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TheSkaFish said:
Well, almost one month in and I already messed up one of my New Year's resolutions. I'm pretty mad at myself because I was taking this seriously and I was doing very well. I was starting to feel like I did before. I was starting to feel like more energetic, I was starting to feel better about myself and my potential, I was starting to feel stronger because I was keeping my word to myself and I was finally starting to be a better me. But I fell back down again.

I just don't know where to go from here...is there a good way to renew New Year's Resolutions? Can I write this off as a "cheat day" instead of a trainwreck? Anyone ever feel the same way?

Pick yourself right back up and keep going. You owe it to yourself.
It's fine to not be able to do many things as others can because of depression, social anxiety etc. It will take time to heal from mental abuse which lasted for over 10 years since it's not something which can be healed quickly, it's something which happened/started when I was a small child and the identity of the self was being built back then, no wonder it's so twisted and social skills, self-esteem etc. aren't in the healthy levels yet. I need to be much more gentle towards myself, have to accept this absolutely fully. There's nothing wrong with me, I'm precious just as everyone else. This will pass...
Paraiyar said:
I can't care about things happening in the world anymore. It's taking too much out of me.

Feeling this way as well. After not reading international news for a few days/a week then catching up today, I'm feeling really overwhelmed with sadness.
The reason I get sick is that you want to control the areas of my life that you shouldn't. So please stop ordering me what to do and what not and let me have some autonomy once for a change.
I am avoiding life. I wish just a little that I was able to talk about what worries me to someone, but I trust no one enough to talk about myself in such a way. An arm's length is close enough. I do not like to talk of true weakness if I can avoid it. But it maybe nice to have a hand to hold sometimes just for support when I am afraid, even without speaking of it.
You can bark alright, but your bite is weak. It's no wonder you prefer your targets soft-skinned.
Volt said:
^ Going day by day instead of year by year should make things less taxing for you.

Paraiyar said:
Pick yourself right back up and keep going. You owe it to yourself.

Thanks guys. I'm actually feeling better already. I'm resolved to do just that - to pick myself right back up and keep going. I messed up yesterday, but I say to myself that it's just one mistake. It's not going to set the tone for the whole year.

I'm going to break it down day by day, and every day I keep my promise to myself and not slip up is a win.
I could have feelings for someone who killed another person in a moment of rage or out of self-preservation, even for political reasons, but strangely enough I have zero sympathy for those who killed people because they were sent by the government, because not only they are killers but they clearly cannot think for themselves. I could have some sympathy if someone was later destroyed by remorse, but this guy seems to be pretty ok with his past, civilians killed, it was his job (shiver) not even a bit of fear for his immortal soul :/

Why only these kinds of guys like me? sigh
I can't believe I was nervous about opening that. I should have more faith in people... including myself. As soon as I feel well for 5 minutes, I'll fire off a reply.

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