Success only makes things worse

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Jan 20, 2014
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For as long as I can remember, I've struggled with low self-esteem; people have always brushed it off as mere moments of "insecurity" that we "all have from time to time" as opposed to what has become- at least from my perspective- a huge, imposing demon that destroys any semblance of joy that I could- and ought- to be drawing from my life experiences thus far.

I know the cause of it all, of course: loneliness. I've always been alone, and I've never been quite sure why. People always tell me that I'm beautiful, that I'm intelligent, and that I'm interesting, yet it seems that in spite of this, they can never give me the time of day. I am twenty-one years old, a junior at an Ivy League university, and while I certainly couldn't even begin to judge whether or not I'm truly "beautiful", I know, at the very least, that I am attractive, yet absolutely none of these things have succeeded in helping me form close relationships with anybody. I am very active in extracurricular activities here, but it always seems that I'm "sidelined" in any groups of which I'm a member. People seem pleased enough to have me there, but if I'm not there, they're just as well-off without me. Nobody ever calls me up just to see how I'm doing or to make plans with me- anytime I wish to see/hear from any of my friends, I have to initiate the contact, yet even then, I'm never a priority. When it came up that my twenty-first birthday was near, two of my friends told me that they were going to plan a party for me, but it never materialized (though they have hosted parties for three of our other girlfriends since then). I have never had men express even the remotest interest in dating me; those that do approach me seem interested only in one-time sexual encounters, which upsets me greatly, not only because I am religiously opposed to anything of the sort, but also because it's just one more instance where it seems that people wish to get by with spending as little time around me as they possibly can... and I just don't understand why.

I've spent years trying to correct whatever thing it is that keeps me from connecting with other people- I follow a very strict diet to stay thing, I have all my clothing altered to fit me properly, I put great effort into all of my schoolwork, and I'm active in all sorts of campus activities- but none of it helps. I'm still just as alone and still just as invisible to the world as I would be if I'd achieved nothing. I find myself now wondering if I ought to try to hone some of my other skills- singing, dancing, even things I've never considered before, like acting, because I'm just so desperate for people to look at me, to appreciate me, and to give me some sort of validation that my presence is good, and desirable and needed.

I know that self-esteem is supposed to come from within, but I honestly don't know how I can continue to prop up my flagging spirits when nothing that I do ever seems to merit recognition. I suppose I could keep striving for bigger and better things- to get into a good law school, to have some sort of sparkling career- but if what I've achieved and who I've become so far hasn't been enough to make me worthy of somebody's attention, then why ought I think that anything else I do will matter, either? At this point in my life, I feel incredibly trapped; I've achieved so many things that others view as the "absolute best", yet in spite of them, I'm still incredibly lonely and unhappy. I spend hours crying and praying for some sort of deliverance from my silent, empty life, but I'm seldom granted any sort of relief.

I honestly just don't know where to go from here. I feel that because of the way that things have turned out so far, there must be something so inherently repulsive about me that nothing I ever do is good enough to outweigh it or cover it. Does anybody have any thoughts as to what it could be, and what I can do to fix it? I am honestly willing to do whatever it will take to make my life even a bit less painful than it is right now.

Any and all advice is appreciated.

Thank you!

Welcome, Marlene.
I'm sorry to hear that you have so much going for you but you can't really enjoy it.
I hope you can find a little something of value here on this forum.
I know that self-esteem is supposed to come from within, but I honestly don't know how I can continue to prop up my flagging spirits when nothing that I do ever seems to merit recognition.

Do you do the things you do because you truly want to and enjoy them? Or, do you only complete and excel at things because you are seeking recognition? If its the latter I would try to change that. Don't do things because of what other people think. Strive and achieve at stuff because you want to for you.

I have never had men express even the remotest interest in dating me; those that do approach me seem interested only in one-time sexual encounters, which upsets me greatly, not only because I am religiously opposed to anything of the sort, but also because it's just one more instance where it seems that people wish to get by with spending as little time around me as they possibly can... and I just don't understand why.
Ever thought about approaching and expressing interest in a guy?
My advice: put it in perspective. I would kill to have your life and especially your intelligence. I think many people, esp. those struggling with a lack of credentials, low-paying jobs, little chance of ever getting anywhere in life, would feel the same. I can think of any number of average, non-lonely folks, in fact, who would be envious.

However you're right that success will not prevent you from having problems. I would think your problems here come from two things, perhaps a lack of perspective (you are young yet), and maybe that what you've achieved is not what you really wanted, but what you thought you wanted.
marlene195 said:
I have never had men express even the remotest interest in dating me; those that do approach me seem interested only in one-time sexual encounters, which upsets me greatly, not only because I am religiously opposed to anything of the sort, but also because it's just one more instance where it seems that people wish to get by with spending as little time around me as they possibly can... and I just don't understand why.

You also said that people have described you as attractive? I have heard of attractive women ending up single as a result of men being too nervous to approach them because of their looks (except for ones who just want sex as you describe) even though I'm not sure if I've seen an example of it directly. Maybe this is has been the case for you? Hard for me to even speculate if I don't know what you look like though :) If it is the case then you may have to approach guys first (perhaps easier said than done) and you may still have to be prepared for a bit of shyness.
Although many people might be envious of you, this doesn't help you to feel any better about yourself. I know, because in my twenties I was in a similar situation to you; intelligent, at university, pretty, yet desperately lonely and unhappy and feeling worthless because in my heart of hearts it was all empty to me and I would have swopped it for a nice man and a baby. I envied people with a partner and family so much. It is horrible when others expect you to feel confident and ready to take on the world, when you feel the opposite. Their expectations are so heavy to carry.
I am not sure how to help you other than to say that you are not the first to feel this way and that I really feel for you. Is there anyone you can talk to-there will be a counselling service at your university which might be able to help you. At least it will give you the chance to tell someone how you really feel, which will make you a little less lonely.
marlene195 said:
I know that self-esteem is supposed to come from within, but I honestly don't know how I can continue to prop up my flagging spirits when nothing that I do ever seems to merit recognition. I suppose I could keep striving for bigger and better things- to get into a good law school, to have some sort of sparkling career- but if what I've achieved and who I've become so far hasn't been enough to make me worthy of somebody's attention, then why ought I think that anything else I do will matter, either? At this point in my life, I feel incredibly trapped; I've achieved so many things that others view as the "absolute best", yet in spite of them, I'm still incredibly lonely and unhappy. I spend hours crying and praying for some sort of deliverance from my silent, empty life, but I'm seldom granted any sort of relief.

Some ideas: you could help other people achieve some of the success you have. They will appreciate you for that (well, they should anyway). Maybe also you could define what you want to get out of life and your education. Then it's just for you and achieving those goals will make you feel accomplished, which is more important than recognition in my mind.

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