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lonelyfairy said:
I hope your sister will listen to you someday or realize it that it's completely fine to help yourself without forgetting others either, like you said... It's all about the right balance between the two. :)

I agree. It's good to help others, but without forgetting your own well-being and without neglecting own needs etc. Also sometimes friendships can become a one-way street too, that I'm always the one who is listening, helping like a therapist and all that but then it doesn't happen in the other way around... .__. Still much to learn about to taking care of myself at first, then take care of others after that. Like in the airplane, you put the air mask to yourself at first and then to others.

I don't think my sister will listen to me. She's a teacher and puts her students' needs above her own needs. This influences and expands into her relationship with her friends as well.

One-sided friendships only empty out your energy and take your time away. You can survive with them only if you have someone else in life whom you can confide in and vent, to keep your energy batteries filled.

I had a classmate who kept asking me for favors but didn't even listen to me with care when I wanted to talk to him. As soon as I stopped doing favors he got mad and said I'm a crappy friend, lol. In the end I told him to look for a new friend that suits him better and wished him good luck.

Hopefully, such people stay away from your network of friends so that you can spend your energy and time on friends who would actually care. :)
You made the biggest ******* mess, and you really expect someone else to clean up after you? I don't just mean the dishes. Dishes I don't mind handling. But I mean the flour everywhere, the grease caked all over, the bits of food that you didn't give a honeysuckle landed anywhere. Congratu-*******-lations, you actually used a pot and a pan - several of them, in fact - to make two ******* things, but that doesn't give you the right to act like anyone else needs to sweep up after you. Whenever I cook, I wash everything I use as I go, and oh, I never use nearly every pot available to cook one ******* thing.

Christ me, now I have such a ******* mess to clean up in there. And was any of it washed up, even in the slightest amount? No. Of course not.
I wish they wouldn't grow up. Growing old is inevitable, growing up is optional. You can always dance in the shower so long as you don't move your feet, kids. Take that philosophy and apply it to life. I don't know what I mean.
If only I weren't one of the lesser mortals who need more than five hours of sleep to function optimally. Sleep is on my mind all too often now, when I stop for a moment. Alas, mine aching peepers. Too long a time spent poring over these, as much as I enjoy it, isn't the most conducive method. Time, perhaps, for music in languages I don't understand. Meditate. Tea.
Paraiyar said:
BreakingtheGirl said:
Outlast is a crazy ass, frightening, and extremely vile game. I love it.

I was playing that on the hardest difficulty a while back and got stuck at the part where you have to turn the generators on whilst avoiding the the guy who wants to bash your skull in with a pipe. I should go back and play it again sometime.

I have been watching my cousin's husband playing on "normal" (?) mode and it's scary as sh*t! I keep jumping out of my seat screaming lol. He finally got past the generator part by hiding in corners & not activating the chase trigger of the pipe man. I got to play the part where it's the main jail cells where there is a guy talking to himself, slamming his head against walls & you have to check the cells for file notes to read or whatever, but got so creeped out so I handed it back to him to play. Those two naked guys wanting to kill you...wow. The chase sections are ridiculous!
This is the last week I work weekends. I need my life back (even if it means just staying indoors and gaming).
MadeofLove said:
ladyforsaken said:
This is the last week I work weekends. I need my life back (even if it means just staying indoors and gaming).

Understandable. I hope it's not your company rules that oblige you to work on weekends.

Oh no, mainly cos I am organising the company's annual dinner which is happening on Friday. So once that is over, I shouldn't have to work Saturdays. :s
ladyforsaken said:
Oh no, mainly cos I am organising the company's annual dinner which is happening on Friday. So once that is over, I shouldn't have to work Saturdays. :s

Oh okay. Good luck with it. Hopefully, you can finish it in no time.
Where does reason end and love begin? Where does love end and reason begin? Up to what point can the two coexist in relative balance? Is balance the striving point? Is that balance my striving point? What are my striving points? Who am i, really?
So, I can either just come out with it and risk a friendship or I can completely ignore it and feel disingenuous?
user 130057 said:
So, I can either just come out with it and risk a friendship or I can completely ignore it and feel disingenuous?

Being disingenuous can also risk a friendship, I think.

I don't know what "it" is, but better to be real and come out with it, I say. These things have a way of coming out eventually anyway.

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