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Volt said:
Solivagant said:
lonelyfairy said:
Some people are such attention seekers.

=O Are you talking about me?! You're talking about me, aren't you?? I knew it.

This caught my attention.

I'm not talking about anyone on this forum, so relax.

Why you thought it was about you? Just curious.

Edit: Also, I don't understand why you even thought about that in the first place. If you have ever thought about that I think something negative about you, you are VERY wrong.

*hugs* whatever is bothering you.
lonelyfairy said:
I'm not talking about anyone on this forum, so relax.

Why you thought it was about you? Just curious.

I didn't, I was kidding around. ^^ My sense of humor never really does come across online, I should know better. Sorry.
Solivagant said:
lonelyfairy said:
I'm not talking about anyone on this forum, so relax.

Why you thought it was about you? Just curious.

I didn't, I was kidding around. ^^ My sense of humor never really does come across online, I should know better. Sorry.

Oh... :p Now I feel a little bit embarrassed, lol. I always take things so seriously and I rarely understand anyone's jokes. No need to feel sorry, silly me. Though... It's true that it's much harder to see what people are really feeling or thinking online, so it can cause misunderstandings sometimes.
lonelyfairy said:
Oh... :p Now I feel a little bit embarrassed, lol. I always take things so seriously and I rarely understand anyone's jokes. No need to feel sorry, silly me. Though... It's true that it's much harder to see what people are really feeling or thinking online, so it can cause misunderstandings sometimes.

Thanks for the "*hugs*" though. =] If I had been serious then you handled it graciously.

ringwood said:
It came across to me. :)

Oh good, at least I'm not a complete dud then, lol.
Lackey, worm, brownnoser, spinebender...there are many suitable words for this kind of people. Now back to something more pleasant: My morning cereal.
The ONLY thing that saved your tailgating ***** ass from a serious brake check is the fact that you had a kid (that is WAY too young to be sitting there) in the front seat. BACK THE fresia OFF, *****! :club:
Solivagant said:
I didn't, I was kidding around. ^^ My sense of humor never really does come across online, I should know better. Sorry.

It came across to me too. Sometimes I make deadpan jokes and they usually get misunderstood. The opposite of this happens online as well, that when you talk seriously, your statement is understood as a joke.
TheRealCallie said:
The ONLY thing that saved your tailgating ***** ass from a serious brake check is the fact that you had a kid (that is WAY too young to be sitting there) in the front seat. BACK THE fresia OFF, *****! :club:

If I didn't know where you lived before I'd definitely know now. :p
Volt said:
Where does reason end and love begin? Where does love end and reason begin? Up to what point can the two coexist in relative balance? Is balance the striving point? Is that balance my striving point? What are my striving points? Who am i, really?

I ask myself these questions all the time. Especially the last two - "what are my striving points?" and "Who am I, really?" I wonder what I should be striving for, I wonder who I really am and what I could really be and if I could be more than this. I wonder what is worth doing, what I should be doing. I get excited about the things I like but are they really the right choice? I don't know how or if this can help you with your questions but I just thought I'd let you know that I can relate.
Y'all need some fuckin alan watts in your life.

I spend too much time listening to his lectures and recordings on youtube >>.

He would say you are god. And that there is no right or wrong thing for you to be doing. If you really knew the answers to everything you'd choose to be exactly where you are doing exactly what you are doing now.


Sorry many favorites I could list.
Colourism. I've met far too many people who discriminate against people of their own race because of their skin tone. It runs quite deep in many societies, but most obviously in homogeneous ones.
Reading Schopenhauer's On the Suffering of the World again has got me taking his logic about how the negative outweighs the positive even further. It's so easy for someone to commit a horrendous act and so difficult for them to do something that is good enough to make up for it.
Well, almost one month in and I already messed up one of my New Year's resolutions. I'm pretty mad at myself because I was taking this seriously and I was doing very well. I was starting to feel like I did before. I was starting to feel like more energetic, I was starting to feel better about myself and my potential, I was starting to feel stronger because I was keeping my word to myself and I was finally starting to be a better me. But I fell back down again.

I just don't know where to go from here...is there a good way to renew New Year's Resolutions? Can I write this off as a "cheat day" instead of a trainwreck? Anyone ever feel the same way?

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