One of those days, huh? I know some days you're just bored as hell and it feels like nothing can get you going, but really, there's tons of stuff to do. You don't have to plan a trip to Japan or anything. Just go our for a walk, or take your bike. No direction, just ride. Or go down to your local library and grab a book. Perhaps you'll bump into some cute guy/girl there? Go shopping, or if you don't have any money, pretend you're shopping. Find some recept of the internet and try to cook something new for dinner. Bake some cookies! Rent a movie, or go to the movies (yeah, you can go alone, no one gives a ****, honestly). PM some people on this site. It's good to just do something, to take your minds of your problems for a while. Just do something, and enjoy it. Life doesn't have to be more complicated than that ^^