Should I just kill myself and get it over with?

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Chris 2

Well-known member
Sep 29, 2007
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Honestly, I never been happy even as a child. First day in kindergarten, I would bullied and laugh at because I was born with a deformation and my lip stick out. I was constantly being call "ugly" and this has let to my Social Anxiety. I'm in college now, and it seem like I will never be able to get away from my past.

I need your vote on this. Waiting for my mom to die before I kill myself is gonna take forever.

Plus it not like any girl will ever love me anyway. I'm a social outcast, creep, stalker, not human, and etc...

I need all your vote.

Say yes or no.

I know suicide is a sin, but my life is a sin anyway.
No... cause if all the lonely people go and kill themselves, then I'm gonna be stuck here on the forum talking to myself... I do more than enough of that away from the forum :(
Yeah, us lonely folks have to stick together. Can't do that if we all kill ourselves. Besides, we have as much of a right to live as anyone else. We ought to exercise that right. And live, to our full potential. Because life shouldn't be an exclusive right to those who are social or sucessful or popular. That's bullsh*t.
Hi Chris.

No one here is going to tell you that you should kill yourself.

And realistically you shouldn't care what anyone else thinks anyway.

This is your life, to do what you will with.

I'm sorry you're hurting.... maybe it will hurt less tomorrow. (That's what I tell myself when I'm having a tough time).
Hi Chris,
I have the same argument as you everyday as im sure you do, debating if you should get out of bed go to classes etc when it all seems so pointless when you could just end it all put a stop to the pain the torment the lonliness, so i cannot answer your question and the philsophy of taking one day at a time one, one step after the other can only last for a time before we all falter and fall to our knees, but if you look around you will find someone that will offer you a hand to get back on your feet.

I know I may not be making any sense or sounding hypocritical but its all i have left to believe in, everyday after i have woken up i wonder why i do carry on, what has life got to offer thats so great? then every afternoon when i come home i think the same thing the only thing that can keep us going is hope even if it is just an illusion.
Chris 2 said:
I need your vote on this. Waiting for my mom to die before I kill myself is gonna take forever.
Plus it not like any girl will ever love me anyway. I'm a social outcast, creep, stalker, not human, and etc...
I need all your vote.
Say yes or no.
I know suicide is a sin, but my life is a sin anyway.

I would vote "No", and I don't think you're going to get many votes for "Yes" around here.

Every time I feel like killing myself (which is quite frequent) I think about the slim possibility that my life will improve. If I check out, then I will miss out on that possibility.

What happens if you waste yourself the day before you win a lottery or meet the girl of your dreams? Absolutely nothing because you'll be freaking dead. There is always hope even when it seems like there's none.
Chris, no.
And I'm sure you'll know my reasons why. Plus, it all includes what the others have said before me in this thread.
There is always hope... think about what would make your life less painful, and how to achieve that. And then try to focus on achieving it, even if it may take years..
diamond-dancer said:
Hi Chris.

No one here is going to tell you that you should kill yourself.

And realistically you shouldn't care what anyone else thinks anyway.

This is your life, to do what you will with.

I'm sorry you're hurting.... maybe it will hurt less tomorrow. (That's what I tell myself when I'm having a tough time).

Well said, I know topics like this are going to come up from time to time, and I know how you are feeling Chris, I have been suicidal in the past and ended up in the hospital in intensive care a few times, in the end I just hated feeling that way and did something about it, whatever it took. So there is help out there for you if you want it, you can send me a pm if you want and I'll tell you the path that I took to get better.
mimizu said:
There is always hope... think about what would make your life less painful, and how to achieve that. And then try to focus on achieving it, even if it may take years..

suicide seem less painful...I'm not one who doesn't know that suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem, and I also was a peer support student, but I mean, it unbearable. I'm afraid to even go to the restroom or walk outside my door.

The future seem so dim...
why do you think that no girl will ever love you? how old are you. what's dim about the future?
*hugs Chris2 over the internet*
Here's what I tell myself when life sucks;
"I'm in a down swing but I'll get better. I always do. It only feels like the end of the world."
It may not seem like it some days, but it's true, life always gets better just the same as it always gets worse.
*Hugs Chris2 again*
I'm sorry if it feels like no one cares, but remember that everyone has flaws and any decent person can forgive them.
I think you have every reason to kill yourself, but that doesn't mean you should, you could say to yourself"This is why I must and will succeed" Keep pushing your reality, measure youre future success with your past failures.
No. You simply musn't. I like you and I like having you here. And I appreciate your kindness and support!
Question for everyone:

To you, is suicide EVER justified? Would you ever think, hey this person's life is over...he has nothing to look forward to, no friends, no one cares if he lives or dies, he's basically dead to the world. What if all the money in the world could not save this person? What if falling in love or having friends could not even save this person? What if this person is so incredibly messed up that he will always suffer from inferiority and be unhappy? What if this person will never understand the complexities of the world, and will always be depressed no matter what good things happen to him? What if this person is so emotionally immature, stupid, and weak that there is no place for him in this world? Would you think that suicide is justified in this scenario?
lonelyloser said:
Question for everyone:

To you, is suicide EVER justified? Would you ever think, hey this person's life is over...he has nothing to look forward to, no friends, no one cares if he lives or dies, he's basically dead to the world. What if all the money in the world could not save this person? What if falling in love or having friends could not even save this person? What if this person is so incredibly messed up that he will always suffer from inferiority and be unhappy? What if this person will never understand the complexities of the world, and will always be depressed no matter what good things happen to him? What if this person is so emotionally immature, stupid, and weak that there is no place for him in this world? Would you think that suicide is justified in this scenario?

lonelyloser said:
Question for everyone:

To you, is suicide EVER justified? Would you ever think, hey this person's life is over...he has nothing to look forward to, no friends, no one cares if he lives or dies, he's basically dead to the world. What if all the money in the world could not save this person? What if falling in love or having friends could not even save this person? What if this person is so incredibly messed up that he will always suffer from inferiority and be unhappy? What if this person will never understand the complexities of the world, and will always be depressed no matter what good things happen to him? What if this person is so emotionally immature, stupid, and weak that there is no place for him in this world? Would you think that suicide is justified in this scenario?
Chris, I am so sorry you are feeling this way. I do not know you, of course, but I think I understand, at least a little bit, how you feel. You know all the arguments against your desired course of action. I won't repeat them.

I spent most of my senior year of college in my room. I didn't make it to class very often. I spent a lot of money on food I didn't have to leave the house for. And I kept hoping that I might die naturally somehow, because I knew that suicide would destroy my father. Still, I forced myself to complete my degree as quickly as possible, and lined up a job in a new region after graduation, because the only thing worse than being lonely was the idea of being lonely AND unable to pay back my massive student loan debt.

I am not by any means a religious person, but I feel that there must be some purpose to human suffering. As much as my loneliness has isolated me from others, it has also enabled me to better reach out to those of my students who are struggling socially. It has made me a more empathetic person and, I hope, a better friend in the relationships I WILL form in the future.

Am I still miserable? For now, yes. But I'm also stubborn enough to hope, however dim the future seems, that the steps I am taking now may yet lead me somewhere better. I think posting here could be a huge step toward that future for many in this community.

And yes, my vote is a resounding no.
all i can say, chris, is that life is just too great to give it all up. think of all the things you will miss, think of all the things u havent done, ull never be able to experience the finer things in life. i tried to killmyself once, i wanted to be painless at the same time go out in a blaze. i took a lot of hells bells, (if you know what that is, its a legal plant that grow everwhere, look like a bellflower and eating it will trip you out. on the internet there are kids warning kids not to do it because you can very easily die if u ate too much.)i knew about the consequences so i took a very very large amount of hells bells. 8 cops had to hold me down, ambulance, ER, catheter, i was trippin in the hospital for 3 days. they said my face was blue when i first came in. it didnt solve my problems, but it made me realize suicide doesnt solve ANYTHING. dont u want to feel to be loved by someone? the only way to do that, is to find love... not to off yourself, itll only worsen the problem, obviously. but it is your life, i have no say.

I have to say that I think that suicide is never justified. It is the most selfish act of a human being. Even if we have no friends or family, we are still ripping a hole in the universe where we were supposed to be! We are all here for a purpose and it's not to kill ourselves.

If we are in pain it's because something in our lives isn't right. We need to search for the deeper roots such as the spiritual and moral illness that might be causing our unhappiness, that way we can deal with the deeper meaning of life. It's not just the material world!

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