them probably dismissed themselves from gaming forums because of the abuse and came here for help and a place to belong without being messed around.

Minus and Sci-Fi. I think that you guys are decent mods. I really do.
You do your best to keep things in line. Nobody is expecting you 2 to deal with every little problem that occurs. But trolling is a serious ******* thing here. It has much more of an impact on members here then members on a gaming forum who are usually much more thick-skinned

Since I joined I've made my fair share of mistakes and posted some objectionable material. So I'm no saint. I get angry when I'm trolled. And have in retaliation, shot my mouth off. But this is because I don't intentionally troll people for kicks. Whenever I've been angry with someone, I get mean and post offensive words, but I never pick a fight just for the sake of it, so I'm not a hypocrite.

Again guys, I'm not trying to cause trouble. I'm trying to prevent it. I understand that being mods is a tough spot to be in. No matter what decisions you hand down, you can't please everyone. But instead of getting pissed off at members who are name calling, maybe you should focus more on the causes of this name calling and fix that. This will cause the name calling to subside. That's all I'm saying.

Should you choose to ban me for my feelings I can't stop you. It's just the way I feel about it.
If you have a problem with a mod or the way things are done then take it to PM. Insulting someone with names because you do not like their opinion is not acceptable. Just look at Ox Blood's post for a simple elegant way to disagree and still keep it civil.
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