New and not sure if I'll belong

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Mar 22, 2014
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My name is Sarah. I'm in my late 20's and have felt alone my whole life. Not sure if this forum is the best place for me, but I thought I'd give it a try, what's the worst that can happen?

I wouldn't say I have a bad life, my life has been pretty good, I just have never fit in anywhere. Growing up, I never fit it in at school, I had friends, but was always the strange friend of the group. Now that I'm an adult, life hadn't changed much, now I'm just the strange coworker of the group or the strange family member, etc. I've always acted fine with being the odd one out, but it does effect me.

Main thing that gets me, is I'm almost 30, and never been in love. I've had a few boyfriends, but nothing that's been long term. So, I feel alone more and more as time goes on. I really hope one day to meet the man for me, and everyone in my life says it will happen when it's suppose to, but I'm scared it will never happen.

I've tried to keep my mind off it, I do things I love, I've been travelling around the world for the past 2.5 years, and it's been amazing, but I see the people that have others to share it with, and can't help but wonder why I can't.

Anyways, sorry for the long post!
If I fit in here you'll have no problem either Sarah. Being the strange person has it's great moments and had its curses- value your uniqueness and be grateful you're not a conformist.

One of the most painful things for me is seeing people sharing 'magical moments' and wishing I had those moments....I've experienced them and it's pretty **** painful in some ways to find myself on the outside looking in.

Tell us more about your travels....
Thanks for the great reply Wild, really was a great welcome to the site :)

I'm from Canada, and spent a lot of 2011 travelling around the states and a trip to Mexico. In 2012 I flew to Australia where I did a working holiday for two years, and have just landed in New Zealand a few weeks ago. It's been absolutely amazing, but a new hostel every other day could be adding to my loneliness? I hope to see parts of Asia later this year and then make my way over to the UK for another two year working holiday.
Sarah said:
Thanks for the great reply Wild, really was a great welcome to the site :)

I'm from Canada, and spent a lot of 2011 travelling around the states and a trip to Mexico. In 2012 I flew to Australia where I did a working holiday for two years, and have just landed in New Zealand a few weeks ago. It's been absolutely amazing, but a new hostel every other day could be adding to my loneliness? I hope to see parts of Asia later this year and then make my way over to the UK for another two year working holiday.

You're the person I'm encouraging my daughter to be- I engage her curiosity, uniqueness, and self-assurance every day (she's eleven). We live near Cranbrook, B.C. btw.
That's great! It's been the best three years of my life! Your daughter will learn and see so much if she travels.

Cranbrook, small world! My family is from Calgary, but my sister was just texting me saying her husband got a job offer in his company to move to Cranbrook! Hah
I spent about twenty years of my life building houses in Cow-Town....Kid was born there.

Tell Sis not to be in a rush to buy a home in Cranbrook, prices are still kind of high and she'll find the property tax to be unreal (more than Calgary in many areas). If they decide to purchase a guy by the name of Phil Lewis is an incredible realtor to deal with (I built houses in Cranbrook for quite a few years, got to know a lot of realtors). They're gonna love the views and all the things to do out here.
Oh cool, I'll pass that all to my sis! She's still thinking it over, but I think it'll be a nice change for her and the family. Plus, if/when I come back to Canada, I want to live on the coast somewhere, so atleast she will be bit a closer. Thank you :)
I wonder what your method of travel is. How do you fund it? I hear good things about flier miles, but it involves credit, which is never good.
Sarah said:
Oh cool, I'll pass that all to my sis! She's still thinking it over, but I think it'll be a nice change for her and the family. Plus, if/when I come back to Canada, I want to live on the coast somewhere, so atleast she will be bit a closer. Thank you :)

Tell her Kimberly is close (about 15 minutes from Cranbrook), more affordable, people are friendlier, and they've got a great ski hill.
Right now, I'm taking a bus around New Zealand. If you book ahead and plan, you can get tickets as cheap as 1 dollar. I'm not working but I do work as I go to either earn money or to work in exchange for free room and board. In Australia I has a full time job that I saved from in order to come here :)

WildernessWildChild said:
Sarah said:
Oh cool, I'll pass that all to my sis! She's still thinking it over, but I think it'll be a nice change for her and the family. Plus, if/when I come back to Canada, I want to live on the coast somewhere, so atleast she will be bit a closer. Thank you :)

Tell her Kimberly is close (about 15 minutes from Cranbrook), more affordable, people are friendlier, and they've got a great ski hill.

Awesome! Thanks again! :)
Hi Sarah, welcome to the forum. I think you will fit in just fine, just give it some time and get to know the people around here. We've got some really nice folks around. :)

Sarah said:
and have just landed in New Zealand a few weeks ago. It's been absolutely amazing, but a new hostel every other day could be adding to my loneliness? I hope to see parts of Asia later this year and then make my way over to the UK for another two year working holiday.


I have always wanted to go to NZ. Ah, how do you do that, travel and work - I mean, how does it feel? It sure sounds exciting, but does the moving tire you? Or do you not have much to bring with you around?

Sorry lol I'm just thinking of relocating somewhere, soon, and thinking about the amount of stuff I have to move with me gives me a headache. :p

Sarah said:
Right now, I'm taking a bus around New Zealand. If you book ahead and plan, you can get tickets as cheap as 1 dollar. I'm not working but I do work as I go to either earn money or to work in exchange for free room and board.

That is so cool....
Hahaha I was the same!! I packed most of my stuff up and half of my moms basement is filled with my junk, so I'm still a pack rat! Lol. Would you move here or just visit? Where are you from and how old are you? If you're under 30, you can get a working holiday for two years, depending on where you're from. If you're in the commonwealth (other than Canada) you can work in NZ without any visas. It is tiring, but the main thing I try and do is find somewhere to base myself, and travel around from there. In Australia, I lived in one small town 1 and a half years out of the two years I was there, and would take a week off here and there, and see parts of the country! I loved Australia, and loving NZ too! Travel, it's the best thing you can do!
I'd just visit NZ. It sounds like a lovely place! What kind of work holiday do you do? It sounds interesting. Hmm maybe that could be one of my options. Well I'm leaning more towards Europe/UK. :D
Hi Sarah, welcome. Of course you belong, not having a bad life doesn't mean you aren't lonely. I hope you will find yourself fitting in well here :)
Welcome, fellow Canadian! I've heard of these holidays... what's the craziest job you've tried so far? What did you do for regional work (I mean to extend the visa)?
Hi and welcome to the site!

I was lucky enough to visit NZ a couple of yeaes ago - a really nice place with great scenery for driving! ('cpt death road - avoid the death road!!!)

I hope you enjoy your stay and the site!

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