New Mindset

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Active member
Aug 29, 2011
Reaction score
Liberty, IL
The past few months have been rather cruel to me, leaving me in depression constantly, I've fought hard to keep myself up, but I kept finding myself falling. I lost hope. I had no motivation left and little to live for. Like my soul and lifeforce was taken from me violently. I contemplated suicide many a time. Then about half a week ago I got into an accident. Somehow while I was working around my living room, I sliced my wrist clean open on something. It was likely a screw jutting from my broken desk. It scared me to death and immediately my dizzy brain woke up. I panicked tremendously but washed all the blood off long enough to get a temporary relief on it while my grandmother drove me to the E.R. I had to get some stitches put in, but in that state of dissarray I felt my life jolt back into me and realize how precious my life was. Seeing so much blood pouring out I really thought I was going to die! Scare of a lifetime. I'm fine now though, and glad that I could realize what life was really worth. Thinking about my possible death and all, I really can't believe I'd ever throw any of it away. Now that I can see positively rather than negatively, I've gotten so much hope back! I've been able to hold onto this hope for even longer than before and I've even joined my school's charity group and now I spend alot of time assisting the community (even though doctor said no strenuous work lol) and I'm even working towards future careers in DJ'ing and writing. Goes to show that a positive mindset goes a long long ways. I haven't felt so alive in years! Granted I still kinda can't feel my arm, but oh well. Lesson learned, negativity isn't required in life, and check your desks for loose screws. A trip to the E.R might leave you a little confused and in need of a change of pants...
Christ. I am glad you are okay. I wonder if you suffered nerve damage from that.

One step at a time my friend. *flashes a peace sign*
SophiaGrace said:
Christ. I am glad you are okay. I wonder if you suffered nerve damage from that.

One step at a time my friend. *flashes a peace sign*

No worries, no damage done to the nerves, I should be just fine, it's just that I lost alotta blood. Doctor said it'll be all back to normal soon, so no worries ^^ Lol, I was so lightheaded on the way to the hospital that I was just jolly as could be. I was laughing and cracking jokes and all lol. Rest assured though, I feel fine other than the constant itching of my stitches. Itching and tingling. Doctor says that's temporary, and if it isn't, we got a problem ^^ No problems though, I have faith that all will be good as new quite soon.
Oh my goodness, glad you are ok. Sometimes it takes something to happen like that, and live, to help us think clearly. I had a wake up call once...nothing happened to me but if it did, who knows.
Sorry to hear about your accident, but I'm very glad that you are doing well and even became a happier person because of it! :) I have definitely learnt my lesson... yup, no screws sticking out of my desk. ;) Keep doing what you are doing, but just remember not to over exhaust yourself. Thanks for the inspiring story.

The above relates to your story quite a lot =x

I'm really happy that you found a new appreciation for life! :) Your charity and community work is very inspiring.
He's one of my favourite artists :shy: . I preferred his older emo music, but his new less emo music is great too :shy:

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