Pop vs. Soda

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What is the correct term?

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Haha oh fresia... I knew this was coming sooner or later. :p

As far as I can recall, "soda" seems to be the oldest surviving term for a carbonated beverage (of any kind)... but that doesn't necessarily make it the end-all of what to call it. I believe it's simply a regional thing. There's no reason that it can't be BOTH "soda" and "pop."

Lol... what a strange world. Imagine me arguing for the middle ground and tolerance! *shakes head* lol

P.S. OH MY GOD. Read this ad I found!

"Laboratory tests over the last few years have proven that babies who start drinking soda during that early formative period have a much higher chance of gaining acceptance and "fitting in" during those awkward pre-teen and teen years. So, do yourself a favor. Start them on a strict regimen of sodaa and other sugary carbonated beverages right now, for a lifetime of guaranteed happiness."

Common sense tells me that this ad is a fake. I sincerely hope so. :p Still funny, though.

I picked "soda" because that's what I think of as the normal colloquial term, but I do think of "soft drink" as the more proper term, ie. for menus and such. Also, "cola" or "Coke" is obviously okay if you're *actually* talking about some sort of cola drink for "cola" or a Coca-Cola product for "Coke."
None of the above. It's simply drink which covers anything until the exact type is specified.
I think in the uk, the term soft drinks include juice drinks like oasis and ribena as well as coke and dr pepper, we also have 'alco-pop' which suggests that pop is the preferred colloquial term. So it's gotta be pop for me!

P.S I actually hate 'alcopops' please don't ever think I'd drink one :)
Badjedidude said:
Common sense tells me that this ad is a fake. I sincerely hope so. :p Still funny, though.

Yes it is a fake.

But a better job than a lot of fakes.

^^^Hahaha... Lard Information Council. :p

That "yum yum juice" is looking lonely; I almost wish I could go back and vote for it. :p
soda?!?! I've never heard it called soda...it's always been the name brand (coke/sprite/pepsi). When I hear the word "soda" I think of "soda-licious"...anybody remember those things?!?!

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