The spider...

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Well-known member
Sep 10, 2011
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This is a bit silly, don't laugh!

A few days ago I wandered onto the landing to be confronted with a massive spider. Now I'm not really scared of spiders, well house spiders. I might be concerned if a tarantula wandered in. However once they get that big they make me slightly uncomfortable. I'm not as bad as my sister though! Her and her flatmate once rang my mum to go round and move a spider for them! Idiots! :p

I pretty much thought nothing of it (apart from its near my washing I hope it doesn't nest in my knickers. Ahem!) until later when I saw it again out of the corner of my eye in my bedroom. I was watching telly so I did the putting a cup on it thing while I finished the program. Then I did the faffing with card under cup affair and took it outside and watched it wander off over the step. Happy all round and no one lost an eye.

Only later I sort of missed it!

Well the next day I went out the back door and there he was! Still there. I felt loved. :D Now I kind of want to give him a name and put a "spider flap" in the backdoor for him!

Actually thinking about it I'm an idiot too!
I've never had a pet! I mean I've named the odd moth but its not the same.

Yeah people who keep wild cats as pets I've never understood.
FunkyBuddha said:
We really need to get you a fish or something... a spider might be a bit too much for your first time. How about a rock? :p

Oh yes yes! Let me have a rock please! I promise I'll walk it and feed it and clean out its little hutch!! :D
annik said:
Actually thinking about it I'm an idiot too!

Your not an Here is a spider that I learned to live with. I know people may think it strange, but I honor life. It doesn't have to be human to be important, IMO.


Henry :) He was just an itsey, bitsey, spidey (could barely see him) during the winter. I didn't have the heart to put him outside because of the cold, so we shared the shower. He doesn't take steam very well, so it's been months since I closed the curtain during my showers. Brrrrrrr. He's growing bigger and I have to watch out for him because he now likes to switch corners. Slippery little sucker :p

That's lovely! There are some that I see in the bathroom a lot. I'm normally fine with them but this one was just huge. I figured there's more food outside for him too.

Only as I said I missed him. I did joke that I was going to leave a plate of flies out the backdoor for him to tempt him back but later when I was outside there he still was anyway. I think maybe he's living under the step. :)
I love your story. I have felt loved by spiders too. In my backyard this summer, they were spinning webs everywhere. I had to move them everyday so they didn't plaster my face. I would carefully take one end and just stick it to a branch out of the way. The web would be fairly in tact and think my spiders started co-operating after several adjustments.

Now I see the webs in the bushes and trees, but not across the pathway. Yay, I love nature!
Your so cute, Annik :) Maybe he will come in for a visit when it gets cold. x

Toshi said:
I love your story. I have felt loved by spiders too. In my backyard this summer, they were spinning webs everywhere. I had to move them everyday so they didn't plaster my face. I would carefully take one end and just stick it to a branch out of the way. The web would be fairly in tact and think my spiders started co-operating after several adjustments.

Now I see the webs in the bushes and trees, but not across the pathway. Yay, I love nature!

Thats so sweet, Toshi :)
There's a family of snakes living under the radar I work at, we were thinking of grabbing one before the winter hits and putting it in a terrarium as a work pet. Can't help but feel like I'd be stealing it from its family though!

On the other hand, I'm fairly certain its not going to like the winter here.

Also I love your spider story, I'm glad I'm not the only one who does ridiculous things like that. :)
annik said:
Actually thinking about it I'm an idiot too!

Oh, me too then.

This is my guy, out on the kitchen counter watching me cook.


Limlim said:
I love your spider story, I'm glad I'm not the only one who does ridiculous things like that. :)


Minus said:
Oh, me too then.

Yay that's great! I like to think about all these loved spiders. They do get a bad press really and with so many people scared of them its nice they make friends too. :)

Badjedidude said:
I generally always stomp spiders. Or smack 'em with my hand.

You get a sad face then :(
annik said:
Badjedidude said:
I generally always stomp spiders. Or smack 'em with my hand.

You get a sad face then :(

I get weird looks because I shoo bugs and things away from me instead of either A.) Freaking out or B.) Killing it.

I've been told I'm an angry old man about it too. I blame my pseudo-Buddhist philosophy and general irritability. :p

And Sophia most spiders aren't venomous but there are a few that can do some damage. You're probably thinking about scorpions in which case all are poisonous.
FunkyBuddha said:
And Sophia most spiders aren't venomous but there are a few that can do some damage. You're probably thinking about scorpions in which case all are poisonous.[/font]

Yeah I'm pretty sure here in little old England-land there's only 1 or maybe 2 that can do any damage at all and I'm pretty sure neither are lethal.

No one's died of a spider bite in Australia since the late 80s after antivenoms were introduced. You are more liked to die if you are panicked by seeing one in say your car and end up crashing.

Spiders get a bad press! Save the spider!

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