What are you thinking right now?

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Naleena said:
My thoughts are rated X at this moment...lol

All the more reason to share them lol ;)
Just kidding.

I am thinking about how many major changes are going to be happening this year. Some of them not by choice.
I really love typography. I love graphic design in general so much.
Showers are amazing.
Taking a shower and staying kind of wet and then having a fan blowing on you is even more amazing.
I can't wait for the L Word to start up again.
NeverMore said:
Does the body rule the mind
Or does the mind rule the body ?
I dunno...
You know, I think the answer to that is they rule each other. I think it goes both ways.

I also think every single day I MISS HER :( :( :(
I'm thinking about the way that public education is so screwed up. Why can't I do my job and just teach kids valuable academic skills, rather than wasting most of my time charting and tracking their lack of progress, and writing meaningless objectives/intervention plans, when good 'ole fashioned quality teaching is what would correct the downward spiral?
aFIREinside80 said:
I'm thinking about the way that public education is so screwed up. Why can't I do my job and just teach kids valuable academic skills, rather than wasting most of my time charting and tracking their lack of progress, and writing meaningless objectives/intervention plans, when good 'ole fashioned quality teaching is what would correct the downward spiral?

What makes you do this? No child left behind?
You've got it, Skorian... one of the most damaging pieces of legislation ever to have been enacted and implemented. When they start tying kids' performance on meaningless tests to my employability or perceived level of effectiveness, that's when I get scared. Let me teach, and they'll show what they've learned through a thorough, cumulative portfolio assessment system. Doesn't a year's worth of work show improvement and achievement better than one test that can be botched due to a myriad of circumstances, such as test anxiety, stomach flu, anger, worry, just to name a few?

I'm working my ass of to finish my Ph.D. this summer so that I can hopefully bust my way into the old boys club and make some changes for the better, not just for the political advantages of having one's name on a piece of non research-based legislative garbage.
aFIREinside80 said:
You've got it, Skorian... one of the most damaging pieces of legislation ever to have been enacted and implemented. When they start tying kids' performance on meaningless tests to my employability or perceived level of effectiveness, that's when I get scared.

Ya, seems pretty rough on teachers. The part that torks me the most is as I understand it they basically have taken away teachers ability to as effectively think for themselves. Making it harder to gear teaching methods to classes based upon the needs of the kids. In some cases it almost seems like teachers are supposed to behave like mindless robots and everything is already exactly laid out for them. The other thing that irks me is from what I understand the poorer schools ended up getting the shaft. The wealthy schools already get plenty of funding, now because of his crap bill wealthy schools get even more and poor schools even less. In some cases resulting in the shutting down of poor schools. This is like the exact opposite of what we really needed.

Let me teach, and they'll show what they've learned through a thorough, cumulative portfolio assessment system. Doesn't a year's worth of work show improvement and achievement better than one test that can be botched due to a myriad of circumstances, such as test anxiety, stomach flu, anger, worry, just to name a few?

Not even to mention that instead of teaching useful things all you can often teach is to the tests.

I'm working my ass of to finish my Ph.D. this summer so that I can hopefully bust my way into the old boys club and make some changes for the better, not just for the political advantages of having one's name on a piece of non research-based legislative garbage.


I have this strange theory that some of the problems that we see happening today are a result of the over use of multiple choice questions. They seem harmless, but when over used train people to think in unrealistic ways that totally do not parallel reality. I always hated essays, but I think they help people learn how to think for themselves much more effectively. Of course multiple choice is MUCH easier to grade and that is part of why it's so used.

I think after Bush's administration is out of office a while we will start to learn the real extent of the damage he has caused.
I think after Bush's administration is out of office 5 seconds, the following will happen:
The sky will open up, neatly like curtains parting to welcome a grand performance. Neon colored strobe lights will pierce through the clouds and shine upon all of us, especially people in "battleground" states (I say "all of us" because Canada is close in proximity and will see residual effects of this epicness). Immediately following the multicolored lights, red blue and silver metallic confetti will fall strategically on people who didn't vote for Barack Obama, causing them to mumble incoherently and subsequently collapse. Yeah, I didn't mention it was combustible, toxic confetti. Everyone else, otherwise known as people who have a clue, will point, laugh, and dance to classic songs like "Takin' It to the Streets" and "Signed Sealed Delivered". Lightning will strike four times, Barack Obama will slide down from above the clouds on water slide. He will be drinking Coca Cola spitefully because Pepsi's new promo ads mimic his campaign.

That's what I imagine, at least.
hey bella. i hope you're right!

Bella said:
I think after Bush's administration is out of office 5 seconds, the following will happen:
The sky will open up, neatly like curtains parting to welcome a grand performance. Neon colored strobe lights will pierce through the clouds and shine upon all of us, especially people in "battleground" states (I say "all of us" because Canada is close in proximity and will see residual effects of this epicness). Immediately following the multicolored lights, red blue and silver metallic confetti will fall strategically on people who didn't vote for Barack Obama, causing them to mumble incoherently and subsequently collapse. Yeah, I didn't mention it was combustible, toxic confetti. Everyone else, otherwise known as people who have a clue, will point, laugh, and dance to classic songs like "Takin' It to the Streets" and "Signed Sealed Delivered". Lightning will strike four times, Barack Obama will slide down from above the clouds on water slide. He will be drinking Coca Cola spitefully because Pepsi's new promo ads mimic his campaign.

That's what I imagine, at least.
bella that is freakin brilliant

oh i wish i had thought of it myself i wish to post it on my blooog!!!

I am thinking that I won't be posting here as much as I wanted to now. Bella's post is probably the best thing I have ever read on this forum and it makes me ashamed and depressed knowing that I will never be able to create a post that shows such an amount of stunning imagination.
i'm think oh god oh god please let there be no school tommorow pleaze pleaz pleazzzz

i need another day to study my stupid kanji :(

mom bought grape soda yayyyyy!!!!!!

i should also be studying too, chances are we'll probaby just a 2 hour delayeveryone do the snow dance please, or fill the claire's head with japanese dance would be equally appreicateddesuyo

cosmicpsyche said:
hey bella. i hope you're right!

Bella said:
I think after Bush's administration is out of office 5 seconds, the following will happen:
The sky will open up, neatly like curtains parting to welcome a grand performance. Neon colored strobe lights will pierce through the clouds and shine upon all of us, especially people in "battleground" states (I say "all of us" because Canada is close in proximity and will see residual effects of this epicness). Immediately following the multicolored lights, red blue and silver metallic confetti will fall strategically on people who didn't vote for Barack Obama, causing them to mumble incoherently and subsequently collapse. Yeah, I didn't mention it was combustible, toxic confetti. Everyone else, otherwise known as people who have a clue, will point, laugh, and dance to classic songs like "Takin' It to the Streets" and "Signed Sealed Delivered". Lightning will strike four times, Barack Obama will slide down from above the clouds on water slide. He will be drinking Coca Cola spitefully because Pepsi's new promo ads mimic his campaign.

That's what I imagine, at least.

Hopefully he'll spill his coke then slip and break a leg or something.
Then the people who didnt vote for him can point, laugh and not dance because they'll be to busy laughing to much to dance.

Aaah we can all dream or maybe it's just me :D

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