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I know you think it's helpful but it's not. I don't like how you do things, so can you do me a favor, and when I'm cooking, don't clean up after anything. I will come back and do it. All you do is somehow make even more of a mess for me to tend to. And putting sharp knives and metal forks in a non-stick pot is not the best thing, k... Just please. Stop.
I keep trying to find that world in my head through music and movies yet I will never truly succeed.
The statement "I'm getting on your nerves, am I not?" annoys me more than 95% of all things you could possibly do in my presence. And if you hadn't planned on annoying me by doing one of these things anyway, maybe you could've just skipped on doing whatever thing you just did in the first place. It would help. A lot.

...the name of the French novelist Balzac is still pronounced like ballsac in my head. But I never did bother checking what it really is.
I can't believe I drove all the way to Tim Hortons in my jammies, to get a double double coffee. Living life on the edge..
I am not one of those artists who live here and there and don't mind because they are thinking about art, I need a stable place and it takes me six months to feel at home somewhere...
Very good? I have often thought 'why, congratulations on your face' on seeing someone of either sex who appears aesthetically pleasing, like a natural work of art, but I've yet to applaud someone for their shoe size. That's certainly a new one. I suppose some people have attractive visages and others have reasonable shoe sizes. Can't win them all. But I don't particularly want new shoes. Thank you for asking though.
You had it coming for a long time, you little shitstain. Now you're taking up all the valuable oxygen on top. Get it together.

...there's no doubt I thrive on the misery of those I disrespect.
ok I did all this baking from shortbread to butter tarts, now I need someone to eat it..
I gained so much weight that it looks like an instant face lift, it's not all bad (lose it, NOW)
I can never properly express the hopelessness of my loneliness. I need to stop investing emotionally into other people. It's been shown to not end up well. It's usually my own fault I guess for having those bouts of optimism. Reality doesn't care about optimism. Disposable man at your service! I doubt I'll ever be anything more to anyone, or to this world. Food for the worms at best.

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