What are you thinking right now?

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ThatOneGuy said:
Administrator's note: Due to the originality of the question it asks this thread falls under the criteria of "Essential" and hereby shall remain as a historical landmark of aLonelyLife.com in the form of a sticky. Thank You, ThatOneGuy!

4th of April 2008
- Robin


Just type exactly what you are thinking right now. Exactly what you are thinking... don't hold back(except if it is explicit, against another member or the forum, etc.).

Just a thread to clear your thoughts with.

And.......................................................................... GO!

i was thinking that my intro thread was really annoying and was hoping that it didn't annoy anyone else. usually i just post a few words when i'm new somewhere, but i thought i would just get it all out somehow at once this time.
Feeling pretty good today, despite being called a fat, bitter, whiner. Life's not all bad after all.
I am thinking about the new chicks, they are adorable.

Henny Penny hatched 8 all in all - 3 white/yellow, 3 black (1 black with brown face, 1 black with white/grey chest/throat/wing tips, 1 black), 2 brown with black markings.

I named the tiny black chick with white bits 'Monty' after one of my neighbours. The egg containing Monty was nearly ready to hatch, the chick was tapping and cheeping away frantically, I left them all alone for a few hours. I went back and found the chick curled up in a half shell covered in blood and cheeping softly, eyes closed, it hadn't even fully absorbed the yolk and needed to be kept warm but Henny Penny wasn't keeping it warm and the other chicks were pecking it, so I took him and put him under a heat lamp.
He stayed curled up in a tiny ball making small noises and hardly moving for around 2 hours, I wondered if he would ever open his eyes... Eventually he did open his eyes and start moving around a bit, but his feet were curled up and he wasn't walking or standing properly, I slept with him that night to keep an eye on him and got probably only about 2 hours of sleep then got woken up at 6amish.
The next day his feet still weren't right and he wasn't really improving but I had gotten him to eat and drink. Things went brilliantly when I reintroduced him to Penny and the chicks, so I left him with her that night, suddenly the next day he started walking and running etc. properly - so now he stays with Penny and co. permanently.
Curled up in a tiny ball, eyes shut, covered in blood and slime and cheeping softly he is one of the most beautiful things I have ever held.

'Sooty' the all black chick hatched from a stone cold egg that I found in Penny's original nest site in the garden, it must have rolled away unnoticed. I found it when checking for eggs, suspected it probably contained a dead chick but decided to warm it up anyway. After tapping on the egg for what seemed like ages and not hearing anything moving inside I eventually heard tapping so I put the egg under Penny, then it hatched the next day.
Sunburned and tired from my long day yesterday. Looking forward to a grueling day of the Sunday NYT crossword, a pot of Yergacheffe followed up by intensive napping, plus perhaps a gourmet meal thrown in there for good measure.
i guess i will get some friends here ..

either start loving that atmosphere os start ignoring , it will make you feel better
I'm thinking that life can indeed throw a quite wonderful turnaround.

That friend who I let down badly - I've sometimes gone on about her here - has re-established contact with me! 'You suck but I miss you!' she has said, in essence. :)

Astonishing. Believe me when I say that everything was such that it genuinely seemed to be over. Never give up hope, people. Seriously, this is the last thing I expected to happen. Never give up hope.

Frank Lampard is an arrogant, lazy, arrogant, up-his-own-bottom, not-as-good-as-he-thinks-he-is, disgrace of a [bleep], [bleep]ing, [bleepetybleep]ing [bleep]er.

(still hurting over the World Cup)
My sleep schedule is so screwed. I'm sleeping on a "napping whenever I'm tired" basis...
I can really relate to this song:

"Therapy is about every kid's nightmare when people are telling you that you need to get help but all you really want is a hug." -Alex Gaskarth
ok... maybe not like everyone else. it was good to see an old friend, a familiar face.

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