Questions for the Men

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Yes. Absolutely. Then I start thinking maybe....... the three of us. But, that's never been part of my reality. However, after my hormones calm down, I realize I want the one I'm with. She lets me be a repeat customer on a regular basis. Nothing can trump that. ;)
I thought that men like the women that reject them constantly ?
I thought that men like the women that reject them constantly ?
Maybe the alpha males. But, I stop and walk away at the first rejection, which is the polite thing to do. But, it definitely lowers your success rate. I also STOP if I ever hear the word NO even though many times NO means YES. I just don't play those games.
Men I have a question ive been too afraid to ask men since I came out of the womb… when your partners friend is wayyyy hotter than her, do you wish you had the hotter friend instead? Truthfully! Im so scared of this question 🥺

I'm scared of beautiful girls , I had chance to date two of them ... I prefer normal girls by beauty standards.
Hmmm shocking, So weird i found alcohol sooooo cheap out there but maybe because of the exchange lol but I went to this one sports bar a few times called 123 and it was $2 a shot and $3 a beer 😂 i dont drink that much anymore though

Oh okay, that's why. You don't really drink. I'm a recovered alcoholic. I knew the staff at the club I used to hang out at, both the DJs and the dancers, the bartenders and the owner all knew me by name. So I'd drink for free there a lot of the time, I only had to pay a cover charge to get in like everyone else did.
The DJ and the dancers were friends of mine through my music endeavors, and the bartenders and owners actually through day job endeavors as the company I worked for was their supplier for paper products and non-alcoholic bar supplies.
On average it takes me about 6 shots to get buzzed. But, like I said, I'm a recovered alcoholic. My tolerance just never dropped below a certain point again even after years without drinking. 🤷‍♂️
Men I have a question ive been too afraid to ask men since I came out of the womb… when your partners friend is wayyyy hotter than her, do you wish you had the hotter friend instead? Truthfully! Im so scared of this question 🥺

Not necessarily.
Looks absolutely aren't everything.
Just because a person is physically attractive doesn't mean they're a good person.
You can be attracted to someone who isn't a good person, and you can also be with someone who isn't good for you to be with.
I don't bunny-hop from one girl to the next, nor do I go entirely based on physical attraction.
Actually, physical attraction to me is nothing more than the initial yes/no question.
After that, if she's actually an amazing person than it doubles down and keeps me bewildered and entranced, but if she ends up being not a good person than my attraction just kind of diminishes and fades with time.
Maybe the alpha males. But, I stop and walk away at the first rejection, which is the polite thing to do. But, it definitely lowers your success rate. I also STOP if I ever hear the word NO even though many times NO means YES. I just don't play those games.
I respect thissssss I feel like they are dangerous games to play
I'm scared of beautiful girls , I had chance to date two of them ... I prefer normal girls by beauty standards.
I dont blame ya im scared of all girls lol apart from myself … 😂

Not necessarily.
Looks absolutely aren't everything.
Just because a person is physically attractive doesn't mean they're a good person.
You can be attracted to someone who isn't a good person, and you can also be with someone who isn't good for you to be with.
I don't bunny-hop from one girl to the next, nor do I go entirely based on physical attraction.
Actually, physical attraction to me is nothing more than the initial yes/no question.
After that, if she's actually an amazing person than it doubles down and keeps me bewildered and entranced, but if she ends up being not a good person than my attraction just kind of diminishes and fades with time.
But its like if she is a good person and hotter would you regret your choice with a not so hot good person?
But its like if she is a good person and hotter would you regret your choice with a not so hot good person?

No. Not now that I'm older and understand more about how relationships develop. Most humans have some kind of dirt on them that they try to keep from it being noticed. That's one of the things hookup culture doesn't do, is actually take the time to vet their partners. Plus I don't think I'd be in a relationship where I feel like I regret my choice, because that'd just undermine the whole actual love part: If you regret your partner, then do you even actually love your partner? I think not. Maybe that's just a me thing though, idk.
No. Not now that I'm older and understand more about how relationships develop. Most humans have some kind of dirt on them that they try to keep from it being noticed. That's one of the things hookup culture doesn't do, is actually take the time to vet their partners. Plus I don't think I'd be in a relationship where I feel like I regret my choice, because that'd just undermine the whole actual love part: If you regret your partner, then do you even actually love your partner? I think not. Maybe that's just a me thing though, idk.
But its like my sister has the looks and the personality type men I know really like shes super adventurous loves thrill seeking blah blah never afraid to look silly blah blah so sometimes i wonder if i like someone and they meet her if they’d deep down wish they had her instead
But its like my sister has the looks and the personality type men I know really like shes super adventurous loves thrill seeking blah blah never afraid to look silly blah blah so sometimes i wonder if i like someone and they meet her if they’d deep down wish they had her instead

It is a common fantasy, especially with younger people, but when fantasy turns into reality that's usually when honeysuckle hits the fan. That's a no-go zone, for anybody that actually respects their partner.
But its like my sister has the looks and the personality type men I know really like shes super adventurous loves thrill seeking blah blah never afraid to look silly blah blah so sometimes i wonder if i like someone and they meet her if they’d deep down wish they had her instead
Blaaaaa. blaaaa. blaaaa. What's your sister's phone number? Ha! ha!
Question for today is… do men feel the butterflies to? I will look at men very differently if you do lolz Also because im a question addict have any of you men…wanted a connection first before wanting this to get physical … like the opposite of hook up culture?
Question for today is… do men feel the butterflies to? I will look at men very differently if you do lolz Also because im a question addict have any of you men…wanted a connection first before wanting this to get physical … like the opposite of hook up culture?

Yes we do, and also most men want a connection before getting physical.
I'm glad hookup culture is there, don't get me wrong, but dead-eyed sex kind of wears away the value of sex for me. That's why I never really got too into hookup culture, it can be taxing on the mind.
Yes we do, and also most men want a connection before getting physical.
I'm glad hookup culture is there, don't get me wrong, but dead-eyed sex kind of wears away the value of sex for me. That's why I never really got too into hookup culture, it can be taxing on the mind.
Lool you’re lucky this is public I was about to say something wildly inappropriate 😅

But its interesting, do you think it takes men long to feel butterflies?
Question for today is… do men feel the butterflies to? I will look at men very differently if you do lolz Also because im a question addict have any of you men…wanted a connection first before wanting this to get physical … like the opposite of hook up culture?

Guys do have butterflies. And I hate nightclub / tinder / hook up culture.

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