People texting/using their phones in social situations

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Well known loser
Jul 26, 2011
Reaction score
New Zealand
I'm don't mean friends you see often, but people you haven't seen in a while or new acquaintances. It's happened a couple of times.

I even hear of people texting, answering non-urgent calls or checking facebook while on dates. To me it's one of the rudest things someone can do.
It is rude. But that's par for the course these days. Remember, we live in a time where putting obnoxious bumper stickers on your car doesn't even get a raised eyebrow.

Seinfeld once talked about bad manners with cell phones when he was doing stand-up...about the practice of putting one's cell phone on the table when meeting with someone. It's like
"You aren't the only option I have here. I can start texting any time." *smdh*...
The problem is that it's becoming more "normal" and less rude, especially the newer generation. I'm with you; it is rude, kinda like ignoring someone.
9006 said:
The problem is that it's becoming more "normal" and less rude, especially the newer generation. I'm with you; it is rude, kinda like ignoring someone.

So true. Using phones while talking to someone, a lack of grammar & sentence construction, & girls' jeans with "Juicy" stitched across the seat. (No, I am not making that up.) There are consolations in getting older, are there not?
9006 said:
The problem is that it's becoming more "normal" and less rude, especially the newer generation. I'm with you; it is rude, kinda like ignoring someone.

Yes, the newer generation.

And yes, it is rude. I always have to nudge my niece to stop doing that whenever we have visitors we don't often meet and she's sitting there on her phone the whole time.
9006 said:
The problem is that it's becoming more "normal" and less rude, especially the newer generation. I'm with you; it is rude, kinda like ignoring someone.

It is rude, unless the person you're texting is the person trying to talk to you.

Even before texting, I hated cell phones. Especially when working as a cashier at a grocery store 11 years ago. It was just so rude to go through the line, while talking on the phone. I would always tell the person to hang up and call them back...and then I would get lip.
my last date nearly 2 years ago, she was always on her phone. Phone calls, texting. It was a pain !
My relatives do this while we "visit" ... not so much texting more playing games or surfing the net.
MTrip said:
It is rude. But that's par for the course these days. Remember, we live in a time where putting obnoxious bumper stickers on your car doesn't even get a raised eyebrow.

Seinfeld once talked about bad manners with cell phones when he was doing stand-up...about the practice of putting one's cell phone on the table when meeting with someone. It's like
"You aren't the only option I have here. I can start texting any time." *smdh*...

lol... yeah I saw the other stand-up bit where he compared it to holding a magazine in front of someone's face.

duff said:
my last date nearly 2 years ago, she was always on her phone. Phone calls, texting. It was a pain !

ick...You should have walked out.
Adults these days kinda look like kids with a gameboy sometimes... Except it's a phone.
ucxb said:
My relatives do this while we "visit" ... not so much texting more playing games or surfing the net.

Yeah this is usually the case for my niece and nephew. Still rude though. :\
I hate it. I'm quite confrontational, so if you're doing it then you should expect me to tell you that you're rude and that I can no longer be bothered conversing with you.

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