old thoughts

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May 31, 2010
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Hello new guy here, thought I'd post some random issues and thoughts. I made some tuna fish tonight , first I put oil on it ,then lemon , then salt, pepper and rubbed it in, set it to the side and opened my Kroger brand salad mix from a bag and put a handful on the plate I ate a leaf of green lettuce . I then proceded to open the olives I baught in a can , I couldn't resist the urge to eat 6 or 8 of them, I love olives,I can easliy eat a can , I then took a drink of my sam adams "cream stout" beer seconds later I had to run to the rest room . Thats right diarreha my stomache hurt so bad. I finished in the bathroom and went back in the kitchen looking at the food .What caused the ugliness ? Was it the olive or the peice of lettuce I ate? The beer ? No not the beer! I then felt it comming back ...made a second and then third and FOURTH trip to the can each time a little less pain. I feel fine now I decided to throw the salad and olives out . I ate the fish wasn't great though, and made some corn, which was over done in the microwave. I started to think I wam a horrible cook . But mostly about how easy our bodys are in a way I mean I ate something tainted and my body rejected it. I feel fine now. So many people would go get some pooh releif stuff and maybe make it worse. I dont know I just think it's great my body actually works.And what was it that caused me to blah it all out ? I will try to post better threads in the future:)

very interesting isnt it?


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