Theaniner's first thread

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New member
Nov 25, 2009
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I have joined these forums because I have had a difficult time meeting people and maintaining friendships over the past few years of my life. My current friends are more like acquaintances. They also consume large amounts of marijuana, which causes severe anxiety in me. Aside from that, many socially awkward choices I have made has corrupted these potential relationships.

I am looking for someone mainly to discuss some topics I am interested in: music, politics/current events, philosophical ideas, and books. Ideally, I am looking for someone interested in reading books simultaneously with me, meeting online often to discuss ideas, etc. It would also be wonderful to share music and listen to it online together. I prefer dynamic conversations, so chatrooms/IMing would be preferred. I also like visual art, philosophy, and lots of other intellectual topics, so if you'd like to share conversations about what you like, please let me know. Essentially, I am looking for an online friend, but not really interested in focusing on why we are lonely people.
ooh! what kind of books do you want to read? :D

I love reading books and it's even better to read them together with other people n_____n

oh btw, welcome to ALL! We have a chatroom too so dont be shy, check it out!

See you around....

-Soph :D
I've never joined an online forum. Your message struck something inside me--except for the bit about your friends consuming large amounts of marijuana, it was like reading something I could have posted.

At one point in my life I moved away from a city because it felt like I couldn't meet anyone new, now here I am two cities later with nothing but acquaintances and nowhere I want to be on Thanksgiving. I don't even know if you are male or female--and I find that I do not care. I read a lot of young adult lit because I am an English teacher and love to turn kids on to books--doing my part to create readers...but I need to remind myself what I love about books and music and art.

I paint, well, I used to. I built a studio this summer with intentions of rediscovering that passion, but, alas, it has not happened yet. Fear? Laziness? Probably. Fear of discovering that passion has died out with disuse. I've got to find a way to light that fire and not worry about what I find, but I'm currently paralyzed. I'm "talking" to a computer screen. Wondering what kind of books and music create connections. Lately, I've been rediscovering Austen. Am waiting for the newest John Twelve Hawks books to arrive--The Traveler series. I read about vampires telling myself it was so I would know what my students were reading, but I secretly loved it. Reminded me of my college days reading Anne Rice. If it is well written, I am open to reading it/discussing it.

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