I feel I have forgotten most of my dreams/goals while working on feeling better. It's become an obsession, and I sort of can't focus on anything besides it anymore. Gah! I was going to write that I do the same as lonelyfairy though - trying to feel healthy first, since I think it's a condition for the others, in the long term. I just haven't got the right balance at the moment. Though that's not appropriate on a Positivity thread, so I'll be quiet about that here
As said, I don't see my dreams and goals in front of me any longer, the way I used to. I guess they don't feel realistic at the moment, so it's hard to feel motivated by them. One of the things I'm passionate about though, is sociology. There are a lot of things that interest me, but that's one out of few interests I genuinly feel would be a personal loss if I couldn't pursue it. Or almost anything that has to do with how we percept reality and what we do with that information.
I think there aren't any real obstacles for me in order to achieve it, either, since education is free in Sweden and I have the grades needed. That feels good!
Some other stuff I'd like to do would be;
Go on a long hike, with someone I like, for a long, long time.
Learn to fly (small airplanes).
Feel genuin connection with people more often.
To have something that motivates me a lot, even when life feels hard (hope, I guess).
To live on a farm for a while, and have cows!
To become really skilled at a couple of things, and have a lot of knowledge on them.
... to be able to express myself a little bit easier, and get to the point quicker
. Though that doesn't qualify as life goal, of course.