There is no such thing as single women

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Well-known member
Mar 28, 2019
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There are no available women. I've always marveled at most guys who seem to find women in lickity split like it's nothing. I've always been at an absolute loss for where to meet single/available women. They just don't exist. I don't think I've ever come across one who was single and/or interested. I guess for guys who attract women it's easy for them because the women will throw themselves at those guys. Those guys dont have to wonder where the women are because the women put themselves in front of those guys and make themselves available to them. I guess it would make sense that guys like me would wonder where/how to find women. The answer for guys like me is - nowhere. There simply are no women for us. That's the harsh reality guys like me have to face sooner or later. If we were desirable men, we wouldn't have to look far for availale women, nor wonder where they are.  They would be there waiting eager to be picked. People tell guys like me to quit whining and "man up" (which I presume means go approach women). They say that as if the playing field is even, equal, and fair. It's not even remotely. If you're a desirable male, the women will be there ready and eager for you. They will make it easy for you. If you're an undesirable male, you will forever be puzzled and lost as to how/Where to find women. There will simply be none for you.
Yeah, why would someone approach women if they wanted to meet women? It just doesn't make sense.
I'm sure all the single ladies here will be thrilled to know they aren't really single. lol

You don't exist ladies....sorry.
TheRealCallie said:
I'm sure all the single ladies here will be thrilled to know they aren't really single.  lol

You don't exist ladies....sorry.

They're most easily found on dating services. Maybe you should try it. Although I must say for myself it was quite the disheartening experience for a multitude of reasons, maybe it'll be different for you. But I think the position you're in also shapes your perspective. Right now I feel like every cute girl I see at college is in a relationship, whereas I felt like everyone I met was single when I actually was in a relationship. And yeah, people are born with different genetics and under different circumstances, and not all of us can win the lottery so to speak. I suppose it's a matter of learning to deal with that, and looking for those in similar situations rather than seek some unattainable ideal.
He's clearly here stating this because a part of him knows he's not right. He wants someone to SHOW HIM he's wrong.

That's all most do on here... Hang on to hope. Otherwise why the fresia bother talking to a wall?!

Drop the layers and see things for how they are people. For gods sake.....

And I'm thoroughly disappointed in you guys for turning his feelings into a joke. It is no joke. They are his, and they are very real to him. Say something constructive instead of feeding your own feelings or a open chance for you to be seen, instead.
The ratio of single women to men has to be roughly equal. You’re not meeting them because they intentionally make it difficult for men they aren't immediately interested in or who aren't already vouched for (through social circle). That's how I’ve gotten to know a few women recently: through a male friend. If it weren't for him I'd be in the same position I was a few years ago thinking something similar (however illogical).
I'm not wrong. I've seen this scenario play out time after time. Women act avert and obtuse as hell towards me. Other guy walks in the room, and the sparks fly instantly with no effort on his part. Women decide which men get near them, and which don't. If you're a desirable man with the requisite genetic qualities, you wont be left wondering where the women are. They will throw themselves your way. But for undesirables like me, your soul will be obliterated and destroyed. You will never recover from the damage it does inside. You will never be right. You will forever see yourself as subhuman. Women do not know the power they hold. They could completely alter a guy's whole self-perception for the better simply by showing a moment's interest. Treating him like he matters. But they never do. It's all about them. If you don't meet their standards, you're lesser than a dog to them, and will be viewed/treated as such.
There's always a guy she can think of. I think that's the point. A woman can be single but never out of options.
You are flocking and thinking like sheep. You are inviting what you see. You are surrounding yourself only with what you see.

Find your own. Find your match. Discover. Take leaps. Not analyze. Stop the game of matching up with society and putting purely your own observation and factual ones of others as your guiding compass. Try to think of another awareness. Think outside your own box or the boxes that have been shown to you.

Don't get too caught up with your feelings that you have your brain fill in gaps that are superficial and cause the very problems you are trying to avoid.
Or maybe women just don't like people who send out "I hate women/women are evil" vibes.

Also, not joking...
TheRealCallie said:
Or maybe women just don't like people who send out "I hate women/women are evil" vibes.

Also, not joking...

She shoots... and SCORES!
TheRealCallie said:
I'm sure all the single ladies here will be thrilled to know they aren't really single.  lol

You don't exist ladies....sorry.

TheRealCallie said:
Or maybe women just don't like people who send out "I hate women/women are evil" vibes.

Also, not joking...
You gotta be kidding me
Barely Real said:
TheRealCallie said:
Or maybe women just don't like people who send out "I hate women/women are evil" vibes.

Also, not joking...
You gotta be kidding me

Don't believe me? Try slapping on a positive attitude and lose the judgmental honeysuckle and see what happens.
TheRealCallie said:
Barely Real said:
TheRealCallie said:
Or maybe women just don't like people who send out "I hate women/women are evil" vibes.

Also, not joking...
You gotta be kidding me

Don't believe me? Try slapping on a positive attitude and lose the judgmental honeysuckle and see what happens.

TheRealCallie said:
Barely Real said:
TheRealCallie said:
Or maybe women just don't like people who send out "I hate women/women are evil" vibes.

Also, not joking...
You gotta be kidding me

Don't believe me? Try slapping on a positive attitude and lose the judgmental honeysuckle and see what happens.
Relax, I was kidding. Guess tone doesn't transfer well through text. Although the incel mindset seems to be common on this forum so I understand it.
I understand the Incel thing upto the part where they completely blame women. That part makes no logical sense. I understand what they say, but in my mind that makes no sense to come to that conclusion. Even if I try to play devils advocate in my mind. I can't possibly draw that conclusion. It just feels so irrational.
Barely Real said:
TheRealCallie said:
Barely Real said:
TheRealCallie said:
Or maybe women just don't like people who send out "I hate women/women are evil" vibes.

Also, not joking...
You gotta be kidding me

Don't believe me? Try slapping on a positive attitude and lose the judgmental honeysuckle and see what happens.
Relax, I was kidding. Guess tone doesn't transfer well through text. Although the incel mindset seems to be common on this forum so I understand it.

Yeah, in a thread like this, it's very hard to tell sarcasm/kidding around.  Next time, maybe try an emoji with it. lol 

And yes, there is a very negative attitude toward dating in general here.  Not just from the men, but they are definitely more outspoken about it. 

Easier to blame the world than yourself, I suppose.  Sucks though, because some of the guys here are actually pretty decent, if they'd get out of their own heads.

PandaSwag said:
I understand the Incel thing upto the part where they completely blame women.  That part makes no logical sense.  I understand what they say, but in my mind that makes no sense to come to that conclusion.  Even if I try to play devils advocate in my mind.  I can't possibly draw that conclusion.  It just feels so irrational.

It's just another dose of playing the victim.  Being a victim is easier and more "righteous" than recognizing the problem might be you and correcting the problem.

Lacrecia said:
TheRealCallie said:
I'm sure all the single ladies here will be thrilled to know they aren't really single.  lol

You don't exist ladies....sorry.


You aren't single, you have me :club:
Idle thought, not entirely unrelated:

Before we had terms for them, there were some individuals that fit the bill of what we now call incels,
cucks, snowflakes, deplorables, sjw's and trolls... to name just a few.  

But now, thanks to clearly defined archetypes, there are hordes of each... all alike within their own
particular groups.

Some culture wonk quoted Jung the other day:  "People don't have ideas... ideas have people."  
Probably never been more true than it is today, thanks largely to social media.

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