Waste of time

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A Lonely Life Supporting Member
Supporting Member
Nov 28, 2007
Reaction score
Evans, GA
Feeling sorry for yourself is a waste of time. Suicide, drugs, escape mechanisms, are a waste of time.

Part 1:

Part 2:

Listen to all 17 minutes of his story. Absorb it into your brain. He's right about it all. He's changed my outlook on a lot. He's a brilliant man.

The only person you can ever count on is yourself, and life's too short to spend brooding by yourself. Go out and kick some ass.
If im going to kick some butts, i will start with my own cause im my worst enemy. If someone did something bad to me, that hurted me soooo deep its cause i allowed it. I could have run, call the police, call my father, ask for help. Everything bad or good that ever happened to me just happened cause i did it happen, i allowed, i didnt fight. So yeah, im going to kick my ass and I will be out of the mess that i am right now and im going to break some heart. Pay back time, babe! I dont know why im not sweet today o_O lol But yeah... As soon as i get fast connection im going to watch it.
Luna said:
If im going to kick some butts, i will start with my own cause im my worst enemy. If someone did something bad to me, that hurted me soooo deep its cause i allowed it. I could have run, call the police, call my father, ask for help. Everything bad or good that ever happened to me just happened cause i did it happen, i allowed, i didnt fight. So yeah, im going to kick my ass and I will be out of the mess that i am right now and im going to break some heart. Pay back time, babe! I dont know why im not sweet today o_O lol But yeah... As soon as i get fast connection im going to watch it.

Your just too awsome \m/o_O\m/
Hijacc said:
Your just too awsome \m/o_O\m/

Lol I was a bit upset that day. :p But thats what i really think. Btw, you are a really nice person, Hijacc ^.^
I already know that feeling sorry for yourself is a terrible thing to do. Not a waste of time, but it is counter productive. A person can't feel better if they are too busy feeling depressed.

But its not something that you can automatically stop doing. You can't control what feelings you have.
simpleliving said:
I already know that feeling sorry for yourself is a terrible thing to do. Not a waste of time, but it is counter productive. A person can't feel better if they are too busy feeling depressed.

But its not something that you can automatically stop doing. You can't control what feelings you have.

I agree, Simple. While feeling sorry may not seem productive, it is not a waste of time. People have cycles that they go through. It doesn't help to ignore pain. It's ok to feel sorry for yourself for a while. Feeling are always ok. You can't turn them on and off. Sometimes the only way out of pain is THROUGH it. People should embrace what they feel and with time and inner work can overcome their pain. The problem is created when people get STUCK in the cycle of healing and all they focus on is pain. For whatever reason they haven't been able to move forward.
I think most people can figure it out...
To a certain extent we're self absorbing anywho.
The brain likes to absorb it's own BS.lol
Becuase it's all about me..me .me...danm it. lmao
Suicide is the ultimate act of being a narcissus..of course.

Oki doki..If you break a bone, It'll take time to heal.
Don't deny that process or pretend it didn't happened.
If it dosn't heal right...you'll have break the bone again.
Hopefully it won't becomes chornic.

mmmm...How productive are you going to be in a cast ?lol
Of curse nobody wants to feel pain or hurt.
Of curse we all want to be happy and have a good time....
It's another form of escape or denail to want to be happy all the time too.

It's about as simple as pretending that we don't get angery sometimes.
If we don't accept or process our anger..We bascailly become a walking time bomb
or a firecracker. If we accpet our feelings of being angery and recognized it, we just
find healty outlets for our anger.

It the same as courage is not without fears...
Thats why its coruage....becuase you're scar shitless but you move forward inspite of your fears.

There's has to be sometype of balance.

It's ture that we must depend on ourselves to get us through the challenges in life.
That's freewill at the core...Ultmately we get to make that decision.
We have this chioce at the very basic or at the core of us.
If we don't make it...someone else will make it for us.
Life is like a river...it'll just flow with or without us. lol
But we don't have to be in the **** river all the time either.lmao...we have that chioce.

We are not alone..we are all inter connected in many ways that we don't even realized.
There's no such thing as a self made man.
example...did you build your PC ?
Did you milk the cow for the milk you drank it morning?
Did you build you home ? Even if you did...did you build all the material /tools to build your home?
You can only ever rely on yourself...but there are people who you begin to reply on...there are loads on this site.
We all get into positions where we feel very sorry for ourselves...and this can be due to a large variety of circumstances...I am in that place right now.

I know I have to snap out of it and I am sure I will as the next few days go on but it can be a difficult spiral to get out of. For me it will be easier as I have family within half an hour, work starts again for me on Monday, I am taking my dad out today...but on the flip side of that...my partner is away on holiday and I miss her terribly, i haven't been able to speak to my best friend for a few days as she is working (and is in a different time zone) and I miss her terribly too...and I am at the end of a 6 week holiday where I have done lots of things on my own...

Occasionally a simple set of occurances puts us into difficult positions that give us way too much time to think...and that is where I am now.

I have to snap out of it otherwise the next seven days are going to be very difficult...I have done it before and survivied so I know I will do it again. This website helps though, and I thank everyone for that.

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