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Aisha said:
I am an idiot. That's the least of the things I can call myself. I know the issues I've had with insomnia and the trouble getting back into a regular pattern once that was dealt with, so why did I deliberately ruin my sleep cycle again? So much cursing going on in my head right now.. I'm very tired. I would like to physically assault myself for this stupidity, but unfortunately I'm a little too evolved to attempt that.

You are not the only one. For some reason I am not able to take care of myself either. No respect for my body I guess. Some hidden guilt or something...
Do not like singular first person pronouns. Very bad. Not good. Even if only inside the head bit. But can't do without them.
I've never lived anywhere where I've had a bedroom on the ground floor before and it's still a little disconcerting to have the shadows of people moving past the windows. I have to remember they aren't floating several dozen feet off the ground.
And seriously, nightmares signify what? The last I had was a recurring one of Sebastian Stan trying to stop me from working, which was incredibly frustrating. I don't know what that means the universe is trying to tell me, apart from possibly that I should be wary of the next captain america movie. And maybe that I should prioritize better.

red guy said:
You are not the only one. For some reason I am not able to take care of myself either. No respect for my body I guess. Some hidden guilt or something...

Yeah.. adulting really isn't all it seemed to be. Since the last few days were holidays here, I decided to stay up both for foolish reasons and to try and be productive. Neither of those are appropriate or sensible excuses. I definitely ought to know better by now, but at the same time I feel like I could join children in a silent sulk about adults who get to stay up late without suffering consequences, especially since I know those consequences all too well now.
SlayGuy138 said:
To a soon-to-be ex-friend; hey, worthless ******* rape apologist, let's crack open the ******* dictionary, shall we?

feminism (noun): the belief that men and women should have equal rights and opportunities

Hmm, OK! So given this definition, you still share these cancerous ******* "memes" portraying every feminist on earth as some kind of pedophile or terrorist. And all your friends lap up every ******* word of your bile. Hmm, I think there's a word for that too!

defamation (noun): the act of saying false things in order to make people have a bad opinion of someone or something

It seems like you harvest these ******* lies and forgeries on a continuous basis so that you can have a pathetic ******* 'rationale' for upholding your position of false superiority. There are no ******* feminists (who are to be taken seriously) who want to kill all men, there are none who want to take away your ******* Xbox, and none are going to ******* have a nervous breakdown when someone 'identifies' them wrong. But they do want vengeance on a system that seeks to commit systematic rape and genocide against them - a system which you proudly and gleefully support. Coming from a white, American, self-identified and biological male, who has an ounce of ******* compassion and reason, I say this from the bottom of my heart: fresia YOU.

The National Organization of Women (which is the largest Feminist organization in the U.S and probably the word) is opposed to fathers having equal custody rights. So anyone that says that Feminism is a movement for equality is factually incorrect.

Scientology also defines itself as a self-help movement, doesn't change the fact that it isn't one in practice.
Superb start to my day, woke up late, only slept around 4 hours and then i made a coffee but forgot to put the cup underneath. What a mess !!! Ugh
They should've seen it coming. All of them, but you especially. I've warned you a dozen times and the signs were obvious, weren't they? I guess that's the downside to an open mind. Expecting the worst is a better mindset than having no expectations. And in case of anyone of those do-gooders asking questions, spread the word to them. Shut them all up at once...I'm done answering.
I heard today my aunt has been hospitalized for a blocked vein in her head. My mom and sister visited her and told me she couldn't recognize who they are. She's going to get a surgery tomorrow. I'm hopeful she'll be okay but at the moment I feel so sorry for her and my cousins.
An older lady, who eats supper at the restaurant every night, hasn't been doing well for several months now. She has been feeling very weak this past few weeks. I've been helping her get her heavy jacket on at the end of the night, as well as starting up her van. She finally went to the doctor today. They told her that if her situation doesn't improve, she will have to go live in the senior's home.

She was telling me what they said, and told me at the end "Amy, the thought of going to that place makes me feel sicker than I have ever felt."

She is one of those funny old ladies who makes sex jokes and laughs all night. Tonight, she was quiet. And I could see fear in her facial expressions.

I gave her my cell number, and told her that if she ever needed anything, even just some company, that she better call me. I only live around the corner from her. I will check on her.
MadeofLove said:
I heard today my aunt has been hospitalized for a blocked vein in her head. My mom and sister visited her and told me she couldn't recognize who they are. She's going to get a surgery tomorrow. I'm hopeful she'll be okay but at the moment I feel so sorry for her and my cousins.
I really hope she'll be okay too. Sending prayers and well wishes your way.

AmytheTemperamental said:
I gave her my cell number, and told her that if she ever needed anything, even just some company, that she better call me. I only live around the corner from her. I will check on her.
That was very sweet of you, Amy. Fear and loneliness must be even more difficult to struggle with for someone who is elderly and infirm.
AmytheTemperamental said:
An older lady, who eats supper at the restaurant every night, hasn't been doing well for several months now. She has been feeling very weak this past few weeks. I've been helping her get her heavy jacket on at the end of the night, as well as starting up her van. She finally went to the doctor today. They told her that if her situation doesn't improve, she will have to go live in the senior's home.

She was telling me what they said, and told me at the end "Amy, the thought of going to that place makes me feel sicker than I have ever felt."

She is one of those funny old ladies who makes sex jokes and laughs all night. Tonight, she was quiet. And I could see fear in her facial expressions.

I gave her my cell number, and told her that if she ever needed anything, even just some company, that she better call me. I only live around the corner from her. I will check on her.
Amy, we need more people like you in this world! ;)
Just winding down after a night at work. I went for a drive after. I'm going for my driver's license next month, and I failed my first road test last month. It's really all I can think about. I just really want to get out of the retail job I've had for many years and want to try something new, and I know I'm going to need a car to do it. It's just frustrating, being in this sort of limbo until late January, and longer if I fail the test again.
pleasepleasepleaseplease, make this flu go away in one day, pleasepleasepleaseplease

jblanch3 said:
Just winding down after a night at work. I went for a drive after. I'm going for my driver's license next month, and I failed my first road test last month. It's really all I can think about. I just really want to get out of the retail job I've had for many years and want to try something new, and I know I'm going to need a car to do it. It's just frustrating, being in this sort of limbo until late January, and longer if I fail the test again.

Hey fingers crossed! try to get a lot of lessons just before the test, you will be ok
Lots of self-motivation talk in my head.
"You can do this! Start the website, go full force into this! Give it everything you got...there's NO time to procrastinate like you have done all your life. If you want to get this business going & successful, you need to work on it every single day. No more downtime, not even if you're depressed. If so, let the creative side take over the depression.
Hell, if Gary Dahl created the "Pet Rock" the in 70s, making millions, ANYONE can make it in any business! Determination & positivity is key."
Why did I tell him that? Much cringe. And he doesn't speak English that well.. I have a feeling from the way he was grinning that he didn't take it to mean what I meant it to mean. You're like my brother, dude. I wasn't implying that or trying that sort of thing. Crap.
There's never a wish better than this, when you only got a hundred years to live.

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