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God I hate not having friends, I want to go to a movie. but i can't go bymyself at night.


I hate people
Yep, Saturday nights alone suck, I use them as laundry nights,lol,since everyone is busy partying all the machines are open:p

That movie does look good, what a strange website that was..
ohhh sounds delciously evil,

and that site just sent me to some random couples wedding page oh well, ironic

anyways right now I'm just watching some episodes of friends online and eating popcorn

i had a grape soda. God I love grape soda it's sooooo goood!!!
got to make more background/wallpaper and layouts and update things already..

i want to go to my friendster account and edit the thing that said about my ex. i have to delete it, but im tired. and i dont want to login.

i have to sleep coz i still have work tomorrow morning.

i sould have open my mail last weekday, so that i saw the letter of invitation for me to audition to a musical concert in madison.. grrr. i hate it. i should have my own life right now.
so you know how sometimes we talk about how people will like indirectly kill themselves with drugs or other hazordous behaviour.

But becuase I'm way too much of loser chicken to try anything illegal
recently i have been eating really unhealthy stuff, like I've had like 4 bags of microwave popcorn in the last 2 days, and I've been drinking tons of soda and other caffinated beverages, this might not sound too bad but I never ussally eat this unhealthy, ugg.

i just love microwave popcorn soda potato chips and that stuff.

I probably sound like some gross fat lady,

I'm not or at least i really hope i don't ever become one.

no offense to fat people por anything, but they take up a loot of room in the hallways and i just don't want to be one

tehe, ya sorry if thats kinda offensive

it just taste so good,

ahh God bless the national food industry for let it forget our cares, despite that they may return in even greater numbers
popcorn yes. some chips yes.

Pop? EWWWWW NASTY. It rots your teeth. Rots your bones. Rots your mind. Some of it is even so acidic it can eat your flesh over time. Can actually cause dehydration in some cases. Might as well eat raw sugar.

Ah well. Just thought I would comment. I really don't understand why anyone thinks pop tastes good. It's just so gross. I think it's synthetic toxic waste.

Beyond that. Darn lactic acid. It's hurting my arms!! :(
Chapsui... your in front of me and I really want to eat you. I am so hungry..

Do I really need to wait for people to come? I'm suppose to get a reward for cooking mr. Chapsui, you know.. So can eat now?.
Im thinking well.....life suxs sometimes
but hey maybe i will eventually get a gf lol oh well
it doesnt matter
I'm thinking about how much stuff I have to read and study and how much I don't feel like doing it..
dude your 15 how do you not have homework,

your a bad person *glares*

well not really, but come on, i've had homework ever since i was 12

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