PD Speaks...

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Well-known member
Dec 29, 2014
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East Hemisphere
I could have added this on the specific thread but I guess It's too late for that but I hope it’s not too late for everything…


During past few days, it has been quite a roller coaster in my mind and my heart too. Recent events that unfolded in some of the most unfortunate ways, nobody expected this, not me, not you and not anyone else, maybe someone did but I can’t be sure about that. Reps thing, they were always a big mystery for me ever since I came here, I didn’t understand what it was doing here in first place. Even now I understand it help people to give them boost and support when needed, yes it does cause I have done that in past to help few guys here. But sadly it won’t be anymore…

I’m still standing on my words what I had previously stated. But I feel it is needed to make things little more better than now it is. So I will step forward and say it all…
I’m sorry for misunderstanding it has caused…
I’m sorry I could have spoken earlier but well you know If I had that **** electricity fixed earlier…
I’m sorry that you guys won’t be able to appreciate each other like the way you were doing by giving out points…
I’m sorry that cause of misunderstandings feelings of many people were hurt…
I’m sorry that things did happened what it was not expected it to be…
I’m sorry about creating mess again, I hopefully think It doesn’t happen again…

But somehow I feel little proud too and I know I shouldn’t be feeling it but I’m glad that this reps system is gone, I didn’t like it all but the way it has been removed and my involvement in it was unexpected but…I guess someone has to pay the bill. I don’t mind that really, I don’t mind. In fact I wouldn’t even have minded If it has costed me my membership cause I think, I always thought it did more harm than good in a place like this.

Anyway, that matter is settled. What we can do from here is up to us. Either we can move on and do things a little differently or we can sulk ourselves to depression, choice is ours. One more time…
I’m sorry about this whole thing, I wish I could make you feel better by saying sorry but to me it feels that some wound are too deep to be healed by mere words. Sorry guys whose voices I couldn’t hear, I should have understood your silence, I know you’re hurt too like I am, everyone of us is hurt by it. But this place is for that to understand people much better than the rest of community, I hope, really hope we can move on to something much better than this mess. If we let this thing fester into something else then it would defeat the purpose of this place. We have enough of that thing out there in world, don’t want the same thing here too, this is our home, let’s keep it clean.

Okay, I will end this, enough words, head is going fuzzy again. Yeah, I should definitely stop.

And guys, please don’t make it into another argument thread what is right and what is wrong, we have enough of that lately.

And request to Our Mods, please close this thread if it sway from it’s original purpose.
I'm sorry, wait...you are PROUD that you got reps disabled? Wow, just wow.........and after saying you misused them to make someone else stay.

M'kay then....
Maybe proud is not the right, what you call that when you feel you have done something right and it feels great. what's the word?
TheRealCallie said:
I'm sorry, wait...you are PROUD that you got reps disabled? Wow, just wow.........and after saying you misused them to make someone else stay.

M'kay then....

I miss the rep points thing.
TheRealCallie said:
I'm sorry, wait...you are PROUD that you got reps disabled? Wow, just wow.........and after saying you misused them to make someone else stay.

M'kay then....

what are you trying to say? I don't understand. It's not making any sense.
Misuse, when did I say I misused them and whom I made stay? man, it's getting into another mess.
Actions have consequences and your actions have had repercussions for the entire forum. Why is that so hard to understand? For a mature adult that would be a pretty easy concept to grasp. Your 'pride' at having the rep point system disabled is extremely selfish. Nobody else wanted that. There is nothing to be proud of here. Just because you don't like something doesn't mean everyone else doesn't either. What a mess you've made..
Callie is referring to this post:

TheSkaFish said:
My understanding of this was that this started when someone was thinking of leaving because they were upset and didn't think they had friends here anymore, and this was the way that their friends wanted to show this person that they still did have people that wanted them around.

Maybe some of your friends can enlighten you on this...

PenDragon said:
Maybe proud is not the right, what you call that when you feel you have done something right and it feels great. what's the word?

Heroic? Accomplished? You're actively trying to take credit for something which has caused nothing but distress to this place. And you're justifying this by stating that you thought the rep system had no place in here and did more harm than good. Bold move. You should be able to estimate the consequences. You're putting out a fire with gasoline here.

And I'm not entirely sure if you understand this, but whatever you say here will have no impact on the future of the reputation system. It will only have an impact on the way people view you and the other persons concerned on here.
Oh hell, Looks like I can make no one understand, and don't think In futute either i can make anyone. But it is normal for me, I'm way twisted to understand everything. But I did give it a try and it went straight to gutter, well, can't say didn't give a shot but not my best though, there is time for that.
PenDragon said:
....I know I shouldn’t be feeling it but I’m glad that this reps system is gone.....
I'm curious if you felt this way while you were handing out all of those reps in your 'friendship' game?

Rodent said:
It will only have an impact on the way people view you and the other persons concerned on here.
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