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I'm on vacation until after the new years.

Cleaning my pool again..it's alright though.
It's a nice day and I have my MP3 player to rock out to.
It's actaully relaxing. The sunlight is good for me.

I just got back from a meeting and drop a friend off.

I'll probably have to go to the hospital to go help another
person in a couple of hours.
Findin' shoes so i can go get the neighbors trash can. It is blowing down the street and they are gone.
It's almost 6 in the morning, and I'm still postponing getting some sleep, whice I've been planning to get for hours! I just get stuck doing things, haha. :p

Today has been a good day, though. I've talked to some fantastic people (from this site!). I'm actually looking forward to tomorrow, not something I usually do. ;)
checking the temp
I worked night shift yesterday for 8 hours, got home, slept for 3 hours, got up and now I just got home from a 10 hour shift. I feel like just dropping down on the keyboard, but I have to sit trough an extremely drawn out new-years dinner with my family. Gaah, must they make such a big deal out of it? Sure, I like food, but right now, I'd settle with some spaghetti and meatsauce, or anything really simple. I could care less about stupid new-years eve >=(
Jeremi said:
I worked night shift yesterday for 8 hours, got home, slept for 3 hours, got up and now I just got home from a 10 hour shift. ...

Difficult but i am glad to see that the economic slowdown isn't getting to you.
Minus said:
Jeremi said:
I worked night shift yesterday for 8 hours, got home, slept for 3 hours, got up and now I just got home from a 10 hour shift. ...

Difficult but i am glad to see that the economic slowdown isn't getting to you.

Hehe, no sir! I shouldn't be whining really. Just been working too many days over the holidays. But now I get some days off. Wohoo! ^^

What are you up to this new-years eve Minus?
Been playing my Guitar for a couple of hours. Practicing in the key of G or E min.
Getting more familar with the fretboard, again..so I can play at will in the key of G.
Doing pentatonic, diatonic and the various modes...Throwning inflections, riff and tricks...and what have ya. :)

Getting ready to go bowling again...getting out of the house, having fun and interacting with humans.
I'll bowl over 200 one of thses day. I've been practicing my steps and technique..so i look cool :p
I've been trying to get a more consitant ball release. I'm getting better. 3 strikes in a game is my
best atm...

Errrr....change of plans, I had to take my mom to the doctor.
Not a big deal. Just a check up. Now I'm just waiting for her to get out of the doctor's office.
Jeremi said:
Hehe, no sir! I shouldn't be whining really. Just been working too many days over the holidays. But now I get some days off. Wohoo! ^^

What are you up to this new-years eve Minus?

While it is good that you have plenty of work in this slow down it is probably still required that we make a little noise about it if we don't get enough off time.

I pretty much ignored new years eve. Must have done well because i had to think for a second, it we had passed it or not.
Caesium said:
eh? said:
Just upgraded to SuSE 11.1.
Now installing some stuff.
VirtualBox 2.1 to be exact.

Neat, I just upgraded to Slackware 12.2 a few days ago.

I have been meaning to try out Slackware for a while. I will probably give that a go some day soon.
Working on my fears....trying to get well.
Making a list of all the fears in my life and being as honest as I can.
I have many fears that dictates my life, my thinking, decision making
process, my feelings and my actions or in actions.

Some fears are very recognizable ..the subtle onces are what kicks
me in the ass or fucks me up.
The list gets longer and longer as I write, 3 pages already....Oh well.
It's a good thing..i want know all of them.
I want to face them, get over and do whatever the heck it takes.

I'm sick and tired of them. F-it....I have nothing to lose except
these **** fears and everything to gain.
Lonesome Crow said:
Working on my fears....trying to get well.
Making a list of all the fears in my life and being as honest as I can.
I have many fears that dictates my life, my thinking, decision making
process, my feelings and my actions or in actions.

Some fears are very recognizable ..the subtle onces are what kicks
me in the ass or fucks me up.
The list gets longer and longer as I write, 3 pages already....Oh well.
It's a good thing..i want know all of them.
I want to face them, get over and do whatever the heck it takes.

I'm sick and tired of them. F-it....I have nothing to lose except
these **** fears and everything to gain.

Do you have a plan on what to do once you have listed your fears?
just adding some pictures and fixing up my old amy lee fan club facebook group

eh? said:
Lonesome Crow said:
Working on my fears....trying to get well.
Making a list of all the fears in my life and being as honest as I can.
I have many fears that dictates my life, my thinking, decision making
process, my feelings and my actions or in actions.

Some fears are very recognizable ..the subtle onces are what kicks
me in the ass or fucks me up.
The list gets longer and longer as I write, 3 pages already....Oh well.
It's a good thing..i want know all of them.
I want to face them, get over and do whatever the heck it takes.

I'm sick and tired of them. F-it....I have nothing to lose except
these **** fears and everything to gain.

Do you have a plan on what to do once you have listed your fears?

There's a work sheet, I'm using.
I got it off of the net just by googling...overcoming fears.

It's suggest that I read them over and over again out loud to myself.
Experince the fears..welcome the fears...and obverse how my
body reacts to them...anything...heavy breath...denial thoughts...ect.

It's sort of like how I write my music or pratice to improve my guitar playing.
I'll record my songs or parts of a song...hear myself on play back then make
corrections when I hear mistakes.
Singers use the same technique to improve thier vocal.

It's just being apply within myself.

It's also suggests that I put myself in situations of where
my fears will get trigger...it's so I will experince them and
process them or become even more aware of how I react to
them. Not jumping out in front of a car of course...but like
asking a chick out or making an apology...stuff like that.

There's two type of fears...one that stops me in my tracks,
the other drives me. After i make a list ...it is no longer floating
in my mind...I can see them on paper...and sort them out better.

Fear type 1
Fear of rejections...will stop me in my tracks.
My mind will talk me out of doing something.
I'll revert back into my comfortzone...and my life won't get better.

Fear type 2
Fear of snakes...This type of fear will get my ass moving or take positive actions if apply appropricately.
However ...if i over react to this type of fear...(fear of losing something).
I'll become a control freak and try control everything and everyone around me...which is not healthy.
and people around me will be irratated with me and aviod me.

It also suggested that I share my list of fears with aonther human
being (not to be judge)...but for me to be able to experince the
fears in front of another person and know it's not end of the world...
It kind of take power out of my fears.

I can read and write about it...but it's the process or experince
that must be done (action)

There's some more principles...but writing down the list of fears
was a good start for me...being really honest myself...
It even brought tears to me eyes...but it's okay, I'm facing
my fears.

It's suggested that I do this for at least 21 days...so it'll become natural
or for a person to form a sort of habit of self checking or evaluation.

Bascailly the samething when I practice playing my guitar or learning a new song.
I practice it over and over again...make corrections as i go..after a couple of weeks
I can play the song with grace and ease.

But I'm planing on doing it oneday at a time...(for the rest of my life)

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