Skorians Personal Log

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Kristen said:
um...personal log ends here?

Na, I have been doing pretty decent, just haven't felt like I had anything worth adding here really.
Skorian said:
Na, I have been doing pretty decent, just haven't felt like I had anything worth adding here really.

That's good to here dude :)

Well, It is the sort of thing you would not add too every day.

Good to have it here when you feel the need to wright stuff out. When its useful to do that. Well, That's what I would do but you do as you please :)
It’s been a while since my last entry. Last week was a bit bumpy. I messed around with several different things in slightly different combinations so I am not exactly sure of the cause. I think I had reduced to 200mg SAMe. Also I have been taking mineral supplements on top of everything previously mentioned. That along with a multi vitamin and fish oils. I highly doubt a multi would do this. Also, there is no way the fish oils are responsible. The other key factor is I had quite a bit of ice cream and cheesecake. Shortly after which it was very noticeable that my nose stuffs up and my heart will begin to race for no reason. Every time like clockwork. Both contain milk and eggs. The ice cream was not the synthetic kind. I can’t stand synthetic ice cream as it just tastes like snot. I highly suspect they play a primary role in the way I was feeling. Also, I have my eye on L-Tryptophan. Seeing as how SSRI’s affect me it’s possible it plays some role. I will have to play around with several things more to decide exactly what is doing what. I have also been having more difficulty holding my sleeping to an exact 24-hour period as I had started to be able to do for a short while. Which seems to be holding steady again now. I have been taking mineral supplements at night since they seem to make me sleepy. Calcium did always seem to do that to me as I recall. Also the Goodnight Rx that seemed to have such a strong effect now has a much more mild and much less frightening affect on those few nights I take it. Overall I seem to be getting a lot stronger and have been eating like a horse. Oh and I am back up to 400mg SAMe for the time being. My weight has jumped all the way from 130lbs to 140lbs already. I walk almost every morning for over an hour. Have only worked upper body a few days when I find the extra energy. Have gotten a little running in on a few mornings. This morning I got in about 3 hours of both upper and lower body exercise. Decently vigorous upper body exercise. Am already starting to be able to get a decent pump. I will be able to puff up like a marsh mellow again in no time at this rate. My heart is back to beating like a drum. I would never have even known it was causing me problems just a few week back. Doesn’t bother me at all now. I haven’t felt an out of rhythm beat even for a moment for a good while now.

I have been drinking spring water, which has an alkaline PH. I haven’t really extensively researched it yet, but basically it’s micron filtered, charcoal filtered, and ozonated. I don’t really recall what ozonated is, but I seem to recall that that is something that affects the positive or negative charge of something or other. I may be remembering that wrong. Not really sure of it’s mineral composition, but as long as it’s not acidic for the moment that doesn’t really matter.

The last few days I have spent a whole bunch of time learning more about what is really going on in Iraq and am setting up a document to email out to a few people and post on my myspace site to try to help inform people for the coming election. Other then that since the last entry I have watched a whole slew of movies and some of the Star Trek Next generation series DVD’s that I own. I guess there isn’t a whole lot else to report.

For everyone who mucked about spouting nonsense in my journal, including myself. I am going to give you a boot in the butt. I don't mean you Bluey.

Oh yes, special thanks to Kristen for giving me a hard time for not posting. :)
I haven't really had much to say for a while. Overall I have been doing pretty good. Eating decent though not as well as I would like. My energy levels have been a bit lower then they were for a bit, but my ability to focus "extremely" well has been improving.

Recently I have had a horrible time sleeping. One possible culprit is Histamine, which is one substance in the body I need to learn alot more about. I have known about it for some time and suspect it plays a large role in many cases of depression. I have noticed in the past when I take niacin for several days in a row I can start to feel better. What niacin does is forces the release of built up histamine into the bloodstream. So I guess then it would be removed in a short while from the blood by the kidneys and over a few days this can help to reduce it's level overall. I need to force myself to learn more about this substance and how to inhibit it. Niacin really is only a short term fix as over use can be hard on the liver. I suspect my difficulty sleeping was largely due to eating a whole bunch of apple pie. Which I love. But it contains eggs and milk, which I have allergies to. Allergies, which manifest themselves, totally differently then the more commonly know allergic reactions. Allergies are also very commonly found in connection with depression and anxiety. This is because of the body being low in nutrients that balance the bodies Histamine levels. Due to malabsorption factors, genetics, or a poor diet. Seeing the severity of my most recent reaction I may have to swear off apple pie... :( Eating it is painful... I pay, boy do I pay.

One way to start pinning allergies down is often an intolerance to certain foods will result in: Stuffy nose, flem, runny nose, constipation. Eating these foods regularly it can be very hard to realize that you’re always stuffed up and why this is. After you eat a food you are intolerant to it can affect you for hours or even days. Once you eliminate them long enough you will start to clear up.

Seratonin and histamine are linked in some way. Low seratonin can lead to high histamine. Magnesium and Vitamin C can both reduce histamine. One way in which the body combats to much histamine is the release of adrenalin, which will often cause anxiety, stress, and panic attacks. Depletion of adrenalin while result in fatigue and susceptibility to the side effects of to much histamine in the body. In general foods high in sulfur can increase histamine. Raised histamine will result in a better immunity, but too high of levels will cause damage to the body itself. Everything in the body is a balancing act. To much is usually just as bad as too little. Imbalances of important substances can result in serious problems of one nature or another.

Here are a few links on histamine

Thinking about this most recently has made me realize that possibly niacin can be used as a rough test to check to see how much histamine is stored in the bodies cells. I know many people have to take huge doses to get much of a flush reaction. Where as I on the other hand don’t need to take very much at all. This could be indicative that my body has more histamine. I suppose there are many things wrong with this theory, but it still might work as a cheap quick way to get some idea of how active histamine is in a person’s body. I had never till just now really thought about it in quite this way. For anyone that doesn’t know the flush, feeling hot and itchy caused by taking niacin is caused by histamine. It can also make you feel achy. Everyone in my family has a pretty strong reaction to niacin, but I know that many people have almost no reaction to it. Usually what I do is I have 500mg niacin tablets that I cut into slivers. I don’t really think there is much danger to using it on occasion, but niacin overused can affect the liver. I am not sure if this is because of the niacin itself or the histamine. In severe allergic reactions it is the histamine that a person’s body produces that kills them. They get such a large amount in their bloodstream that it literally chews the body up. Many foreign substances that do not belong in the body can trigger a histamine response. Adrenalin removes the histamine. This is why people are injected in the heart with adrenalin in some emergencies. Often it’s not toxins that kill a person, but the bodies over reaction to those toxins. This is why people with digestive problems even remotely related to leaky gut syndrome are commonly found to have allergies. Toxins get into the blood through the digestive track and result in elevated histamine which tries to combat those toxins. Only in doing so the histamine attacks the body itself. This can then increase a person’s risk of mental problems. Histamine will literally chew up a person’s brain and can cause lesions if it isn’t dealt with. I see a few websites talking about histamine increasing alertness. I don’t think this is quite accurate. Adrenalin causes a rise in blood sugar and it would make more sense that the raised blood sugar is more what is responsible for increased alertness then the histamine itself.

Another note I should add is I have long known that Garlic is well known to boost a person’s immune system. My recent look at histamine has made me realize how this probably works. Garlic is loaded with sulfur. It’s known that its high sulfur properties is what seems to be responsible for it helping to combat disease. Well it stands to reason that the reason for this is it boosts histamine production. Great for those who have to little. Disastrous otherwise. The key is balance.

Bear in mind I may miss understand a few things. It's pretty common actually. Researching histamine right now I see different people flip flop things to like be opposites many times. Like it is possible I am low histamine instead and that niacin creates more histamine.. Several things make more sense now though, like how anti histamines cause drowsyness and induce sleep.

Here is an article on food allergies

Here is a really good website that talks about a huge range of causes of depression
I think I have it switched around. I think that I have low histamine and niacin makes me feel better by A. Causing its release or B. Increasing it's production. Unless of course it's the exact opposite... Sigh. By A. Resulting in its elimination. It's either that to low of histamine results in fatigue by A. The body releasing to little adrenalin or too much Histamine causes fatigue by A. Fatigue of the adrenals where they are basically sucked dry of adrenalin.

Confused yet? I know it's hard to know for sure which is which. After hours of reading about it I am confused.

I think I have several key facts mixed up. It's hard because different sources often say the opposite. Which I understand how their information can be mixed up. It's complicated. It's sort of like, which came first the chicken or the egg? Often researches get stuff mixed around and all their data is flip flopped from then on out. Also too much or too little can to some extent lead to the same symptoms.

Either way histamine has a huge effect.

A few hours after I take niacin I tend to fall asleep. It also can seem to result in blood sugar jaggedness after several consecutive days use. Because of the flush, sudden desire for sleep, and hypoglycemic type effects I tend to mostly avoid niacin. It’s positive side though is it helps with alertness, concentration, focus, improved mood, energy, slows thinking down, helps with relaxation and muscle tension, puts an end to lust.

The amino acid L-Tryptophan will actually convert into niacin if you are deficient in it. Which is why they can have some similar affects. The actual formula to create seratonin is: On an empty stomach L-Tryptophan + Vitamin B6 + Niacin + Vitamin C + Fruit Juice (to produce insulin spike)= +Serotonin

I guess I need to know more about histamine is produced. Histidine is the amino acid that it is produced from. But what other things result in its conversion to histamine I don’t really know. Histidine generally doesn’t come from the diet but is naturally produced by the body. Though apparently niacin/B3 and B6 are involved there to.

I have chosen this time to address some of the silliness that went down a few months back.
blak000 said:
I really wouldn't worry so much about the pH of drinks.

Firstly, anything that you eat or drink has to pass through your stomach, which is lined with a protective lining. Also, anything processed in there is usually immersed in HCl, a strong acid (secreted by the parietal cells of your stomach).

Ya, and that has nothing to do with anything. Your referring to instant short-term damage, not long term damage. They are completely different. I am not afraid of OJ, which is more acidic. I drink it still now and then. Just relying on it as a primary drink it will cause problems because of its PH.

Secondly, your body has a bicarbonate buffer system specifically designed to counteract any change in your pH balance. If the acidity level in your body does tend to fluctuate too much, your respiratory system will change to accommodate. This same bicarbonate system comes in handy after contents leave the stomach, as well. Your pancreas secrets alkaline, pancreatic juice high in concentration with the bicarbonate buffer solution. This ends up neutralizing any highly acidic contents from your stomach to a slightly basic pH, one that your small intestines are comfortable with.

Again you’re talking about short term... Over time that system can become overtaxed by things like pop/soda, over filtered water. Most people don't drink juice for every meal. Many people do foolishly drink so much pop it destroys them. If the ph in many parts of the body does change very much you would keel over and die right there on the spot. Most of the fluids have highly regulated PH's that can't change very much or it damages cells. The body isn't quite as fragile as you seem to think I am implying. I never said it was. Loss of potassium, electrolytes, and other elements short term don't mean diddly. The body stores and creates these. The problem is long term. Your trying to argue against what can be shown on a simple urine test that pop/soda and other things when consumed cause leaching of minerals. That is an undeniable fact. It's simple to prove. Which short term doesn't mean diddly honeysuckle. Long term though it causes joint problems, stomach and digestive track problems, kidney stones, rotten teeth, brittle bones. The list goes on. Any MD that advocates pop should have his license to practice revoked.

It doesn't matter what pH your food or drink is (assuming it's edible), because it's going to be changed when going through your digestive tract, anyways. In short, don't worry about the pH of drinks.

You should have asked me what I meant, cause could have explained. Sort of how I asked you questions from what you said... Rather then making false assumptions.

Guest said:
Dude, I really don't know where you're getting your information from but seriously you really need to reconsider your dietary inputs. As for what blak000 said, I can assure you that is correct as I too have a strong background in health science... I'm completing my majors in health & disease as well as nutritional sciences, and take my advice (although i just skimmed through your posts) and stop referring to whatever sources you have. As an example, drinking distilled water is highly dangerous due to the osmotic gradient that it produces (causing your cells to lyse as solvents will move out),

This whole lysing thing is an opinion or altered perspective. Distilled water is just evaporated water. There is nothing magic done to it. It has not had electric current run through it to alter its structure or anything else that is done in industrial settings so that H20 can be used for different means. It's just the water we breathe in the air. It merely lacks minerals. Tons of people drink distilled water... As this article points out many mass produced beverages use distilled water. It can't be that dangerous. I have been drinking it for years now... All that time though I never thought to take the time to check its PH. I assumed it had a ph of around 7. My sources is ME for much of what I say...

low pH (as in 2 and lower) is dangerouns if consumed in HIGH quantities (causes ulcerations). You need not have concerns about your intakes because as mentioned by blak000 (in simple terms) your gastric acid is of pH 1 and only excessive concentrations of additional acid (of LOW pH) will have possible detrimental effects.

DOH. Ya, something that is a strong enough acid or base will do horrific damage. But they have to be pretty strong acids or bases to do instant harm. Again, you’re talking short term. SHORT TERM.

If you are worried about depletion of bone, i recommend that you eat food not ONLY high in calcium but vitamin D too. vit. D aids in the absorption and mineralisation of calcium with phosphate to produce hydroxyapatite (major crystal in bone)... if you are past the age of mid 20s, (ie. reached your PBM) unfortunately you (like every other human) is losing on average 1-3% of your bone denisty per year.

I already know this and you are correct. Might I add though that sunlight gives huge doses of natural Vitamin D. Far in excess of what a person supposedly can safely take in a pill. Though I do know for a fact a few pharmaceutical drugs are just a massive dose of Vitamin D in a pill under a tricky name to hide what it really is. The problem with taking to much vitamin D from what I have read is impurities and synthetic forms. Synthetic vitamins are dangerous as they can cause cancer and other problems. Always take the better forms that are naturally occurring in nature.

As for the interconnection of entire body... you are absolutely right! And by limiting yourself to these diets that i don't know where you are getting them from, you are MOST definately limiting the necessary nutritional requirements needed for proper function of certain organs... i.e the neck spasm you had could most probably be accounted for by your improper intake of sodium (which caused your muscle action potentionals to enter a state of hyperpolarization)

Limiting myself to a diet? Where did I ever say I was on a diet? I have an allergic reaction to soy, milk, and eggs. If that is what you mean. If I eat them.... I feel ill... They have been confirmed by freaking testing.. I hate assumptions. As far as the sodium is concerned. It wasn't all that much.

For a person who is so concerned about eating properly, you are most definately not getting your research from appropriate medical sources. I advise you to alter your habits before you cause substantial damage to yourself.

?!?!?! You don't even know what your talking about.

All the best

blak000 said:
LOL... it's kinda funny how you accused me of being a "know-it-all" in the back channels.

You totally took what I said out of context.

I think if anyone is arrogant and overconfident of his knowledge, it's you. You seem to find it incredibly difficult that you might be wrong about something. Just because you can google some health websites doesn't mean you're a doctor, my friend. I've had the opportunity to learn from prominent professors who have a broad knowledge and experience working with the human body. Believe me, they would NOT agree with your personal assessment. I don't have to convince myself of anything; this is common knowledge in the medical world.

I find it funny how I never said anywhere people had to agree with me. What you fail to comprehend is that your so called professors are all in the same aspect of that field and what they teach is only "their" opinion. It is not absolute truth. In another aspect of the science you could learn a very different way of looking at things and a different approach. Mostly all I read have been written by PhD’s, MD's. Published authors who have big names. It's the same way innovative thinkers have advanced their views for centuries. Sadly mainstream medicine gets a great many things wrong and always has. They don't have a monopoly on truth. Honestly, I never cared what "your" professors think, as they are only human and make mistakes like everyone else. People who think the medical system is without flaws should learn about what happened to doctors who spoke out about germs a few decades back. Many were actually killed because it was thought that "germs" didn't exist. The problem with mainstream medicine today is in many regards they have their heads up Big Pharma and the insurance companies butts so far they can't think for themselves. Big Pharma isn't interested in actual cures. All it cares about is anything it can patent and sell off as a treatment. If there is a cheaper easier way to do the same thing that it can't patent it makes every effort to make sure people "don't" know about it. This is not to say they don't do many good things.

By the way, haven't you noticed that they're trying to SELL you something on the same page as those sources??? LOL.

Everyone is selling something.... almost everyone. Double standards are lame.

You know all those tips I post that you claimed teach people to be fake? Those are tried and true methods recommended by social psychologists. They've been successful in helping people with social anxiety, healing relationships, and saving marriages. You've got to get off your high horse, man. All the advice I've been giving people on this forum came from men and women much more knowledgeable and wise than both you and I (e.g., Dale Carnegie, Benjamin Franklin, Abraham Lincoln, etc.).

There is no one right answer to every problem.... Many people do all those things you say and it makes them feel worse, not better. When you actually learn to listen to more then just yourself it will become obvious.

Guest said:
Skorian said:
How about this MD as a source?

As much as I have tried to make sense of what you have said, you jump around alot and don't even seem to complete your ideas. Can you please expand on what your saying and finish one thing before leaping to the next? I would appreciate it.

I would like to expand on what i have said.. i will tomorrow (as it is late)...

as for your source, unfortunately I just searched for any scientific research paper published in the scientific community (my univeristy has online access all credible scientific journals dating back to 80's) and I got no results back with the name Robert Young... unfortunalty with the internet, you need to be causious, because someone might have some education but no more than that...

I doubt they have access to them all, but I am sure that is easy to assume. How would you ever even know if they didn't? This world is a big place and it's easy for lots of things to fall through the cracks. Also one other huge problem here. There are different scientific communities and they don't all overlap or come from the same tree. Other communities can do all the same things and just not communicate with outside groups. I don't know how better to explain this. Basically sometimes when groups of people grossly disagree they choose to avoid one another. Much like all the different branches of religion. Science is also like this where which ever branch you run across will hold themselves up as the ultimate truth and all knowing. It's like this. Many people claim supplements are untested and not supported by the FDA. They are only part right. The FDA doesn't support or not support supplements. The industry has agencies that do rigorous testing. You just have to know what is tested and what isn't. Many have been tested by multiple sources, which is good because you get more then "one" point of view.

you might have possibly came across a Dr. called Mikhail Tombak, Ph.D. This man is also claimed to be a world known researcher... yet non of these so called claims of published works can be found in scientific databases. If you read his books, they are ridiculous... some of his guides are beyond ridicolous... yet people follow it. We had a case where a patient refused chemotherapy (had a malignant form of carcinoma) making claims to this "doctor" and how he stated that the treatment doesn't work (she decided to turn to his herbal treatment)... unfortunately her cancer quickly evolved in the brain and she passed away with more suffering (after being readmitted)...

I can't comment on Tombak. I don't know much about what he says. I did do a web search after you mentioned this and did see 1000's of hits. So he is world known. As far as this women. Well who is to say she followed his advice properly or had any idea of anything. She was treating herself I take it. The problem with cancer treatments is this. If there were a way to treat cancer. It would be to find out how the body itself combats cancer and prevent it before it ever happens. Of course how the body treats cancer can never be patented so Big Pharma will never have much interest in that. All those chemicals are in the public domain and can be manufactured by anyone. It seems unlikely, short of someone educating themselves, that someone who gets a standard university education would ever know of a cheap and effective treatment that wasn't advertised by the pharmaceutical industry. Big Pharma has a headlock on the insurance companies and a huge amount of influence over the AMA. Which influences main stream medicine massively and affects what is taught and what isn't. Mainstream medicine usually fails at treating serious cases of cancer. The real question though is why cancer outbreaks are exploding in many industrialized countries?

as i said you need to be careful with people like that... I see no reasearch papers with the name of Robert young... if you find any please inform me... i'm interested if he is actually a credible source.

The real problem though is that you had taken the whole conversation away from what I was talking about in the first place. MD's, none MD's both make mistakes like every other human being on the planet. Right in some things and wrong in others. Trying to under cutting his credibility doesn't mean he doesn't have some good things to say. I mean whether he is an MD or not was never really the point. Which Mr. Young wasn't even the one who authored those articles in the first place. It's a simple matter to drink one kind of water. Take a urine test and then drink distilled and take another urine test and compare the outcomes. Hardly rocket science. What that article had to say struck a cord with me because I have had tests done that showed exactly the same thing. Exactly. And guess what... I was drinking distilled water at the time. Suprise suprise. Also since all this writing I have had more testing done. It's been a long time. My potassium is very low... It didn't use to be. I wonder why.... Gee lets see. What would make sense? I love banana's so. Something has caused me to lose potassium. Would it be too far a stretch for something I consumed huge amounts of over years to cause that?

It has come to my attention that MSG and Aspertame cause reactions closely related and can block the bodies ability to produce seratonin.
Skorian said:
Confused yet? I know it's hard to know for sure which is which. After hours of reading about it I am confused.

I was born confused lol But really ye I am.. well I have already said that all this confusers me to you. I hope your finding some things that's going to be helpful to you tho.

How have you been feeling just lately dude?
Bluey said:
Skorian said:
Confused yet? I know it's hard to know for sure which is which. After hours of reading about it I am confused.

I was born confused lol But really ye I am.. well I have already said that all this confusers me to you. I hope your finding some things that's going to be helpful to you tho.

How have you been feeling just lately dude?

I am alright. Haven't been sleeping the best though lately. I am like drowing in adrenalin and it really messed with me for a few days. I have kind of had to track down what is causing it. I know it was what I ate because I really pay attention to that. I mean it affected me HUGELY. Sigh. Didn't take much to figure it out. I have knowticed that with apple pie before, only usually it isn't such a big reaction.

It was also interesting to realize why garlic might affect me too. Somehow it's effects are related to histamine.

I need a break from reading about it as my head is just sort of numb from to much information all saying about the same thing's but with some differences. Have to step back and think more about it later.

I found some cool resources in the process though. :)
Oh, Sorry to hear that mate. Well its trial and error in this things. At least you know to stay away from that sort of food now.

I always fined some fresh ear is good to clear your heard a bit. Go have a little walk or if you have not got the energy for it just to go and stand out side for a bit can be just as good.

you are getting there though I hope.
Bluey said:
Oh, Sorry to hear that mate. Well its trial and error in this things. At least you know to stay away from that sort of food now.

I always fined some fresh ear is good to clear your heard a bit. Go have a little walk or if you have not got the energy for it just to go and stand out side for a bit can be just as good.

you are getting there though I hope.

I can't give up apple pie..... Or OJ

The problem partly was I ate a whole pie by myself in one or two days..

I can give up distilled water which I have and other crappy food which I don't eat anyways. Cheeto's(sp) isn't a food group....

I would just as soon eat a dog turd as drink pop.
Skorian said:
Bluey said:
Oh, Sorry to hear that mate. Well its trial and error in this things. At least you know to stay away from that sort of food now.

I always fined some fresh ear is good to clear your heard a bit. Go have a little walk or if you have not got the energy for it just to go and stand out side for a bit can be just as good.

you are getting there though I hope.

I can't give up apple pie.....


I like apple crumble better :) But ye I hear you man
If you aren't going to drink water what will you drink?

That's all I drink water and green tea with the occasional glass of OJ

mmm pie:)

But I am glad to hear things are getting better for you
NeverMore said:
If you aren't going to drink water what will you drink?

That's all I drink water and green tea with the occasional glass of OJ

mmm pie:)

But I am glad to hear things are getting better for you

I drink mostly water... Or smoothies..

Actually why the pie did what it did was more complicated then I would even try to explain. It's weird like knowing what food substances are composed of... so strange.
Note to self: The reason why I never really took this Horny Goat Weed formula is because not only does it not work. It makes me feel weird. I am spacy, can't seem to focus, and am just out of it. I almost wonder if it like makes me high...

So ya, that is why it's full and I can't remember why I never took it really. Doesn't seem to have any redeaming qualities, lol.

HOLY!! 1,212 views?!?! Geeze
hey Horny Goat, how u doing?

It was 1,222 this morning lol. Now that i viwed it its 1,223.

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