Tipsy female friends who kiss and touch each other

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Bluey said:
To be honest I think most girls are bi. I know this may sound shocking but most girls I know of that I have asked in the past have admitted to me quite openly that they have experimented with that part of there sexuality. Most guys I know would not mind there GF doing that with another girl where as if they where to do that with another guy then obviously there BF would get a little pissed of about that.

Anyway that's my thoughts on the matter.

I think most girls do it to turn on guys. I found out a girl I was dating actually was bisexual and I had to dump her because of it- it was not even sort of acceptable to me. I'm pretty sure it's not even slightly the same as the girls that will mess around with eachother in front of guys, which I'm not against at all.

But if a girl wants to straight up say she is attracted to other girls, I just cannot be with her because that's just a huge red flag and the relationship is going to be too unstable in my opinion to be worth it.

Now if a girl wants to kiss another girl on camera, that's hot. If she says she likes it? I'd have to walk away unless I didn't really like her and just wanted a physical relationship.
Oceanmist23 said:
I sure got your attention there didn’t I?! LOL! :p

To moderators – I hope this topic is OK, if not then please delete it.

What’s the deal with female friends who, WHEN TIPSY, kiss each other on the lips, make out, grab each others boobs, licks each others face and get all ultra-cuddly??
Is this because of some bizarre need of having photos of such behaviour?
Is it the alcohol-fuelled increase in testosterone levels that is to blame?
Why the need to go WAY beyond hugging?
And I’m not talking about them being drunk. Just tipsy, no more.
I have seen photo after photo after photo, and even video on Facebook of female acquaintances at all-girl home parties doing all that stuff.
Is it because they have some need to get all touchy when tipsy, so they do it to each other rather than to guys because doing it to guys would make them come across as easy or something??

Sure I can see that they are having a laugh while doing this, but where are their boundaries??
Why do you want to grab your friends' boobs and stick your tongue down her throat??
And all these girls have boyfriends as well! O_O!
I really don’t understand it. It’s completely alien to me.
Why do some girls act this way??

PS. I’m sure some of the guys here wouldn’t object to witnessing such behaviour LOL :p but that doesn’t help to explain WHY some girls do this :p

ATTENTION.. mentioned by a few people have got it pretty spot on i think.. obviously in todays world with all the hyper-sexuality slapped against our foreheads on a regular basis it is only natural that people that lack a little self esteem will do the 'simplest' thing to gain attention and be recognised.. particularly impressionable young girls..

that cherry chopstick..i kissed a girl song puts this kind of behaviour into the realm of not just acceptable but glamourises it and makes it seem all 'rock and roll'.. edgy, cool, hot.. blah blah..

young people 'experimenting'

i dont know the stats on this but i have heard from friends (mostly female) that a certain amount of 'trying new things' have occured in their younger ages.. with all that confusion.. who knows maybe i am bi?? that kind of thing.. but what is less talked about is that there is a high percentage of guys that have same-sex experiences sometime in their life too.. but of course this is less socially acceptable.. and dangerous.. especially with how much homophobia exists in this world..

sad really.. seems to be more acceptable to beat someone up than snog them..

maybe the tyrants/dictators in this world would stand better to have a few cold ones and a nice pash instead of declaring war on each other..

seriously though i dont think its anything major in that girls are having a drink and a touch up every now and then.. its just indicative of a severe moral decline in this post modern world and we are all on a decadent roller coaster to hell!!! hehe

oh yea.. misty.. studies generally show that drinking alcohol reduces testosterone levels

.. but increases stupidity levels :)
Jack Kerouac said:
Bluey said:
To be honest I think most girls are bi. I know this may sound shocking but most girls I know of that I have asked in the past have admitted to me quite openly that they have experimented with that part of there sexuality. Most guys I know would not mind there GF doing that with another girl where as if they where to do that with another guy then obviously there BF would get a little pissed of about that.

Anyway that's my thoughts on the matter.

I think most girls do it to turn on guys. I found out a girl I was dating actually was bisexual and I had to dump her because of it- it was not even sort of acceptable to me. I'm pretty sure it's not even slightly the same as the girls that will mess around with eachother in front of guys, which I'm not against at all.

But if a girl wants to straight up say she is attracted to other girls, I just cannot be with her because that's just a huge red flag and the relationship is going to be too unstable in my opinion to be worth it.

Now if a girl wants to kiss another girl on camera, that's hot. If she says she likes it? I'd have to walk away unless I didn't really like her and just wanted a physical relationship.

Well I would have no problem with going out with a girl if she was bi. just has long has why she was with me she stayed faithful to me. And that would mean not going with a guy or a girl.

Of course in this day and age ppl seem to make up for them self what is and isn't staying faithful. Like when a girl says something like I only got of with him on the dance floor so I don't see why your mad at me. I mean like is that really OK just cos she didn't screw him? Or her? I think NOT. But that's just my opinion and unfortunately my opinion is conceded by most to be boring. But if I thought a girl would be faithful to me then I would go out with her whither she was bi or not. But even if when say if she was drunk at a party and she was just fooling around by being touchy touchy act with another girl then I would say that's not the most classy thing you could have in your GF. So GF material, NO. Porno material, Yes. Would I take a girl like that home to meet my parents? NO
PoWer2tHePeOpLE said:
obviously in todays world with all the hyper-sexuality slapped against our foreheads on a regular basis it is only natural that people that lack a little self esteem will do the 'simplest' thing to gain attention and be recognised.. particularly impressionable young girls..

LMAO yes :D I must have a hell of a lot of self esteem then since I'm so against it lol :p

Yeah I guess it's to get attention, to experiment, to be edgy etc.
I also guess my brain is just wired differently from these girls as this behaviour, whether sober, tipsy or drunk, is something that I would never EVER do lol.

PoWer2tHePeOpLE said:
seriously though i dont think its anything major in that girls are having a drink and a touch up every now and then.. its just indicative of a severe moral decline in this post modern world and we are all on a decadent roller coaster to hell!!! hehe

LOL I couldn't agree more :p

PoWer2tHePeOpLE said:
oh yea.. misty.. studies generally show that drinking alcohol reduces testosterone levels
.. but increases stupidity levels :)

They do? That's odd, I've heard that when females drink alcohol their testosterone levels rise significantly (and I can attest to that from personal experience lmao), while as for men it either keeps their testosterone levels the same as before or reduces them.

Btw, how do you know I'm being called Misty??

Bluey said:
Well I would have no problem with going out with a girl if she was bi. just has long has why she was with me she stayed faithful to me. And that would mean not going with a guy or a girl.

Right. I just don't think you could trust a girl that was openly bisexual to be faithful. Maybe some could be, but I think bisexual is dangerous territory for meaning "I'm really a lesbian with identity issues, and am going to either leave you for a girl, or at least have girls on the side".

It's a shame because I really liked the girl, but at the same time I don't want to get screwed over like that long into the future. What sucks is she never told me herself, but I found out through other means. But I also found out that she was very proud to say she was a bisexual- that's an even worse sign as far as I could tell.

WAY too much of a red flag, and even if the relationship could have worked out, I think the odds were extremely low, and I have little faith in the idea that a bisexual girl would remain faithful to a guy long term.
Jack Kerouac said:
Bluey said:
Well I would have no problem with going out with a girl if she was bi. just has long has why she was with me she stayed faithful to me. And that would mean not going with a guy or a girl.

Right. I just don't think you could trust a girl that was openly bisexual to be faithful. Maybe some could be, but I think bisexual is dangerous territory for meaning "I'm really a lesbian with identity issues, and am going to either leave you for a girl, or at least have girls on the side".

It's a shame because I really liked the girl, but at the same time I don't want to get screwed over like that long into the future. What sucks is she never told me herself, but I found out through other means. But I also found out that she was very proud to say she was a bisexual- that's an even worse sign as far as I could tell.

WAY too much of a red flag, and even if the relationship could have worked out, I think the odds were extremely low, and I have little faith in the idea that a bisexual girl would remain faithful to a guy long term.

I have serious trust issues anyway, but oddly when the love of my life told me she was bi (after a long evening of saying she had something to tell me but didn't know how) it didn't bother me at all. In fact, she took a long time to come to terms with it herself. Compared to her previous exploits with men, and the fact I always knew she was very sexually driven and once she found a bit of self-esteem there was no telling what she would do, both of which made it impossible for me to trust her, the fact she was bi was irrelevant. She now posts pictures on an amateur porn site, so I think I was right not to trust her. I just wish I didn't still love her.

For what it's worth, I don't think anyone can be trusted much in a sexually liberal society. Learned behaviour is the main factor in resisting temptation, and if your learned behaviour from outside a relationship tells you sex has few negative consequences, resisting any real temptation when in a relationship is going to be bloody hard.

I can't agree that bisexual equates to suppressed homosexuality. That hasn't been my experience of bisexuals.
ln today's society are boundaries to be broken and one of those boundaries to break is acting out sexual behaviour towards the same sex.
With the computers and media promoting and advertising sexual stimulation,does encourage a more daring approach towards sex.Morals are degenerated and in place are policies of having a love for pleasure rather then a love for self respect.
Oceanmist23 said:
PoWer2tHePeOpLE said:
oh yea.. misty.. studies generally show that drinking alcohol reduces testosterone levels
.. but increases stupidity levels :)

They do? That's odd, I've heard that when females drink alcohol their testosterone levels rise significantly (and I can attest to that from personal experience lmao), while as for men it either keeps their testosterone levels the same as before or reduces them.

Btw, how do you know I'm being called Misty??

right then.. since i dont like giving out potentially erroneous info.. i had to research this at least a 'bit' more.. i wrote this because i had read that the 'majority' of research into the effects of alcohol on animals (rodents) and humans (didnt specify whether male or female) showed that there are no elevated levels of testosterone after alco consumption..

now i have found some research that states that there is a certain amount of testosterone 'stimulation' experienced by females.. the article went on to state that since testo's hormone is so closely linked to 'frisky' behaviour this may account for more drunken smooching..


testosterone is a hormone that is not just related to getting all sexy n stuff.. it apparently opens the flood gates to more 'bravado' behaviour.. so instead of getting 'steamy' it may lead to aggressive behaviour.. maybe from the frustration of not having anyone to get steamy with?

i still reckon alcohol just breaks down your inhibitions and gives you the opportunity to behave in a way that you usually have to repress as per social acceptability.. have a few drinks and hey presto.. the beast can roam a little more freer :)

..better to smooch than fight :)

whatever the type of 'lose' behaviour (dont mean that derogatorily) someone engages in after a martini comes down to good ol individual differences i reckon..

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