People get too involved with relationships?

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Well-known member
Oct 12, 2008
Reaction score
Kentucky, U.S.
I've noticed a trend as of lately, I would say that it's just typical of the type of friends that I hang out with but lately I've noticed it seems more and more to be affecting everyone.

What I'm talking about is the complete *$*#($* that people can turn into when they get in a relationship. I'm not talking about towards their new SO but to their old friends. I'm also not talking about the new SO manipulating them or anything, it's just these people being d-bags.

Examples like, they've spent the last 3 nights together and then your friend cancels plans with you to do something with them despite that you've had these plans a lot longer. Just things like that. I understand that being in a new relationship is exciting, but it seems like everyone around here does it and they are all very rude about it.

Even a close friend of mine who is one of the most respectful and polite guys I know has turned into a total POS because he keeps blowing off plans that we make and stuff despite that he spends 90% of the time with her anyways.

I'm not just being jealous. I'm excited and happy for him, but he's now rescheduled our plans 6 nights in a row and spent every one of them with her, he waits until the last minute to do it, and one night waited until we had been together for 20 minutes (left after she called him). Tonight we had plans that I thought were finally gonna work out but he's going over there instead... which really pisses me off since he's going to spend the next week and a half with her on a trip.

But really, i'm talking almost everyone, at every stage of a relationship.
Lmao...Just wait until you get into a serious long term relationship...youself.

She be my best friend, my lover, my counselor, my accountant, my bill collector, my goddess and executioner :p

That's BS man...if he has a job or attend school. If he's luckie..he might get an hour or two with her a day.

Yeap...when there's kids involved...hell, I only saw my ex-wf or gf on the fly or in passing...lmao
Between work, school and the children. Shores up the wazoo..... We fresia on the run.

You can't have a messy house or environment for children to grow up in..and you have to spend time with the children.
Washing dishes. Doing thier luandry. Cleaning thier room. Getting them dress..bathing them...etc. there's no time to just go hang out.

I might have dinner with my wife once a week becuase our schedule didn't matched.
Sometimes I'll even forget to take the X-max light down...Time freaken flies when you bussy.
The next thing i know it's time to save money for x-mas toys for kids again.
Errr wtf it's october or november again already...lmao

It's true though..I couldn't hang out with my friends as was far and few in between when they come
and visit me...Errr, hanging out in single's bar is diffinitely not something you want to do if you have a GF/WF with
children. I had to learn how to have a relatiohship with my children.

errr...even my dog got pissed at me..lmao
My dog used to drop his play ball or frizbie at my me the eye.
If he could talk he was saying " when the fresia are you going to go play catch with me ?"
This happens (I think) when there is a lack of balance in a relationship. Personally, I wouldn't want to blow off my friends to be with a new person. I don't think people realize it also ends up hurting the relationship. KEEPING your life and incorporating it into getting to know the new person is far better than GIVING UP your life to focus on that one person. But ya live and ya learn. Funny how people run back to thier friends after a breakup. Isn't it? I'm sorry your friend cancelled on you. Wasn't very nice of him. Maybe you could find other things to do instead of making plans with him? Have you told him how frustrating it is to make plans and have them broken?

I can't run back to my single freinds now.
They have freaken kids doing the Daddy thing.... man.:p
And mommy don't giving out de pink slip...lmao
Pay back is a *****...I get to tell them about the PinkSlip like they used to tell

Make new friends...
New friends bascially act almost like old freinds.
I relate to certain type of people or personalites.
Just like the new GF is going to act just like the old GF to a certain degree...lmao

When old friends comes around look for a place to crash becuase he got put inot the dog house.. you be his friend.
That's what friends are for....more than just a hang out buddy.
to Papabear

Every stage, are you sure ? I mean, if something new happening you are excited about it and then when you'll used to it everything becomes normal. For example, some meeting that includes friends and girlfriend, so that everyone could see one another. My friend did so. He met a girl and then 1 month was completely out there with her. But our little company wasn't mad at him, i mean what for, he was happy. And then she became our firend as well, so....I suggest you to give it more time. I am pretty sure he didn't forget his friends, but girlfriend is important too.

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