Through the roughest times in life...we all turn to someone whos always been there.

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Apr 4, 2011
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It’s a point proven that every single day we face hardships, every day we think that were strong and that we can overcome everything. I’m not asking you to read this, you don’t have to… im not going tag anyone in this post either, because in life we have a choice, a decision to make. You can choose whether or not to read this to see if it benefits or makes your realize things that you’ve been avoiding all your life. These past couple of days or even weeks have been really life changing. We all know our weakness but what about our strong points? Everything just doesn’t seem to go the way you want, but see..whether you’re a non-believer or not God plays a key role in our lives. We sit there and pray to ourselves when we have no one else to turn to. No one knows the true reasons to why bad things happen…but the truth of the matter is we aren’t suppose to sit there and question it, we sit there and find nothing but a solution. In today’s society we begin to blame God for all of our problems you know? We sit there and ask why doesn’t he do something or why doesn’t he stop it. To tell you the truth I don’t know but have you ever stopped to think that maybe he asks us the same questions too? But think of it this way, shouldn’t it be all part of the plan that God has in store for us? We struggle to believe in him, but he will always believe in us.

Life is tough, it really is… but looking back…Doesn’t it seem like our richest times come out of the mist of our hardest? I know too many rhetorical questions may be stated but they are all true. Our lives become a journey, not to a path to a destination…but rather a transformation. Each and every one of us goes through life day by day but at some point in your life you ask “What do you want your life to be about?” in some point in our lives we just have to answer that question in our hearts. We all make mistakes, when is it that in our lives we realize them? Transformation is tough, and we may not end up where we always wanted to be but God himself will always believe in us, he fills our life with purpose and passion if we just let him. Don’t be afraid to take a chance and jump into a world where you don’t know what’s coming next. That’s the beauty of it, that world is our reality. The craziest trip… is that sometimes, the God of the Universe allows us to play some kind of part in changing the world. One day, we’ll understand why things happen in our lives. The truth is not for us to figure it out but for us to be prepared and to get ready for them. Just remember the day we realize our worst enemies become ourselves, that's when we realize the truth. I mean what’s the point of going through everything we do, if you’re not going to let it change you?

I'm not trying to change you to become more religious, I admit I'm not religious myself, but we make mistakes in our lives and we will never ever be alone, someone will be there even if you don’t want to be. God will always be there.

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